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Development Notice: Mining Update - Printable Version

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RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - The Savage - 01-04-2016

(01-04-2016, 11:48 AM)Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH Wrote: But main question - will developers/admins allow relocations of some (mainly ore trading) POBs due to these changes? For example there are two helium-3 trading bases in Okinawa which will heavily suffer from lack of interest when all mining fields of helium-3 were relocated to Sigma-13. Especially ours Shuri Base because miners will not waste time on travelling so far into Okinawa and empty base means no traders as well.

That's a good very good point. Howerver, the only place I can think about its relocation should be area around Sigma-59 jumphole or VERY secured position in Sigma-13.

RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - Driculi - 01-04-2016

How much will be the ores on the POBs now with this change?

RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - Jack_Henderson - 01-04-2016

Reducing the ore prices like this is a bad idea.
Nerfing it by 50 %?
So they are close to solo activity? Really?

Have you really considered that mining needs 2+ players?
Have you considered that this is only possible these days if you have a good organisatuion?
Have you considered that mining is the only standard money making activity on the server that requires teamplay and creates points of focus where interaction is static and can happen easily?

All this is is a buff to solo trading.
It is mainly a buff to smuggling.
In both, you do not need a miner. You do not need to bother. You can go where you want, whenever you want with whatever you want.

Poorly thought through.

You just signed the death warrant of many mining factions because it is already hard to convince people to go to the length of coop playing when you can just solo trade in peace.

I am asking myself: Are you even playing the game?
Because this change seriously makes me doubt that.
It runs contrary to everything the game needs.

RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - Traxit - 01-04-2016

so you made ore about 30-45% less profitable AND made it so that you need to mine much longer?

Might as well trade instead of hauling ore.

RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - Connor - 01-04-2016

Jack, this is a somewhat good idea. It's about time that mining/ore was nerfed. This is an opportunity for other trade routes to be used as opposed to the same old boring mining routes. And if you're on about your IMG faction being hit hard, well it's about time after all the buffs and retcons that have happened to save IMG and boost their game play.

But at the same time, factions that are on low activity and soly rely on mining will get screwed over.

RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - Moberg - 01-04-2016

(01-04-2016, 12:58 PM)Traxit Wrote: made it so that you need to mine much longer?

Duration spent in the fields is actually the same or less. I'll edit the OP accordingly as it seems this information is missing.
The remaining fields are on par with current highest-yield fields and consistent for every field.

RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - Shiki - 01-04-2016

I have to agree with @evanz I'm afraid, shooting rocks was never actually fun, but at least it was woth it, now it seems that it's not. I presonally will stop mining and switch to regular trading and smuggling instead and to be honest I barely see a person who will actually do mining now. I'm seeing is as attempt to cut powertrading, but powertraders are likely owns billions already and wont suffer from it much, unlike the new players. And yeah, ore POBs are supposed to be moved I guess, if we need them now.

RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - Doria - 01-04-2016

Are we going back to vanilla level profit? Next thing the biggest ship we will be able to fly will be the dromedary...

Not that I think that it would be bad, though. I love the dromie!

RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - Gulryz - 01-04-2016

I don't agree with these changes, I trade ore a lot lot of time for money, Ore trading was a teamwork trader miner both get profit and pirate if stop a fully filled train also get money but you just ruined the teamwork, Now you made game totally one sided good for privacy. Ore trade routes were long and dangerous as you had to pass foreign houses and now no one will trade ore, no one will mine ore if you wanted that, Active factions that were dependent on ore trade will die by this change, I know I sound harsh here but those changes were also harsh, You know you should make discussion first ask people who are really in the game dealing with all stuff there

RE: Development Notice: Mining Update - Laz - 01-04-2016

The one thing i would have to say is that it seem very unprofitable for a miner (both before & after).