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Goodnight, sweet prince. - Printable Version

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RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - Laxxy - 06-30-2016

(06-30-2016, 08:02 AM)eigos Wrote: That's very dramatic. Who was banned again? I don't see anything recent in the sanctions thread.

RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - sindroms - 06-30-2016

You know, at first I was very tempted to make a joke on how Lyth probably submitted too many player requests and it was easier to ban him, rather than process them, but oh well. Might as well make a more serious one.

The recent events on Discovery has rekindled a very particular feeling that I've not felt for a few years. The best way I can describe it is uncertainty in both Discovery as a community project and the future of my own participation which is, once more, completely out of my control.
I will be the first one to say that I am far from being a model community member, but I would like to think that over the course of the last few years, I've reduced my footprint on the admin radar by a considerable amount. That being said, it was also the case for a few of the banned members. So watching them being slapped like that is not as much disheartening, but rather worrisome.

The administration team made some mentions of the system being made more transparent. Instead it seems that they took this bunch of players to make them an example for the other members. The fact that they deliberately did not mention names of other ''potential candidates'' only reinforces this feeling. That this is a vague spearshake at troublemakers that would have been effective a few years back when we had people knowlegable and driven enough to replace them, but now the Discovery Community has condensed so much that removing these ''troublesome'' members will have a severe impact on the activity of certain factions. Note that most of these people are faction leaders. Now, you do not want bad members to have that title and power over an ID, but at the same time there is no denying that these people were highly active for better or for worse.

This should have been a sanction thread with "Members Banned / Warned" with the involved community members given a ban, while all of the remaining people on the chopping board would have gotten the warning part of the thread.

Instead it seemed to be an excuse to give problematic and potentially problematic members a jolt to the backside. Something Disco needs, but I am doubting that THIS was the way to go for it. In either case, people who are currently arguing against this judgement, remember what happened the last time when the community made threads regarding poor choices on behalf of the team. I am talking about the sanction imposed on me and Protēž and Dawson Rogues regarding shooting off someone's turrets. That thread was 10 pages long at the end of its life, during which no admin bothered to post and simply waited out for it to lose steam, fade off the list before invisib-ing it.

This is the same thing that will probably happen now. I am eager to be proven wrong.

So what now. If I am one of the members to feel paranoid about this sudden culling of members regardless of when was the last time they've done something questionable, should I even bother putting any effort into Discovery if the next batch of bans will happen the next day anyway? Dunno, you tell me.

RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - eigos - 06-30-2016

After reading 4-5 threads about the whole drama, it looks to me as those bans were a long time coming. I have seen two names pop up every time - Meph and Lyth. And since probably all 6 of the guys opted to continue playing in a disruptive way, all that's left was probably that perma-ban.

These sort of things have happened in the past ever since the Disco forum was first created, more than 10 years ago.
I see nothing dramatic about it - on the contrary, the community moves on (as always) and new players will come in time.

RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - Yber - 06-30-2016

The problem isn't that these people got banned, the problem is that others should have been banned before most of these.

RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - eigos - 06-30-2016

Gotta start from somewhere. But guys, seriously - there is no such thing as permanent bans here. People ALWAYS come back after they've changed their computer and ISP.

Nothing dramatic really. Just some shocked people whose actions finally caught up to them (again, cause this ain't the first ban they've had here).

RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - Wild Eagle - 06-30-2016

Actually for at least one it is their first ban.

RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - Luke. - 06-30-2016

It wasn't just locked, it was almost immediately deleted as predicted. Utterly childish and cowardly reaction from a team that could be the difference between this server surviving or dying. I have nothing more to say really, for a few it was indeed their first ban at least in a long time, which is just outright unfair.

We'll just have to wait and see how long it takes for them to swallow their pride and admit a mistake was made. I respect that admins hold a lot of responsibility but this was no more than an abuse of power and the disciplinary procedures that they should be sticking to when deciding who broke the rules, which rules were broken and to what extent and what punishment should be inflicted. There isn't even a mention of which rules were broken. It's just "you're cancer bye lol" which again, lacks professionalism.

RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - Luke. - 06-30-2016

A mighty change it has been, member of the ban list. It was not like this at all when I joined. Yes, I missed the "good days" of .85 and such but not much seemed to change in way of administration's attitude and ideals. It felt far more democratic and they only made decisions like this when absolutely necessary and for reasons that are well explained. That explanation, a crucial part of everyone's anger, is totally absent now other than a few edgy parting words from the green team which do no more than prove that power has gone to heads of pretty much every single one of them.

I am now also gone indefinitely, I will likely see this case out to its end, being in the TS a fair bit but that's if there's even any more to it. If they don't want people to leave then adding more to it is their only option. Doubt it though, admitting wrong-doing isn't a strength of the admins but is yet a gleaming and respectable part of a personality to have.

RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - Vendetta - 06-30-2016

I can agree that Karst is one of the very few names I didn't expect to see on this list.

RE: Goodnight, sweet prince. - An'shur - 06-30-2016

This ban is too harsh, it will cause more harm than good.