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Nomad Infestations - Dennis Jameson - 10-15-2008

There's no defending against nomad infesation... although it has been hinted that cardamine can kill off their cells and thus provide immunity, or some sort of resistance, against them.

Also, there are some things which they cannot infest, like a cybernetic human who has transfered all higher brain functions to a computer implanted into the brain... I do, however, belive that a potent enough nomad could infest machinery as well.

Nomad Infestations - Ash - 10-15-2008

' Wrote:Finally, Nomads are not made of matter the way humans are, so in a sense they just "phase" through a humans body and take control.

Well what are they made of then?

I can only really suppose Dark Matter but they aint dark and you already explained they aint matter.

And oh yeh....

I don't believe in ghosts:D

Nomad Infestations - Das Wilde Wesen - 10-15-2008


Nomad Infestations - Walker - 10-15-2008

In all means...

the 522nd have a Nomad Infested Bunny called 'Fluffy'

explain that.

Nomad Infestations - xSecret01 - 10-15-2008

Seems not many of you played SP and finished it or many of you just simply don't remember but I know that during the final missions when you were working for the Order, you went to rescue the Liberty president from prison station Fairbanks where the infested Rheiland Chancellor (or whatever he was) tried to infest the Liberty president. You could see how a octopus-like arm came out of his mouth and tried attack/infest the president. That's where you, Juni and whoever was there shot him and the nomad. Those bullets did in fact kill both the human infested body and the nomad that came out of it so they are definitely not made of 'light' or something similar to it.

Nomad Infestations - Treewyrm - 10-15-2008

Few things to it to keep in mind. More or less the concept of Nomads here has been based both on what was seen in SP and what was left over but wasn't included into the final release, like mini-story and early concepts which can tell much of what they are really or what they were supposed to be, a mix of sorts completing into one bigger picture, instead of shattered and often non-compatible theories that contradict each other to such extent that one story effectively nullifies the other one and vice versa. A difficult task, a lot of questions appeared and being worked on to bring comprehensive explanations that would fit into the whole like a piece of puzzle instead of breaking everything up, ranging from history, biology, technology and many other aspects of their virtual existence, a mini nomad-o-pedia if you will. But slowly it's getting quite close to completion in form of illustrated reference manual to help all involved parties or simply those curious, it's a product of lengthy collaboration between many members of this community, scheduled for 4.85 release, I hope you will enjoy it, I hope you will get the answers to all your questions regarding this aspect of the mod. Meanwhile, please, be patient.

Nomad Infestations - CusoJR - 10-15-2008

Well Conan is a survivor of a Nomad Infestation. He was a fighter for the Wild (NPC Faction, he was never a character in the Player Faction.) and was shot down near the S13 JH in New Berlin. The Nomad was removed while injured but didn't leave Conan unscathed. He was unable to remember anything from before he was cured and speaks in the first person. His brain is not what it once was.

Nomad Infestations - me_b_kevin - 10-15-2008

' Wrote:Few things to it to keep in mind. More or less the concept of Nomads here has been based both on what was seen in SP and what was left over but wasn't included into the final release, like mini-story and early concepts which can tell much of what they are really or what they were supposed to be, a mix of sorts completing into one bigger picture, instead of shattered and often non-compatible theories that contradict each other to such extent that one story effectively nullifies the other one and vice versa. A difficult task, a lot of questions appeared and being worked on to bring comprehensive explanations that would fit into the whole like a piece of puzzle instead of breaking everything up. But slowly it's getting quite close to completion in form of illustrated reference manual to help all involved parties or simply those curious, it's a product of lengthy collaboration between many members of this community, scheduled for 4.85 release, I hope you will enjoy it, I hope you will get the answers to all your questions regarding this aspect of the mod. Meanwhile, please, be patient.

AHHHHHH i thought you had left us!!!! glad to see your still around buddy. with the amount of research i know you have put into this, i'll stop theorizing until your Nomad encyclopedia is released :D

Nomad Infestations - Balance - 10-15-2008

The Nomad infestation I have seen I game is treated more like "contamination". Exposure to Nomad material infecting cells and mutating/growing. That is not the SP storyline (or any inferred official storyline).

It seems the description of the Wild themselves looks like human hosts who were abandoned by their parasitic/symbiotic control--leaving them "shell shocked" and traumatized. Akin to "phantom limb syndrome" they seem unable to shake the need to be in contact with their former organism and it is torment to them.

So its plausible that Nomad tissue can "gestate" in human contact into a full-blown Nomad organism but that isn't the described storyline to date--just role play adaptation.

Conan's storyline above would make him a Wild that managed to fully sweat out the loss of his symbiote without full-blown psychic trauma.

Nomad Infestations - Das Wilde Wesen - 10-15-2008
