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Now Hiring: Moderators - Printable Version

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RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - Kirill - 07-21-2015

Jack finally came to his senses. He was feeling terrible headache. Jack slowly opened his eyes. He saw a cockpit of a ship just in front of him. He was sitting in the ship pilot's seat.

"I'm in the... ship?"

He looked around him. Ship's interior seemed to be familiar to him, but he couldn't remember its name. Then he saw a text near Neural Net screen. It stated "BDR-804 "Guardian", property of Liberty Security Force". Jack was at a loss.

"What? Liberty Security Force?"

He tried to remember anything, but he only strengthened his headache. Then he finally noticed that he can't see anything from the cockpit due to high density nebula. He pushed "BOOT" button near screen. Screen started blinking and Jack saw a message.

"This vehicle is voice locked. Say the passphrase to unlock."

"But I don't remember any passphrase! I don't even remember how did I get here!"

Then he saw a button named "Guest account" and pressed it. Menu showed up. "Navigation System", "Weapon Systems" and even "Diary" buttons were disabled. However, "Neural Net" button was enabled. Jack was interested in information about Liberty Security Force and this ship as it could help him to remember how did he get into this ship and what happened. Strangely enough, but he was able to find a pilot history of this "Guardian". The last one mentioned this:

Quote:I.D.: Jack Summers
Date of Birth: 24.05.800 A.S.
Gender: Male
Origin: Liberty, Planet Erie
Rank: Officer
Status: M.I.A. (Missed in Action)

"Summers? Yes, that's me... But it means that this is MY ship! I'm working for LSF and I'm M.I.A.? What happened? The last thing I remember is..."

Jack tried to concentrate. Parents, school, flight academy, Liberty Navy recruitment, battles, medals, Liberty Security Force exam, first mission and ... light. He was trying to remember everything after that, but unsuccessfully.

"Well, at least something cleared up. As I can't unlock computer without passphrase knowledge, it's unlikely that I can survive. This ship can't hold much oxygen and I can't send any messages"

Computer screen blinked again and new text appeared:

"You have new message. Opening..."

Quote:Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?

"What? Janitor application? And this strange wording... "

He noticed that "Reply" button is active.

"It's my chance to survive! They can rescue me! But only if my application will be good enough. I can't just call for help, they'll think that it's a joke."

Jack filled blank fields, looked at them, exhaled loudly and pressed "Reply".

"Message sent."

Quote:Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

I never was a Janitor, but I can learn quickly to work effectively.

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

I can be very active keeping the Neural Net clear. Looking here, looking there for anything that is abnormal.

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

With great power comes great responsibility.

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

Maintaining Neural Net, looking for bad-behaving mortals and clearing after them.

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?

I don't know any such mortals.

"Critical oxygen level, entering hibernation mode."

"What? What hibenation mode?"

Everything started darkening in Jack's eyes.

"I hope I'll survive."

He fell from his seat and closed his eyes. He lost consciousness. Again.

RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - Tyria Regalia - 07-21-2015

There was a knock on the door, and Tyria jumped up from her bed. The sound was something to be concerned about because she was certain that she was alone on her ship, floating in deep space, orbiting a Baxter anomaly she'd found a while back. In haste (and fear), she rummaged through the things in her closet looking for something to defend herself with. Apart from shoes and clothes there was nothing. As she was about to take the heaviest shoe she had, she spotted a pen. Favoring sharp over blunt, she grabbed it.

Quietly, she approached the door. She had to somehow subdue her confined visitor, and get to the controls on her ship, there was no other choice. Quickly opening the door, she was greeted to the familiar sounds of her ship. The hum of the engines, the errant clicking of something she'd still yet to discover, the whirring of her shields against the harsh ambient radiation of space. Looking both ways down the corridor, she saw nothing unusual or out of place. Behind the door, waiting for me to drop my guard she thought. Gripping the pen like a dagger, she jumped around the door and struck. However, her attack revealed nothing, just air.

Confused, she finally noticed there was something out of place, well out of place is a bit of a misnomer, as it shouldn't have existed to begin with. Still waking up, she looked at the offending object until it came into focus.

