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Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - Printable Version

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RE: Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - JayDee Kasane - 01-14-2016

Wow, just 15 mins and some posts already. Even if most of them are garbage. Only proves my point of flawed community, isnt it?
However, thanks to Antonio, Jack_Henderson, Jazzi D, Clavius and evanz for theirs good words.

RE: Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - Darku - 01-14-2016

thats sad news for TBH Sad
enjoy you RL, have fun

RE: Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - Garrett Jax - 01-14-2016

Every community is flawed. Cya around, bud.

RE: Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - Tabris - 01-15-2016

See you around JD, I'll always remember the times when we were simple muppets back when Alvin was in charge, SCRA making folks go 'WHAT?!' across Sirius. Smile

I hope that your life improves after leaving Discovery, God knows how much of a time-sink this is when it could be better spent on something more creative. Wink

As one of the last real SCRA Veterans of old I say this to you: Farewell Comrade and remember, you never truly leave the Coalition as long as you remember the good times.

RE: Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - St.Denis - 01-15-2016

Good luck in whatever the future brings you.

Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - Sakura - 01-15-2016

Oh no... JayDee you can't leave us! D:
But yeah, it was funny talking with you ^.^
Whatever you do, wherever you are, good luck and have fun!
*hugzzzzzzzzz from Lady Red*

RE: Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - Cashew - 01-15-2016

See ya later JayDee, good luck for the future.

RE: Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - Killer - 01-15-2016

Another one. :/

Take care and cya.

RE: Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - |nfrared - 01-15-2016

Good luck in whatever you choose to do next, and take care.

RE: Another leaving thread. Why flood? Because I can. - StarRaven - 01-15-2016

Goodbye disco friend.....I've never posted in a goodbye thread before, but I FELT COMPELLED to in this thing I've noticed in the time I've been on here is Disco is a teacher of many life lessons to the youth of today. What I mean by that is myself, being 43 years old, learned my lessons many a moon ago, even before the internet....even before CompuServe ( yea, I'm old)....I've seen younger people come on here with one attitude and leave with a completely different attitude, and better off for it in my view. What I'm tryin' to say is that I think disco does a lot more for the younger people of today because of the real life interaction with other people than being glued to the big screen playin' X-Box.....I dunno.....just thought I'd give Disco a kudos for what I see it doing....this thread just brought it outta me....thanks for letting me ramble in your leaving thread my friend.....I hope Disco has brought you some well learned lessons as well bud.....

-Coteazur Admin-
-Disco player 2014-2016-