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Why FL economics does not work - Printable Version

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RE: Why FL economics does not work - Swallow - 12-08-2015

You are wrong. OP ships are the same as general use one.
They will accumulate among the players with time. And won't go anywhere.
Moneythinks are not going to work as intended while permanent.
Did you know that iRL every aircraft has a resource time and you can not use that aircraft when the time reaches the end. Even if you buy it and put into hangar and won't ever fly (Not speaking about that you have to maintain aircraft every week when it is on preservation).

RE: Why FL economics does not work - Swallow - 12-08-2015

I encourage everyone to try to think out of Discovery gameplay terms. Try considering FL engine limitations only.

Discovery is a theater, it is not a self-dustaining system. Which is great RP-wise (because that is what we enjoy).

RE: Why FL economics does not work - Prowler_Renamed - 12-08-2015

(12-08-2015, 05:07 PM)Swallow Wrote: .
Did you know that iRL every aircraft has a resource time and you can not use that aircraft when the time reaches the end. Even if you buy it and put into hangar and won't ever fly (Not speaking about that you have to maintain aircraft every week when it is on preservation).

I'd consider the "resource timer" fairly negligible since aircraft have fairly long lifespans that we wouldn't be around to see in Discovery.

RE: Why FL economics does not work - Swallow - 12-08-2015

True, though. But the point was made for the sake of bringing in maintenance expenses. Because it is sometimes more costly than buying a vessel itself.

RE: Why FL economics does not work - Thyrzul - 12-08-2015

For gameplay purposes a shorter, less negligible resource timer could match Disco's terms of lifespans, perhaps implemented on guns with the plugin I mentioned before.

RE: Why FL economics does not work - Swallow - 12-08-2015

Or, for instance - removing shield regeneration or shield as it is at all.
(Make minefields happy, yay!)
Suddenly you'd have to repair ships more often.

RE: Why FL economics does not work - Laura C. - 12-08-2015

(12-08-2015, 04:27 PM)Epo Wrote: Pretty much this, not everyone has enought spare time to spend it in game. And even if he has a while, he has to spend it on a trader to earn some money. It's sometimes killing the RP, IMHO. Just think about all those situations and stories which didn't happen cuz you were spending the whole day on trading just to earn enough to buy a BS with BS scanner and some guns. Now, a week later (bacause you were pretty busy during the week or you were spending every spare hour on earning another 100m if possible), another wasted day to buy a CAU8 for it. Now you can't play for another two weeks cuz of being busy in RL. Result? A month of doing nothing. And after a week you have to sell it either for you don't like it or wishing to buy a cap from another faction. Really, they are expensive as they already are, there's no need to make them more expensive. People are already wasting enough time on the most boring thing known as the trading
You actually described one of the main problems of Disco economy. That it takes ONLY two days of trading to generate enough cash to buy one of the most expensive things which exist in the whole game (CAU8 BS with BS scanner). I never ever heard about any other multiplayer game where this would be possible in such short time. In some, it takes even months of intensive playing and grinding.

This attitude, which can be described as "I can´t invest much time into playing, but I should have right to have same possibilities as those which play much more and/or longer than me", always puzzles me. It´s like joining WoW server and crying that it´s not fair that other people which play there longer have that expensive equipment and you don´t, and no one should force you to do quests for days to be able to buy it too.

Also, RPing in battleship is not the only one possible. No one is forcing you to do it. Caps used to be something special, but these days players somehow get feeling there is some right to have one. It us up to you which role you choose to play and then you have to accept you all requirements it takes. Not complaining how unfair it is that caps are expensive and you want to play with one without investing time into acquiring cash. You want this special RP toy? Work for it. You don´t want/can´t do that? Sorry man, find another role which doesn´t require expensive toys. Simple as that. Other players before you accepted that too and mind you, moneymaking was harder in the past, now it is easy as never before.

RE: Why FL economics does not work - Enkidu - 12-08-2015

Grinding credits for ships is hard enough - please don't fix what isn't broken.

RE: Why FL economics does not work - Karst - 12-08-2015

I think there's an unrealistic expectation that discovery should have to be grindy as many/most other online RPGs are.
I really don't think that's necessary. It's good to have a selection of high-priced items to throw cash at, but is there really a necessity to require people to grind money even if they don't want or need to spend any?

Personally, I've never had an issue spending money: battleships are expensive, so are CauVIIs, BS and Spyglass scanners. I think for most people, those are enough of a selection to keep their cash reserves from overflowing - I trade a lot, I mean really a lot, but even with 50 billion in assets I'm nowhere near out of things to buy.

"Punitive" moneydrains that have often been suggested - equipment/ship/money loss on death, conn fees, etc., are probably more discouraging than anything. I don't really see a problem with the economy as it is, except some balance aspects of it.

RE: Why FL economics does not work - Lythrilux - 12-08-2015

Add moneysinks only once we make the economy/trading interesting enough for players to do it without it being a chore.