[Image: 41VZJ3J1QJL.jpg]

"What the hell?" She said aloud, with one pull she removed the poster from her door, and to her greater surprise found a message written on the opposite side.

Scanning the writings, made using a very chilling green ink, she jerked awake when she came to four words that made her skin crawl. Temple of the Damned. That's not real, it's a story my dad told me to get me to behave when he had meetings with the Royal Navy. But here, on her ship, in this moment, she finally realized the truth. She was crazy.

Bringing the document to her table in the main room, she turned on her coffee maker. This thing looks like a job application. But why would it appear here, to me? With her pen still in hand, she set about the task of filling in her information.

Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

A1 - Request? I didn't request anything. You dropped this damn note on my ship, scaring the holy hell out of me. Apparently I've done something wrong to deserve such treatment. As for deserving to work as a Janitor for a place I believe to be a work of fiction, holding a cleaning tool of nonsensical power? Isn't my lack of sanity enough for you? Does one need further qualifications?

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

A2 - Observation. Too many people "see, but do not observe" the world around them. To truly be good at something, one must see how the world reacts to itself. For example, being a janitor? That would require seeing not only the muddy footprints, but also observing what shoe size made the prints, where the offending mud originated from, what contaminates are contained within the mud that might not be cleaned by a simple scrubbing and might need something more potent for their eventual removal.

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

A3 - No. Though I'm sure you have many worshipers out there who would be jealous of my appointment, and therefore I expect to gain nothing but hatred and contempt. Nothing new to me, as I have been a Junker my entire life.

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

A4 - Well, in the stories my dad told me, the residents of the Temple of the Damned require obscene amounts of coffee and also patsies to unleash their wrath upon. I imagine my responsibilities would be, well, torturous in nature.

a. Cleaning coffee makers that have been so neglected that the mold growing in the filter has developed a full society with seven different languages, and that under the Laws of the Divine, I'd have to learn those languages and institute a peaceful evacuation of the little lifeforms, making sure everyone has been transplanted safely to their new home before the real task of cleansing the filter may commence.

b. As a janitor, I believe my duties would consist of the normal janitor duties that I've witnessed across Sirius. Sitting on my hands, keeping them warm because my closet was kept off the heating ducts to save on costs. Waiting for the third request for service, before attending to my chores, because as a janitor I know dirt and filth better than those who cause it. There are degrees to these things and one should simply not cave to the whims of idiots who think "a little bit of blood" on the floor is worth my time.

c. Groveling. To be honest, act like I'm groveling. I mean, what all-powerful being doesn't want a bit of groveling done in front of them. Makes them feel important, keeps them satisfied so that they don't blink creation out of existence. That is a service I will humbly supply for the sake of the greater good of all, but mostly because I like being alive.

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?

A5 - To be fair, no. Anyone more deserving, yes. Anyone whom I would wish the job of janitor upon, yes. But, as for experience, no, I haven't met someone more experienced than I, that isn't to say they aren't as experienced as I. But I definitely would not say more. I know I'd wish the job on people who have wronged me in the past. Because I don't think they would particularly enjoy the treatment that they have doled out forced upon them by all-powerful beings. Experience is nothing but the sum of one's history in the universe, and my history has granted me the ability to shrug off most distractions and focus on the work.

Looking over her answers, she then questioned her sanity once more, but more importantly, she questioned what she was going to do with this thing. It was then the wine bottle next to her caught her attention.

Tyria sat on the command deck as the bottle drifted closer and closer to the anomaly. Shockingly, the bottle didn't come out the other side, like everything else she'd thrown into that swirling ball of lights.

RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - Enkidu - 07-21-2015

Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

I’ve been a die-hard role-player since I’ve arrived here. I’ve always tried to keep my forum roleplays, and in-game encounters, to a high standard. I have never committed a sanctionable offence and I keep my image sizes down. I also commit a lot of time to generally browsing the forum, wondering how I could tidy things up if I had the power to do so.

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

I suppose it’s the amount of time I can commit to the job, which would be most days of the year for the foreseeable future. I’ll certainly be around as long as this server survives and its associated forum.

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

I’m going to be honest, I had to Google what WINDEX is before I figured out what to reply with. I’m mildly allergic to particular chemical compounds found within many household hard surface cleaners and detergents, so I may need to wear a face mask and occasionally step outside for air.

