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Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Printable Version

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RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-04-2016

- Yay. - Flora took a hanfull of candies, smiling under the mask. She was of average height and slim, and shared a couple of traits with Sean, mainly black hair as well as apparent liking to black clothes. The most notable features of her appearance was the oddly green colour of her eyes as well as a matching green bracelet on her left wrist, revealed by the lack of a jacket. She quickly removed her mask to try out one of his sweets before putting it back on, in the meanwhile taking a more careful look at him as well.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-06-2016

Sean was slightly taller then Flora, also quite slim. What was quite notable about him from the first look is a fang sticking from underneath his lip, especially when he was smilling. He wore jerkin over his shirt and gloves, despite heat, as well as a gun and a rather long and quite wide knife, from the look on the sheath, hanging off his belt on each of his sides.

- So you like candies too? It might sound like a pickup line, but we have very much in common... - Sean slightly tilts his head as he finishes the examination and smiles playfuly, while hiding the bundle in the pockets of his jerkin.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-06-2016

She loaded the remaining sweets into her pocket.

- Really? - she crossed her arms, tilting her head slightly as well. She was apparently quite amused. - That sounds like one, to be honest. Anyways... While I understand that I'm quite the view and all, I believe we did not come here just to stare at each other, did we? - she smirked slightly and turned her attention to the sea, a few dozen meters from where they landed. - Come on. We have things to see. - she began to walk towards the water through the knee long grass that was covering the entirety of the meadow they landed on. She pressed something on a device occupying her right wrist and the canopy of her Dragon closed.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-06-2016

- We can do both... - Sean fasten the oxygen mask on his face. - This is why we are here after all.

With a couple of quick steps he reacheed up to Flora and continued walking beside her, holding his head slightly turned to her and smirking - By the way, I don't think you ever told me your full name.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-06-2016

- Well... - She looked at him, seemingly thinking about something. - It's actually no secret at all. My name is Kate McKinley. - she bowed slightly. - Though I do prefer being called "Flora". I don't know why... Probably a habit after a few years of going by the callsign only. I hope you don't mind.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-06-2016

- Huh... - Sean's eyes open wide in surprise for an instant, but then he looks up thinking. - Well, that shouldn't be so surprising, considering everything that I know so far. - he says after a few seconds of silence. As they walk closer to the coast Sean turns to his side and makes a step in that direction, seemingly inviting Flora to walk by it while easily smiling at her. - So you are from Bretonia?

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-06-2016

She followed him.

- Yeah. - she took the mask off for a moment to eat another candy. - Though I left a couple of months ago. - she replied after putting it back on. - What was so surprising? - she gave him a slightly worried look.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-06-2016

- Nothing is. - Sean smiled warmly as he walked forward. - I got stunned by a sudden change in name, but considering that your comm ID never hinted with any second name... - he smirked at her before continuing - ... And your tough acting when it comes to fighting... - he returned the look straight and takes a deep breath - I guess that I could have prepared more for it, but it doesn't really mater. - Sean chuckled short and turned his face to Flora - Were you an agent in Bretonia?

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-06-2016

She tilt her head, looking at him as he spoke and smirked slightly when he mentioned "tough acting".

- What do you mean by an "agent"?

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-06-2016

He shruged and looked in the sky thoughtfuly. - Well, nicknames are a common thing, but I think they are used in comm IDs mostly by agencies. Like Inteligence services, or such... - he looked back at her, slightly rising the eyebrow in curiocity.