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Quick question: Bretonian 'Paladin' - Printable Version

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Quick question: Bretonian 'Paladin' - Drake - 11-18-2008

This news makes me happy.

Quick question: Bretonian 'Paladin' - mjolnir - 11-18-2008

I expect McKenna telling me he's my father next time I fight him :lol:

Quick question: Bretonian 'Paladin' - MarvinCZ - 11-18-2008

2 pics for you:

And no, I am your daughter!

Quick question: Bretonian 'Paladin' - Ash - 11-18-2008

Tie fighter comes to mind. Or a Hussar holding two shields.

Looking at it to be honest i think it woul have stiffer turning than a Templar. It looks heavy.

Quick question: Bretonian 'Paladin' - MarvinCZ - 11-18-2008

' Wrote:Looking at it to be honest i think it woul have stiffer turning than a Templar. It looks heavy.
Don't even start with that. It is a HF and that's it:P
The model fits the role very well.

Quick question: Bretonian 'Paladin' - Drake - 11-19-2008

When you really compare the Paladin with a picture of a Tie Fighter, they look significantly different... It's just that the vertical side-wings are so well known that people automatically think, 'Tie Fighter'.

But it's not a Tie Fighter import, and it looks cool and quite Bretonian (and not a near-clone of the other Bretonian fighters), even if it shares a resemblance to a SW ship... I, for one, am glad to have it.

Here's hoping it gets balanced well... Would hate to have another unused HF in Disco.

Quick question: Bretonian 'Paladin' - mjolnir - 11-19-2008

Check the cockpit...

yes it's similar to Hussar.. but it's also similar to Tie Fighter - or more the tie prototype darth vader is flying in Episode IV.

I'd simply cut the two things off... it is more massive in the middle than hussar anyway.

Quick question: Bretonian 'Paladin' - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 11-19-2008

I love the templar's model, its hawt, Never fly fighters, tho, I did as a gimic once, nver caught on.