I’m not sure if anybody is quite ready to be able to wield the Holy Windex. Personally, I’m quite enthused about being able to write witty comments into people’s signature boxes in substitute for whatever vastly oversized meme they had there before.

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

Imposing my subjective moral high ground on others, deleting posts which imperil the happiness of others, censoring words which wouldn’t make it into a PG-12 movie, deleting any nudiepicks from the ‘What do you look like’ thread that got posted up in a drunken haze, keeping the Cardamine abuse regulated to Flood, stopping the Flood from getting out of control and spilling into the RP sections of the community, rooting out obvious Oorp in all RP sections of the forum, stopping people from posting images of ridiculous size, locking threads which go heavily off-topic, and regulating the spread of custom user titles. In general, keeping the standard of forum in this community high.

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?

I was about to list a group of people, but then I realised a lot of them have already become moderators (people like bluecrescent, etc). I’d personally go for either Pinko or Deceem, they’re both really calm, cool, collected guys.

Character: My Oorp self. I don't see the point of getting people to write this from an InRp perspective, it's dumb. If you want to see what we're like InRP, look through our post list.

-- It's not about seeing how you RP - We don't really care as much. We probably already know you. - This was merely something to enjoy yourself with writing up. An outlet to be creative in an abnormal way. It's not required of course, we'll consider your application above. Just thought you'd be one of all people to go a bit crazy with this one, eh? ~King Boo

RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - Wellingtons - 07-21-2015

Three years ago, towards the end of the Omega conflict.

“Sir we are just passing the Omega anomaly” Bridge officer Fred Perkins reported.

“Acknowledged, raise the radiation shields” Liam responded

“Aye sir, hang on something is approaching, through the anomaly” Fred Perkins reported.

“On view screen” Liam ordered

“Evasive maneuvers” Commander Davis ordered in a brusque

“Helms inoperative” Perkins responded.

“It’s on collision course, impact in 1 min 30 seconds” Helm office Garret responded

“No transmission, either sir Communications chief Tarken reported.

“Sir we could use our tractor beam to alter the object's trajectory” Commander Davis responded

“ Very well, do it” Liam ordered.

The tractor beam latches on to the object however it simply pushes said object towards the engine and cause a catastrophic engine failure.

“Sir the engines been hit, coolant leak!” Perkins exclaimed worriedly

“Eject the jump engines” Liam order in a clear crisp manner indicative of a Bretonian

“Ejection negative, engine explosion in 1 minute” The ship's computer stated.

“All hands abandon ship, this is not a drill I repeat all hands abandon ship this is not a drill” Liam barked through general comms

However a sudden explosion from a forward nacelle which received a glancing blow split the ship and sent the bridge hurtling towards the anomaly and in the explosion Liam Adama, Captain of the BES Walpole received a blow from the ship's main iridium support structure collapsing rendering him unconscious.

Liam awoke suddenly to a blinding light and found himself staring out across the desolate uniformly flat landscape bar what appeared to be a small shanty town far off in the distance. Hmm, it's far and I don't have much or any supplies Liam thought to himself as he looked around and found only the chair he was sitting in. Well it’s my only hope so I must make it to whatever the place is called. He moved finding himself a bit stiff after prolonged sitting but raring to go. However after what felt like two hours trudging in desolate wasteland he noticed that while certainly he had moved closer to the town he noticed that no shadows were moving as one would expected given the passage of the sun, but he put it off, thinking he was going deluded.

Upon arrival, he found a pub called Disco For Um Bar located in the dusty antiquated old west themed town centre, an interesting name Liam thought but bars are the best places for information. So Liam entered in and ask the barkeep for the local speciality and while the barkeep was pouring Liam asked “If you don’t mind where exactly is here?”

“Here, my amigo hmm here is all a matter of perspective you see some call this place Hope, whilst others call this Hell, the Void, Purgatory or Limbo” he chuckled to himself as he slid the drink over.

“Hang on am I dead then as Hell and Purgatory are all places where the dead go! Liam remarked shocked.

“Well amigo death again is a perspective but no you are not dead however you are dying and at a crossroads as most sane people don’t last here long he responding with a smile that would put dread in any living man.

