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To: The Molly's - Printable Version

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RE: To: The Molly's - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 01-11-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, ser Thompson

Oy hope ye won't moind mae oif ask ye one more question.
Ye see, un' as ye state afore, smugglers tend tae do deliver "demanded goods"...

* The woman emphasizes the last two words by air quoting them

Un' it moight be a problem fer deh Republic, oif some o' its ships were tae be seen haulin', o' escortin' ships haulin' some perticular demanded goods...
It could e'en be detrimental to deh Republic in a more obvious way...

So we'd loike tae know a boit more 'bout doses demanded goods ye lads, tend tae haul nowadays..

Slán agat !

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RE: To: The Molly's - Stoner_Steve - 01-11-2016

[img float=right][/img]
--- Transmission Status: Online ---

Sender ID: Tweaker Ted
Location: Niverton Base
Subject: Light Fighter Inquiry
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium

Miss O'Driscoll,

As a Rogue anything we move is considered contraband, so if your expecting any House or Corporation to condone what we are moving I doubt you'll get that. And while the Rogues and Molly's have had a long and colored history that does little for your here and now.

So lets get to the point shall we. The Niverton Rogues, more or less, work closely with Malta and the good she produces. I hope you can infer what we trade then. However, even I am not blind to the rage our trade produces with certain groups. Therefor, if our trade is a risk to the Republic's standing, I will assure you that these vessels will never enter Bretonia Space while escorting these, ah, "items".

Ted out.

--- Transmission Status: Offline ---

RE: To: The Molly's - Stoner_Steve - 01-15-2016

***Boosting Signal***

RE: To: The Molly's - Stoner_Steve - 01-16-2016

***Boosting Signal***

RE: To: The Molly's - Stoner_Steve - 01-18-2016

***Boosting Signal***

RE: To: The Molly's - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 01-18-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, ser Thompson,

First un' foremost, please do accept mo apologies fer deh delay.

So, back tae deh point, aye.
Deh Republic doesnae care, oif most o' houses un' corporates consider what ye's shippin' is considered contraband o' nae. Un' we do unnestand well dhat what any shipment ye lads be haulin' moight be considered contraband due tae deh very nature o' yer group.

However what madders tae oos, be mostly oif ye's shippin' good dhat deh Republic cannae accept, o' threaten aour own integrity, be it within deh Republic's borders, doses o' Bretspace, un' oy dun e'en know whoy ye mentioned dhis despictable house, o' any oder one.

* The woman pauses

So, ye's saying dhat ye work wid' deh Malteses, aye ?
Oy guess when ye's talkin' 'bout deh good dey produce, ye's in fact talkin' 'bout deh substance known as cardamoine, aye ?
Un' as long as ye dun' dock at aour stations, oy guess we won't have any issues 'ere.
But ain't loike we 'ere, do know very well what deh Malteses are producin' , anyway. So please, do tell oos oif we're wrong.

Anyway, doses are deh tings, we cannae allow tae be hauled. Un' oif ye be found tae be dealin' in doses we'll ask ye tae hand o'er aour ships back.

- Gold o' Gold ore bought frem BMM , fer very obvious reasons.
- Slaves, as we cannae allow, nor cannae bear deh exploitation o' people un' dhat one could deproive dem o' deir freedom.
- Artifacts, as we believe deh corsar empoire tae more o' less doirectly benefit frem its trade.

Oy hope dhis be clear 'nough ?

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: To: The Molly's - Stoner_Steve - 01-18-2016

[img float=right][/img]
--- Transmission Status: Online ---

Sender ID: Tweaker Ted
Location: NR-Roach.Coach
Subject: Light Fighter Inquiry
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium

Miss O'Driscoll,

I believe we can agree to the terms listed. Additionally, speaking of Gold, I have been prodded to ask if our group the Nivertion Rogues (NR-) can get landing rights to your base located within Dublin, not Arranmore, the other one, with the gold. We recently received a comm from another Rogue group on Buffalo Base, in New York, requesting Gold Ore. And we figured you might be able to help us out with that sort of issue.

Ted out.

--- Transmission Status: Offline ---

RE: To: The Molly's - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 01-26-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, ser Thompson,

Oy's glad ye do agree tae doses conditions.

So... back tae tae payment subject. Deh Republic doesn't lack o' funds, however, it moight lack some shippers sometoimes. Derefore we'd radher get some loads o' goods, as ye aforementioned.
As oy guess we dun need doses imediately, oy s'pose we could ask ye fer doses goods lader, aye ? We won't hesitate tae call ye.

Dere's also deh dockin' clearance ye asked tae deh Goldern Coin, oy believe. As we see nae reasons tae deny it, deh Nivertion Rogues will be allowed as soon as possible.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: To: The Molly's - Stoner_Steve - 01-27-2016

[img float=right][/img]
--- Transmission Status: Online ---

Sender ID: Tweaker Ted
Location: NR-Roach.Coach
Subject: Light Fighter Inquiry
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium

Miss O'Driscoll,

Regarding the jackals. I don't believe we ever did set a contract with regards to goods and the procurement of the vessels. However the Nivertion Rogues can almost get our hands on anything the Republic is looking for

Ted out.

--- Transmission Status: Offline ---

RE: To: The Molly's - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 01-27-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, ser Thompson,

Aye, ye's roight, we dinnae set a contract , 'bout doses two Jackals, yet...
So, we were tinkin' o' ask ye, two shipments o' 12000 standards units o' goods we would ask ye tae haul fer oos. Wun fer shippies.
Would dhat proposal suit ye 'nough ?

Also, deh Niverton Rogues 's been added tae deh Green list on deh Goldern Coin. So ye's free tae dock dere. Un' yer lucky, we're sellin' gol' nowadays. Enjoy.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-