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Leaving aswell - Printable Version

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Leaving aswell - Fire-Fly - 07-24-2006

Dab,Jul 23 2006, 07:20 PM Wrote:Well with Wolfpack its less laggy, but less reliable. I think I'd rather play most of the time with no lag, and all of the time with lag.

i think i get what you mean, and if so, i aggree but that last part was a tad confusing :wacko:

Leaving aswell - Wolfpack98 - 07-24-2006

Guys, we have *THREE* server admins maintaining the Freelancer server.

Igiss is one of them. Kristy and I are the other two.

Igiss said he was taking an extended leave from modding and maintaining Discovery for awhile to focus on other things (namely, real life so he can take a break). Kristy and I both have real lives to attend to outside of freelancer.

Now as for reliability.. I've explained this before. I'm *HOPING* the new server will provide better service, but I cannot guarantee that until I see the server in action first.

We'll see how it works once i get all the parts installed, everything working.

Leaving aswell - Dab - 07-24-2006

Wolfpack98,Jul 23 2006, 07:30 PM Wrote:Now as for reliability.. I've explained this before.  I'm *HOPING* the new server will provide better service, but I cannot guarantee that until I see the server in action first.

I know.

Fire, what I meant by the last part, was that the server provider Igiss was using, ended up giving the server alot more lag than we have now. But was almost always up. Though when it went down, it was harder to get back up. With Wolfpack managing it, the lag was signicantly reduced (at least for me, might be because his server is closer to me than Igiss' was). But it shuts down alot more often on maintanence breaks.

Leaving aswell - Chucc - 07-24-2006

I like it, no atter what or who is doing the work, I like it. Thank you all 3 for your work. I definitely appreciate it. Keep up the good work. I have a friend that works for a comp company that sells puter stuff, I can get a really good deal, might not be as good as yours, but might be worth the time to find out. If you are interested send me a list of somethings you want I will get a price list for you, upgrades, extras, personal even. Let me know. Later.


Leaving aswell - Korrd - 07-24-2006

Game addiction. Bad for business, budget and health... I try not to play too much to avoid falling in it... and that is sucsessful. Altough i have little time to game right now...

Good luck man. cya arround...

Leaving aswell - Davey Jones - 07-24-2006

Yea I find that I have been on more than I should but I am off of work right now and going on vacation soon so hopefully I can go back to my business when I return. This game can be very addicting, as many can.

Leaving aswell - kiggles - 07-24-2006

Yea I am of school for summer and I spend about 15 hours a day on my comp but I am not missing anything nothing else to do. (apart from maby have a life but who want one of them? :crazy: )

Leaving aswell - Dab - 07-24-2006

kiggles,Jul 24 2006, 09:46 AM Wrote:Yea I am of school for summer and I spend about 15 hours a day on my comp but I am not missing anything nothing else to do. (apart from maby have a life but who want one of them? :crazy: )

Same here, but thats because I'm always either at my dad's where there is not a single damn thing to do (lives in the middle of the country, if we aren't working we are sitting around watching TV), and at my mom's we are selling our house, so I must always be there in case someone stops by.

Leaving aswell - Caribe - 07-24-2006

thank you for the website onca

Leaving aswell - Hyperwave22 - 07-24-2006

Maybe the server downtime will be good for some of us, lol.

Once again, cya later, man, it was great knowing you.