“Some take the path to left and are chosen to become Angels, whilst rarely others are chosen to become god amongst many faces and some take the path to the right to become members of the dark temple worshipping the many faced gods. Whilst most and the weak take the plunge into what is called Flood canyon and are never seen again. Each man maketh his path in death unlike in life.” The barkeep commented after he explained the numerous choices.

“Hmm the Dark Temple sounds interesting, a life of servitude would make amends for those lost in that war I started with my stubbornness. I should have bent the knee, I believe take me and end this war! ” Liam shouted to the rooftops.

“Hmm interesting truly repentant, unusual choice but you're in luck today take this mk 4.881 Mop and here take this verse about the many faced gods a carriage is waiting outside hurry before it's too late and read it!.

Liam thanked the Barkeep and boarded the taxi outside not noticing the driver was a skeletal figure robed in purest black with deep blue floating flecks of light serving as his eyes. Liam settled down to read the book which he grew in agreement that they were indeed the only true gods. He soon arrived at the outer gates of the Dark Temple after thanking and paying the skeletal driver with two silver coins he had stored in his chest pocket. He noticed the sky had turned cold and the sky which had been glorious sunshine had darkened considerably similar to a terrible storm approaching.

Upon the imposing Dark Temple doors he stood and removed the application note on the door and began to fill it in.

Quote: Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

I am a former Bowex Director, I have ignited a war which threatens to kill and collapse two sirian house for my sheer stubbornness, I offer every fibre of my being to service the gods from this day until my last.I also bring my guilty soul and lay it for examination of my sins against the many faced gods.

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

I have nothing to live for, serving the many faced gods would serve as adequate penitence and joy for a black-hearted fiend whose soul is directly guilty of many deaths

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

Nothing but joy in service to the gods.

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

Ensuring that the temple remains clean for worship.
Ensuring that the temple remains safe.
To live my life according to the scripture passed down by the gods.
To ensure that worship of gods is not disrupted by heretics and infidels who dare challenge the gods in their temple.

To watch vigil over the great altar handcrafted by the great and merciful gods.

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?
Only the great saviour who will ride at the end of days and break all bonds and shackles and plunge the great infidels into the their bath of blood, death and eternal punishment.

With that Liam laid the Broom out and placed it in front of his application and kneeled prostrate in front of the great gates in solemn silence.

RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - Flinx - 07-21-2015

Flinx was reading the printout slimfoils with Brunswick Shrines current backlog and his personal todo list as he noticed a strange file he did not remember. Unknown markings , and no identification ?

It was not unknown for ERIS to test faith in this way, but he had heared rumours of her contemporary beings, the deieties playing with the souls of all sentient beings and the flesh and steel of so called civilisation.

Why not ? A test, a goal to rise to... all such chances where blessed by HER.
To fail at a test was to retry, and to learn. But to refuse the test ?

Carelessness , and Heresy.

So the Gaian Dragonsnake bound to him as companion watched curiously as her friend and mount started to whistle while he peed... er, while he filled out the empty spaces in the strange template.

Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

Answer : Curiosity, the will to learn and evolve, and pride in my achievements so far.
And deserving something ? The loan for a job well done is a harder job.
Learning and process is life, decay and recline is death. I choose life.

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

Answer : I will tell you if I know. But I suppose you will tell me.
Or not. Mascee ?

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

Answer : Experience, and Insight.

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

Answer : Light in Darnkess, Form in Chaos, Order in Entropy.
I suppose a lot of ectoplasm stains to remove, too.

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?

Answer : Several possible names, but I do not have enough data to answer well, and will not speak for others.

RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - SorryPony - 07-21-2015

Rping Derpy Hooves- Queen of muffins and derps

Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

Well as a filly I was told i wouldn't be able to do much since my eyes were funny, so going along the catwalk was a definite no no. I tried acting but I kept forgetting my lines and making them up as I went along. Twilight Sparkle always refused to teach me magic, on account of me not having a horn. I tried to be a weather mare however making lightning all the time quickly got me sacked. Then i tried my hoof as a baker, though eatting all the muffins i made put me out of buisness quick.

So i thought I might give being a janitor ago, what could go wrong?

