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Feelings that ring The Bell - Printable Version

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RE: Feelings that ring The Bell - Geoffacake - 12-08-2015

"Shouldn't you be concerned about what... "Private" things you get to in your life being watched... Thats what I'm concerned about. But since you're not going to be doing so, thats fine. You'd probably watch me just writing things most times if that was the case." He yawns quite heavily as he rolls down his sleeve, hiding his arm. "Now... A test? I was alright with exams in school and college, what you got in store for me?"

RE: Feelings that ring The Bell - Remnant - 12-09-2015

Jessica gazes at him for a few seconds, a disappointed look on her face. Sighing quietly. "Forget it Rachel, i've lost hope on this guy. His priorities and attention-span is seeming to miss the big-picture by a long-shot. Lets not bother going that far with him. Screw it. Give him what he came for, so he can leave."

Obviously unhappy with the way he took the conversations.

Rachel merely shrugs her shoulders slightly, reaching into a pocket, pulling out the AI core which was handed to her earlier. Presenting it to Geoff in her hand. "I restored a few more of the functionality that was nuked earlier. Curiosity, Shame to a small degree, Excitement to a small degree as well, some happiness, and jealousy. - The rest needs more processing time on our banks to get the right merger-code." She says smoothly.

"Looks like you pissed her off somehow. That's hard to do.. Congratulations." Turning, starting to walk off again.

Jessica eyes him carefully. "You have what you want. You're free to go."

RE: Feelings that ring The Bell - Geoffacake - 12-10-2015

"Well, I was just having a little Humor too myself, sorry... Sorry for you to take it the wrong way." He looks at Rachel, before turning his attention to the chip being handed to him. holding it by the edges, he takes it from her. "Thanks, for everything." He said, while his head hangs slightly low, giving quite a happy smile on his face. He rolls up his sleeve, opening a separate port on his arm. "I'm sorry, I try to be as light hearted as I can about things like this, but I'm trying to get things back on track like you said, without derailing anything else." He inserts the chip and closes the port, rolling the sleeve back down on his arm. Smirking, he eyes seem to widen up, chuckling to himself for a while. "Yeah, welcome back." He turns to the door, before his arm reaches upwards and grips on the top of the doorway arch, stopping him from moving anymore. "Also...!" He takes a moment to bring his side back around. Fumbling around in it bringing out two red envelopes. "I'm sure you know where they are... I never wanted to really annoy them again, It normally ended in catastrophe trying to find and talk to them in person. I didn't want that to happen again." The two envelopes had names written on them, one to a Yuki, and another to a Stone. "Just give these to them... Personal request." He slides the two envelopes on the counter. "I can still take a look at that chip you gave me. If it means making me a better person... Why not. Pictures text, whats the worst that can happen... Like you said, Screw the Buro. Right?" He then moves back to the doorway, waiting on her reply.