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ID Restricted Ships? - Printable Version

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RE: ID Restricted Ships? - Titan* - 06-09-2016

Restricting caps? Hell no

I don't want to be in stupid official factions to fly capital ships because They cry if you dont listen em, Flying caps as indie always better

RE: ID Restricted Ships? - Zyliath - 06-10-2016

I see...As it turns out, I have to say something:

The real motivation behind this entire thread is the following: I wished to make a shipline for the Oracles. This has been spoken into our skype chat and I did actually found some inspiring pics.

Huggie thought of an entire shipline, from the smallest "lightseekers" (the fighters) to the massive shine vessels.

But, I do not want to see people flying Oracle ships (if they can be made ofc) without the ID. That is why I came up with this tbh.

RE: ID Restricted Ships? - sindroms - 06-10-2016

I am somewhat worried that an Angel is proposing this.

RE: ID Restricted Ships? - Laura C. - 06-10-2016

(06-10-2016, 07:54 AM)Zyliath Wrote: I see...As it turns out, I have to say something:

The real motivation behind this entire thread is the following: I wished to make a shipline for the Oracles. This has been spoken into our skype chat and I did actually found some inspiring pics.

Huggie thought of an entire shipline, from the smallest "lightseekers" (the fighters) to the massive shine vessels.

But, I do not want to see people flying Oracle ships (if they can be made ofc) without the ID. That is why I came up with this tbh.
The solution might be to restrict these Oracle ships only for Oracle ID. Since you donĀ“t have indie ID, only your faction will be allowed to use them. Though best would be to talk about this with devs.

RE: ID Restricted Ships? - Gulryz - 06-10-2016

(06-09-2016, 08:59 PM)Shinju Wrote: More harm than good. Not everyone is willing to spend months in official faction before they can reach needed rank for it.

+Capital ship players would have to fly with snubs for months.

that Plus new players like Caps more and I know many people who play on caps only , we are already struggling with activity and this will just finish last of it . Let the indies have freedom

RE: ID Restricted Ships? - Zyliath - 06-10-2016

Why are you worried? This is a thought. Free to think it my way.
What, just because I'm an Angel I'm not allowed to propose?

@Laura C.
That is what I thought for the Oracle shipline tbh.
I am sure though that Devs will nuke this.
But, who knows? Only time will tell...

In fact, I am OK with you. My original thought was mainly pointed at the Oracles.
For other factions...tbh you are right. #Indies

RE: ID Restricted Ships? - Gulryz - 06-10-2016

Laura C. gave answer to your question pretty well

RE: ID Restricted Ships? - Zyliath - 06-10-2016

I know. This thread can now be nuked for good.

Thanks for your answers, everyone.

<<Nuclear Launch Detected>>

RE: ID Restricted Ships? - Croft - 06-10-2016

I honestly believe we're struggling with activity because of the "freedom" of indies. Factions require effort and investment, they are self-regulating, tradtionally demand better quality and are willing to help others acheive that level.
By comparison, Indies are just self-interested, grind cash and buy ship affairs with very few actually contributing to the community at large. It's just instant gratification with zero consequences.

RE: ID Restricted Ships? - Enkidu - 06-10-2016

Caps are just less capable, less expensive fighters from a gameplay standpoint. Let people earn the credits and generate the activity for caps.

Disco is perfectly fine.