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

I'm a Pegasus who has a bigger tactical advantage over those things on two legs. I can also carry more stuff on my back too, though that could be a problem if i drop it on someone, also i can clean up mess instead of just leaving it.

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

Derpy didn't get it. What's a Windex?

Can i fly?

Is it edible like a muffin?

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

Keeping the newfoals in check, we don't want any fillying going on

Paperwork, lots of paperwork to be filed

i like filing paperwork

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?

Twilight Sparkle, she could use her magic to fix everything- but shes studying so she can't do it.

RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - Binski - 07-22-2015

[Image: t6f60o.jpg]

....decoding signal.....
....verifying additional security encryption....
....connection established......


[Image: auvyar.jpg]

*smoke clears, a man with a wide brimmed hat wearing a buckled leather jacket staring at a console turns to the camera and steps forward while puffing an old pipe*

Well Greetings...Overlords! Captain Antares here,

I must say I am intrigued. I was not expecting such words to fall upon my mortal ears. That being said, I've always fancied myself a 'jack of all trades', and I've had many types of occupations around Sirius. I feel like I've done many of the things most dream of, and am just as surprised as others that I'm still breathing to talk about it. If there's a tough job you need done, I'd like to think I can pull it off. Therefore I feel like I'd get to the next level in my quest for satisfaction, by taking up this janitorial job, and for none other than the overlords of Sirius at that! I humbly submit my application.

*he moves forward and hits a switch on the console*

I suppose I should avoid getting shot out of the skies long enough to hear back eh? I best throw on a fresh pot!

Antares out.

....signal cut....


RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - Foochow - 07-22-2015

=[ Incoming Transmission ]=

-Highly Encrypted-
Decrypting transmission... [ ||||||||||||||||| ] 100%
Establishing Video Feed... Signal strong

[Image: ku9pUt2.jpg]

Sender ID: Nicolas Brown
Location: Somewhere around Temple of the Damned
Subject: Job opening

A man with a dull facial expression appears on the screen with something leaning on his shoulder. Almost every normal person would assume that's a katana. While facing the camera, he starts blind typing the message which should appear on receiver's screen , keeping his dull look on.

Uhm, so, I've stumbled upon this job offer while I was satisfying my OCD with browsing Neural Net... and It seems like I fit in... I was actively serving in the Liberty Navy for several years, until I had an accident. Due to it, I was forced to be pinned in for a desk and to the paper work. Of course, It was so boring that I had to move on. I became a handyman. I did the dirty work for everyone who could pay enough. After 8 years of claiming bounties, kidnapping, killing, extorting and racketeering I've decided finally to do something completely different. This job is the perfect thing for me.

As he types out the last word, he picks up the Divine Postcard paper, he clears his throat and begins to speak reading every question and answering it. He could be barely understood and it sounded like he's mumbling.

Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

As I wrote to you few minutes ago, I became too tired and I want to settle down with a completely different type of job, being Janitor is the thing that suits me perfect. I thought about it and... why the hell not?

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

My OCD for sure, I've became addicted to the Neural Net since I started being a handyman, constantly looking for new jobs to do. It became the daily basis to spend most of my day on it while I'm not working. I really haven't done anything in my free time... Also as you might have realized, I'm deaf, but I use either hand signs or read off the lips.

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

Honestly, not. The Holy Windex satisfies all my needs and even more

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

Cleaning all sorts of stuff and trash, the usual things. Due to my past, I'm ready for everything you throw up on me.

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?

Who can be better than a deaf handyman with absolutely nothing else to do?

=[ Transmission Terminated ]=

RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - Syf - 07-22-2015

Kazuko gets up, looking all sleep deprived all the while she failed to take note of the rather peculiar just to see a peculiar message in the midst of all the rest. Already intrigued by it, the note is read and answered in somewhat of a swift manner. Frittering away a bottle of sake while proof-reading it. Etching out a minor chuckle or two in the moments.

Simple and straightforward, she thought.

Quote:Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

Cleaning isn't a problem. And I definitely wouldn't mind it. As to some, it can indeed be... fun. And don't get me wrong here, I ain' using petty sarcasm to make someone laugh. I couldn't do that even if they didn't see it coming a mile away.
Jokes, no. Working, aye.

