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RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 06-08-2016

Log Entry 12 - 823

Looks like I spoke too soon, all the contracts I had laid out have come to squat. Those 343 guys ain't answering, neither are those O'Rhu punks and to top it all off my deal with the Admiral is now worthless because the ship he advised me to get can't land on Leeds because its too damn big. Sprinkle on my increased overheads and yeah, this whole week has been just one big bowl of crap.

RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 06-13-2016

Log Entry 13 - 823

I've learned something new this week, the Order and their gaggle of hang-arounds are a bunch of time wasters. Spent all that time gettin' my hands on those walkers and what do I get? "We don't need them" and "you have no moral spine." I go to them as a businessman and come back with an insult, well they'd better hope they never need me for anything 'cos that insult is goin' cost 'em.
But enough about them, its givin' me agida.

Well seein' as how I was lackin' contracts last week I took a gamble, a pretty damn big one and paid a visit to Omicron Rho, home of The Core. I'd heard horror stories about them from every corner of the galaxy, especially from the Zoners but after Freeport 11 who can blame 'em? Kinda ironic that I learned how to find 'em by the drunken rantings of one of the survivors.
I went in expecting guns, threats and demands to leave, just like I faced with those Order palookas but no, I met a Captain Lyell who didn't seem to mind me there at all and even put me in contact with his wife, a guildkeeper of the Core. She wasted no time setting me up some work, pretty difficult stuff too especially given the first request involved the time wasters, still I'm goin' to give it a shot but I'll need to find another way of gettin' it done. Something tells me it'll make the Order look like idiots and thats fine by me.

The best news however comes from Mr Fujimoto, it seems the Dragons are interested in what I have to offer and whats more, they want to spread that deal to their allies turning one deal into several. All of a sudden, things are lookin' up.

RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 06-29-2016

Log Entry 14 - 823

I've done some stupid and pretty crazy stuff the past few weeks, first is taking a job from some Outcast scientist who wanted all kinds of top end stuff, anti matter and fusion cores from military walkers, some of Rheinland's best armour and to top it all off, a part from Liberty siege cruiser's gun. The Rheinland stuff isn't hard to get, Miller hasn't failed me yet in that respect, Liberty on the otherhand is a damn nightmare.
To get the walkers I've had to get creative since the LPI own the place that sells them, outright buying them is a no-go but since the good doctor only wants the power cores I've paid off a few of the dockers and mechanics to place any faulty units into a spare hangar. Good thing Liberty ain't known for its quality control, it could've taken months to get 15 but they're ready and waiting.
The siege gun is something else entirely, no one has one and the Navy ain't givin' anything up with the Royalists knockin' on California's door which also has me a bit worried about the familia down on L.A, I mean they haven't got beyond the Magellan gate but still. I've got a fair bit of credits behind me now, easily enough to move 'em, maybe to Denver? I don't know. But yeah, that gun is going to be something else to get hold of.

Now for the crazy part.
I got nailed in Omega 3 hauling those walkers meant for the O'rhu folks to the Suffolk, the Admiral is always wanting a cut so why not? Nope, got held up by some Coalition cruiser sitting right on the jumphole with those Auxesia stooges in tow. Before you know it a couple of BAF arrest me and are fixin' to tear the ship right out from under me. I did a bit of fast talkin' and got myself taken to Sprague where I enjoyed the company of one of their rookies who attempted to "interogate" me, good kid, bit naive though. After that I found myself in the firing line of a battleship, commanded by the good Admiral of all people and a fighter piloted by a friendly Commander called Dagon who seemed to enjoy my company thoroughly. A bit of yammering and some bluster got me to drop my cargo on Sprague and away with nothing more than a warning, which the Commander didn't like oddly enough.

The crazy part is, during that little chat an old smuggler got my comms and offered to show me a way of not getting caught, yeah like I need that. I agreed to see what he had in return for a part in my contracts if it proved to be solid info, so we took some blackmarket weapons from Kreuzberg down to Arranmore via his route. Along the way we got talking, turns out Ted had been doing a lot of dirty jobs until the Maruaders sold him out and the latest Rogue group cut off his slave supply, leaving him in moving arms to keep up.
He was still getting supply from the Junkers so I offered him a partnership, I'd cut him into my supply if he'd use his contacts. and so far its working well, we've just completed a deal for the Sigma Junkers.

Even though there's only two of us I think we could make it big, maybe even expand to control the entire blackmarket arms trade in time. Yeah, that'd be something.

RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 07-12-2016

Log Entry 15 - 823

Delivered the goods to Synk finally, almost a month's work but for 10 million it was worth it. The big problem now is gettin' that phase alligner, I've tried tapping a few of the primary fleet in Liberty posing as a collector but no dice so far, I've got time though and that 90 million reward is plenty incentive to get it done.

Speaking of Liberty, I met a woman named Yvette while watching the Outcasts and Hackers brawl with the navy yesterday, a bit green for the lanes but kind enough, even gave me 500k credits when I told her were I was from and my collection of jailtime. Reminded me of old Saint Jane down on 57th street, always helping people, sharing what she had even if it was damn near nothin' just to do a little bit of good in the world ya'know? I couldn't paid Jane back for all the things she did for me as a kid so I gave Yvette back twice what she'd given me to try and even things out.

Thinkin' about it now I probably shouldn't have offered her that Leeds job, maybe I should've left it to just me and Ted. I mean it's risky but it's good work and decent pay, plus she gets protection with my name for a small cut of the profits... and we do need a freighter to run guns... We'd all make a decent profit and help the Bretonian's fight off the Royalists... But if we got caught she'd be thrown in prison just like I was... No, we'll find someone else to run the guns, I ain't making someone elses life a wreck.

RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 07-16-2016

Log Entry 16 - 823

You know, when I first stepped outa Sugarland 5 months to the day, I never imagined being an arms dealer would be anything like this. I figured it'd be a quiet operation, regular contracts and deals all respectable like, maybe the occasional stop by the cops but a decent living yet somehow I've managed to be partnered up with an ex slaver who showers once a month and potentially a former member of the Coalition being hunted as a traitor.

Quite the mix huh?

I haven't known Ted for that long but we've already done on contract together and just started on another for the Hogosha, a boss for one of their groups called 'The Fisherman' though I'm not sure if we'll be alive afterwards with the way Ted addressed him as "Fishy-Fishy" not to mention delivering explosives instead of explosive ammo. So if my severed head is found floating on Junyo, you know why.

Katya on the otherhand is a bit of an unknown, a former Coalition pilot turned traitor currently being hunted by her former comrades and an avid smoker, who else would ask for a delivery of Tobacco from an arms dealer? She even invited me to a dinner on Curacao, nice little place over looking one of the many oceans, good food too. We got to talking about business and how she was interested in working with me up to fund her new life beyond the Coalition's reaches, makes sense after all there's no better job for someone trying to hide than a smuggler.
She knew the jumphole network like the back of her hand, could gather info and already had a ship in mind, the deal was sealed with a pack of Volgograd smokes. Say what you will about the Commies but they know how to make a cigarette.

So yeah, we've got the makings of something. No idea what it is but I've got a good feeling about it.

RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 07-28-2016

Log Entry 17 - 823

It's taken awhile but the three of us have come to an arrangement on how this group is gonna work out, first we'll be keeping it loose as possible so that we can all work our various angles without butting heads.
Second, we're gonna be selective on who we bring in. Anyone who wants a slice of the action will need to prove they aren't some mooks looking for an easy ride.
Lastly, everyone is gonna be paying a fee. Yup a straight cut from every job is gonna go into an account that'll be used to bankroll our entry into the blackmarket.

During all that I've done a few jobs for the Commune guys, got that alligner for Synk finally and a quick bit of work inbetween for another guy called Nomak who sounded like a big shot, certainly liked giving orders anyway. If the money wasn't so good I'da taken exception to it.
For now things are quiet while we set up a relay and that sorta stuff, I've also been considering buying a blockade runner to get through into the harder places and continue my work with the good Admiral, once we're all set up of course.

Oh yeah, guess what we've named ourselves? The Rat Pack. Not bad huh.

RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 09-14-2016

Log Entry 18 - 823

It's been awhile since I updated this, yeah almost a month? Yeesh.

So where to start? Oh I got myself a freighter now, a Drone I've named Opportunity Knock's. Catchy huh? After that Katya somehow managed to swing the Order and get us access to Kemwer, now I just gotta find someone whose lookin' to buy.
See these guns are supposed to be hi-tech, top of the line sorta stuff, so you'd think everyone is gonna be looking for 'em right? Wrong. Hi-tech stuff ain't reliable, it ain't easy to fix and it sure as hell ain't cheap. Not what your average grunt is looking for in a gun. Kinda makes finding a buyer difficult.

What else?

Oh yeah Ted actually got a shower and was even helping me on a quick job for Maren, or a friend of Maren's. Someone. Wasn't happy about it though, shower and job. Honesly, complaining about a quick no nonsense job delivering stuff down to Freeport 5, good money too considering.

