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Best Sci Fi TV series? - Marburg - 11-24-2008

The 4400 One of my all time favorites about 4400 amneisiatic alien abductees returning to earth & discovering that they have all been genetically altered to manifest unique powers, & how they reintegrate back into society as a feared minority.

(Heroes consistantly rips off ideas & themes from this show)

Dark Skies Another uber great show set in the 60's ultimately about the truth behind Roswell.

Space: Above & Beyond The coolest show about life as a military fighter pilot before Batllestar Galactica

Primeval About a group of scientists who track the openings of intermitent wormholes into a primeval paralell dimention, & hunt the prehistoric creatures that come through.

Best Sci Fi TV series? - Hawk - 11-24-2008

Battlestar Galactica is good, both new and old.

The new took me a while to get into but it's got a great story. If you have ever studied metaphysics it will blow your mind.

Babylon 5 is good too. The 5th season is a stretch, but it's entertaining

I also like Doctor Who. It's campy old school sci-fi but it's fun. David Tennant, the newest doctor is awesome as well, one of the best yet.....rivals Tom Baker.

Best Sci Fi TV series? - Grimtooth - 11-24-2008

I guess I'll show my age just a lil bit and say Twilight Zone and Outer Limits. Then Star Trek the original series. Then Sliders and X files and recently Fringe, ya just gotta love a show with a mad scientist in it.

Best Sci Fi TV series? - jpo - 11-24-2008

Crusade. Its a babylon 5 spinoff. Its awesome.

And Harvey Birdman is captain. If that doesent sign the deal nothing will.

(and its funny you say firefly coz ive heard so much about it i got it but havent watched yet.)

Best Sci Fi TV series? - Tenacity - 11-24-2008

The invisible man, I always loved that series...

if you havent seen any of the episodes yet (the show was cancelled a long time ago), the basic gist of it is that this criminal guy gets his brain implanted with a little bug thing that allows him to turn invisible, and he's forced to work as a spy for the government. Good comedy and action, but no space-stuff.

Best Sci Fi TV series? - DragonLancer - 11-24-2008

Raumpatrouille Orion


Best Sci Fi TV series? - Zero755 - 11-24-2008

' Wrote:Star Trek: Voyager is the best Sci-Fi series i ever watched. Excelent stories with perfect visual effects.

I have about 70 Gb of these series on my PC, all 7 seasons.

I'll sign to that.

Also ST Deep Space 9 is good. I also think Stargate SG1 is great, Atlantis wasnt so great in my opinion, but still ok I guess.

Best Sci Fi TV series? - Doc Holliday - 11-25-2008

Star Trek DS-9. I was so bummed when they pulled "Enterprise." It had just started getting good.

Best Sci Fi TV series? - Stoat - 11-25-2008

I'd recommend

Battlestar Gallactica

Farscape - By far the most trippy Sci-fi. Great humour.

Star Trek DS9 - The best of the next gen of star trek series. Quark makes the show.

Babylon 5 - Great series at its time. I've watched it again, and it feels dated, but that may just be because I've seen it before.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - The series really caught the mood of the books. It's such a shame that it ended where it did.

Best Sci Fi TV series? - John Keel - 11-25-2008

Agree with those who say Doctor Who, it's brilliant. Especially with Tennant as the Doctor.

Try to watch it from where the new run of series starts, with Christopher Ecclestone who's also pretty good. He's in it for one series, and now Tennant has done three, not including a number of Christmas specials. I think one of the best episodes I've seen is "Blink", which is bloody scary and brilliantly written. It's in the third series if you want to pick it out.

There are some brilliant episodes and because it's hardly based in fact the writers can do as they please within the confines of the plot, so there's so much that can happen. The ideas haven't got old and there are some fantastic storylines.

Watch it!