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

A superior to everyone else... hmm. Does the notion of "no complaints" from me give any indication? I hope it does.

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

The Holy Windex? Now that's an appropriate name if I ever knew one.. but in all honesty, no. I'm fine with what I am given.

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

Coffee serving, use of the god almighty mop... and... helping with the occasional tearflows.

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?

I can't bring you any names who might be more experienced. All I do know is that the light at the end of the tunnel is shining brightly... with a warm feel to it.

"Kanryō." She states to herself, and prepares the ship for blast-off into the abysmal voids known as deep space. While muttering a few last words of confidence.
"The little flame is almost subdued, but not beaten...
As long as it lives,
so does my body and soul.

It is not, over."

RE: Now Hiring: Moderators - Squad - 07-24-2015

[Image: 2qs9l09.png]

Willie sat at the Mixtape’s console with his lower lip puckered out, a bit of Future thumping in his quite antiquated Beats® Solos, ®™ scrolled through the local wanted ads before one caught his eye. The latest ones were involving sex changes and the exchange of money too often for his tastes.

Now dis’ be fo’ a trap brotha, ye.

He leaned up and put the Swisher to his lower lip, smoke outlining the curves of his pronounced cheeks. Willie had a reputation for looking for side work in public places. They always had some less than legal ties worth milking.

Ain’t even got no mug-time fo’ dis? Shi’, le’go.

Quote:Q1 - What brings you to request being in a potential Janitor position of our almighty temple. We will work you hard. What have you done to deserve sitting at the janitors console, and hold the almighty mop of cleaning?

You brought dis ad, mane. If you frontin', you gon' git bust'd. Mane, I’ma tell you, only time dis’ hood get on his knees when he shootin’ dem needs. I run hard fo’ dat dream, kno what I mean? Dat hustle keep me in da game, and I keep a brotha’s back, kno wha’m sayin’? Dat mop clean a flo’ jus’s well it clean a face, mane, we seen dat. My boi, chu ain’t seen a harder workin’ brotha, beleeeeee dat. Don’ call me “Toothpaste” fo’ nothin’, look a’dem wrists, ish be CLEAN, bra.

Q2 - What makes you a superior janitor to everyone else?

No rats, boi. God’s blessin’ all dem trap brothas, ain’t got room fo’ snitches'n bros can’t keep demselves in check, know what I’m sayin’? I keep ‘em all in line, don’ need to let Chiquita speak when you got me in dem barracks. If dat’s what’chu feelin’, I got’chu.

Q3 - Do you expect to gain anything besides being able to wield "THE HOLY WINDEX"?

I ‘spect if Windex came in .45, I be jus’ fine wit it as-is.

Q4 - What responsibilities do you believe you'll have in the position. (Hint: Scaring away geese is 'not' one of these responsibilities)

Man, I do whateva brotha need, know what I’m sayin’? N’I keep it low.

Q5 - Out of the pool of Mortals - Is there anyone else you think would be a more experienced janitor than you?

Dis one time, I met a lil’ dime leadin’ dat Rheinspacevacuum outfit in Texas, and man, she clean dat ish up like it a broad’s duty.

Willie pushed the console away when he heard the light taps of Bun's heavy potato-and-gravy chiseled frame on the metal floor behind his chair. His mouthy breathing tossed the curls of smoke into a chaotic dance.

"Don' worry, bra, ain't no tranny ad."

Bun raised his eyebrow, clearly not convinced.

"I got baby mamas. Cut da' tape, nappy-headed ho."


Quote:OORP: I think the answers to all of these questions stem from my relationship with this game over the past few years. Simply, I've enjoyed what the dev, admin, and mod teams have managed to put together and maintain for such a long time, and I enjoy being a part of this community. I also try my best, iRP and ooRP, to solve problems, and that 's what I like so much about this server. I'm fortunate enough to solve problems day-in, day-out, and to get paid for it. I like interacting with people, responding to those around me in positive ways, and working through issues to make our experiences better (and hopefully memorable). If I can give back to this community and its support staff in any way I can, I would enjoy and appreciate the opportunity.

[Image: qff6ZIp.png]