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Tutorial on Comm Bars? - Printable Version

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RE: Tutorial on Comm Bars? - Oldum - 02-18-2016

(02-18-2016, 01:40 PM)SirDoge Wrote: @Epo Hmm...yeah, the frames are too fat, actually. About the eye-text-displaying, I have no idea where to start from. If you have a tip, it'd be appreciated.

Basically, place an eye image between the grey ball and the blue "beam" or light or whatever that is displaying the text. Than play around with the transparency of the blue backround behind the text so it looks mire like a hologram than an actual solid object.

RE: Tutorial on Comm Bars? - Epo - 02-18-2016

Try catching +/- half of the ball with round selection and moving it to another layer. Or even double the current layer as well. Try to gather them in following way: (from above)
1. Starting layer with deleted 'eye' part. Just select the part of the layer which will turn into 'eye' and then just remove the selected area. Make sure the layer is transparent tho.
2. Only the 'eye' layer
3. The original not changed layer

Try selecting smaller parts of the 'eye' and working around on them. You can try multiplying the 'eye' layers, changing something on each and then have fun with transparency. You can get some kinda interesting effects this way. Reverting colours or having fun with shades could be a good idea too

RE: Tutorial on Comm Bars? - Zyliath - 02-18-2016

@Oldum @Epo
Thanks for clarifications ^_^

EDIT: Tried the eye, but it goes beyond my ability with GIMP as of now. I'll keep the holo effect like in V1 probably.

RE: Tutorial on Comm Bars? - Zyliath - 02-18-2016

[Image: 0pZ936F.png]

Looks more holo-like, frames thinned and blurred a but on the outside.
More feedback appreciated!

EDIT: noticed some imperfect blurring near the right. Already fixed as I write.

RE: Tutorial on Comm Bars? - evanz - 02-18-2016

i use photoshop, tried using Gimp but couldnt get used to it

always think layers

i start with a transparency layer a white layer and black layer (you can switch each on and of to check what they would look like on different backgrounds)

add brushes texts/filters etc

generally fiddle about until you think it looks good, then save as png (no need to "flatten image" as this removes the transparencies

RE: Tutorial on Comm Bars? - Zyliath - 02-18-2016

@evanz I generally start with a transparent and black layers, the latter at the bottom of layer list. Then I start strolling and fiddling around until it looks good. And always save the .xcf first then export to .png -> upload on imgur.
I think my V2 commbar looks fine. Any feedback is, as always, highly accepted.

P.S: Forgot to write it at the beginning -> No. Trolls. Or. Trolling. Is. Allowed. Here. (Thank you! (sun))

RE: Tutorial on Comm Bars? - evanz - 02-18-2016

(02-18-2016, 02:45 PM)SirDoge Wrote: @evanz I generally start with a transparent and black layers, the latter at the bottom of layer list. Then I start strolling and fiddling around until it looks good. And always save the .xcf first then export to .png -> upload on imgur.
I think my V2 commbar looks fine. Any feedback is, as always, highly accepted.

P.S: Forgot to write it at the beginning -> No. Trolls. Or. Trolling. Is. Allowed. Here. (Thank you! (sun))

Yep and save at different times with incremental naming into a file of the customers name, remember what you think looks good might not be how the customer thinks, so let them decide, sometimes they will say I like the 4th one but by then you've done about 15 changes that you can't reverse fully

RE: Tutorial on Comm Bars? - Zyliath - 02-18-2016

Sure, evanz. Thanks for the reminders ^_^
Feedbacks have been appreciated!
I'd say to keep this thread open in case someone needs some help.