The rest ain't good news, hell the fact that we're running legal goods should tell you everything. I gotta get back out there and start makin' noise.

RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 01-20-2017

Log Entry 19 - 824

I took some time off from this blackmarket stuff, a lot of time actually. Been movin' stuff legit for about three months now, 'course who I was deliverin' to is somethin' else but I got to spend some time with the familia again. Guess part of me always wondered what it'd be like on the otherside of the line, to be a regular joe with a steady job and I finally got a taste of that life.

And as much as I miss Uncle Gino, little Rosie, Mickey, Olivia and all the bambinos...It just ain't for me. Honest work is a chump's move and bein' given scraps by some mook with a fancy yacht? Yeah, not a chance.

The ball's rollin' again, jobs are startin' to come in and we've even got a new associate. Now if we can get Ted his damn ship back we might just pull this thing off, plus I've got a pretty damn good idea that'll get us that piece of the blackmarket we've been dreamin' of.

RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 01-26-2017

Log Entry 20 - 824 A.S

So yesterday was fun. Comin' back from Gallia with some Cryotubes I hit the Hokkaido radiation field, couple a' things sparked, the lights dimmed, nothin' unusual. I hit Sigma 13 and boom, everythin' blows. Engines cut, nav dies and all but life support is screwed. I mean sure redirectin' weapon power to the engines isn't supposed to be done but no one ever said to me "Hey Jimmy don't do that or you'll end up floatin' dead in space!" You know, if I'd actually asked anyone about doin' it.
Sayin' that I do cover a lot of distance, may goin' up to Gallia was the last straw? Either way being lost in a gas cloud with only basic navigation ain't relaxin'.

I did manage to get to Speyer in the end, good thing those guys know their ships they got it up and runnin' at least until I can stop off at Heinsberg for repairs but I've still gotta deliver those Nukes to Augustopolos...Yeah Heinsberg first.
It ain't all bad news though, the new blood Jasper actually landed a contract with the Commune, same guys who gave me my first big payoff. Talk about hittin' the ground runnin' huh. So yeah, that'll be another one to the Pack not to mention the flood of contracts plus my project, things are lookin' pretty good.

Maybe its time to get myself somethin' a little bigger?

RE: Jimmy "The Rat" Fattore - Croft - 02-28-2017

Log Entry 21 - 824

Been a pretty wacky month, we fired off the Confessional but so far no bites, Jasper made it into the Pack, my freighter got stolen, Ted got a ship and then we both got blown up by some Maltese wackos.

The Confessional, yeah my bright idea to worm our way into the blackmarket so far has been a bust. You'd of figured with all the stuff goin' on folks would jump at the chance to get their hands on anythin' then again maybe it's the "give us your money" part that ain't sittin' well? Oh well, ain't like it's goin' anywhere.

On to Jasper or as Ted has named him "Casper." He was askin' for it callin' himself 'The Ghost' and now hes stuck with it, still it's pretty funny. Casper the friendly smuggler, heh. What was I gonna say?...Oh yeah, he actually sorted that Commune contract out with Nomak himself, not bad huh? Still ain't gonna shake that nickname though, no matter how far he goes.
If hes smart he'll spin it like I did, no one wants to work with a guy who crawled through a frozen sewer pipe to escape a bust but you tell 'em it means you can go anywhere and boom instant rep.

Now my stolen freighter and Ted's new freighter, I'm pretty damn sure whoever stole mine is connected to Ted's five finger discount on that Courier he 'found.' I mean I can't prove it but the timin' is a little too close to be anythin' coincidental yeah? Plus this is Ted we're talkin' about, he probably left an IOU with my name on it.
Jokes' on the mook who stole it though, I used that Drone to practice tweaking engines and well, we all know how that played out.

Finally, gettin' blown up by the Maltese wackos. Me and Ted had just delivered parts to the Commune guys and were on our way out when two mooks stop us at the Tau 37 jumphole tryin' to rob us. I tell 'em to send the bill to Nomak, things get stupid, Nomak shows up tells the clowns the deal, things get more stupid. At the end we get dragged back to Valetta, get a roundabout of "Take Cardamine or Die" for half an hour before finally gettin' shot for our trouble.
See, I can deal with pirates, psychos and trigger-happy nutjobs but what I can't deal with is two sides of the same coin not knowin' which way is up. Now Nomak tells me that ain't gonna happen again, do I believe him? Well I believe he believes it won't but in my experience that kinda thing never works out. Folks who won't listen the first time ain't gonna listen the second.

I'm still down in Liberty tryin' to get more hardware for Ossari, I guess we'll be testin' the theory when it comes to delivery.