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Rheinland 2.0 - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 11-29-2008

I must say as far as i'm aware, RM capships (above GB) are off limits for indies. Perhaps if a RM high ranking member could post something here about this?

Rheinland 2.0 - looqas - 11-29-2008

The biggest loss I feel has been the lack of RP. It would be somewhat ok to use overwhelming force sometimes if there were great RP before it, but it has been constant pvp more likely.

Interesting about the RH caps. I kinda assumed that the ban has been lifted since there have been inside 2 weeks at least indies flying, 2 RH BS and 4 Cruisers and couple of gunboats. All having the tags and stuff in order and doing their bit of RP. Not great RP but learning kind of RP.

Rheinland 2.0 - BaconSoda - 11-29-2008

' Wrote:Basicly you see this all over the place, not just in Rheinland.
I personally think that people cannot stand the fact that when they put up a fair fight, they might die.
Also some have traded so long to get this massife firepower, that it's a waste not to use.

I myself stay with the first statement (altough the other happens) as some people their ego gets to big when they got a fat jacket on.

Their scared, they dont want to loose and do anything do make sure they wont (gank), they just dont have a clue how to RP.

I have a Gunboat myself, but never actually use it unless another capship has been spotted.

My two cents.

I have to say, since the KNF has put in a ban on Bounty Hunter capital ships my farmers to the north have seen substantially less Bounty Hunters up there. Bretonia, I have never, ever been swarmed by a group of Bounty Hunters, not as a Corsair, nor as a Bretonian Constable. I do think this lack of Roleplay has migrated to Rheinland during and after the proclamation that Jihadjoe has made about Capital Ships in Liberty, the lack of popular trade routes in Bretonia, and the declaration by Kusari that capital ships will not be tolerated. I must say, it doesn't happen everywhere.

' Wrote:The biggest loss I feel has been the lack of RP. It would be somewhat ok to use overwhelming force sometimes if there were great RP before it, but it has been constant pvp more likely.

Interesting about the RH caps. I kinda assumed that the ban has been lifted since there have been inside 2 weeks at least indies flying, 2 RH BS and 4 Cruisers and couple of gunboats. All having the tags and stuff in order and doing their bit of RP. Not great RP but learning kind of RP.

I do have to agree with you again, Looqas. If the fights were roleplayed, I would feel no animosity towards the events that took place. The events, though, most of the time don't involve very much RP. It is quite discouraging when you let off a speech about Rheinland's bureaucratic corruption, and you get an almost silent rebuttle from large guns...

Rheinland 2.0 - Kambei - 11-30-2008

Yea bunch of capwhores in cruisers is pendling between NB and NT and seek for chance for PvP

Those "for free" working bountyhunter battlecruisers are pure OORP junk.

Personaly I hope we can move time back... we can say 4 months... when encounters with RMs was fun because there was lot of RP (no vogt camping, no cruiser vs VHF etc. etc.) and bountyhunters in cruisers was prohibited. Personaly if RM would need help to get down bounty. cap, PM me freely and I help you... Rheinlanders at wrong side are more for me than some bh. oorp capwhores:)

Rheinland 2.0 - jshkornmiller - 11-30-2008

I know know what you mean, this is what i have been complaining about these past few days, its like in the players eyes who fly the bounty hunters ships. their version of role play is to "wtfpwn" everyone. I like to build up tension as well within the Role Play. That's what i play for, because if i only log on to get pummel by a group of blood hungry Bounty hunter pvp whores. whats the fun of playing. This goes for those player that have moved to fighters. Now they think that they're all high and mighty because some of us chose to keep our gunboats. Witch is what Gneisenau is flying.

Also, i had taken note on what Xing said in my venting thread, about how he thinks it is in Role Play to joke on someones skill because i am flying a gunboat. (this part not directed to you, Xing)Well. I'll have you know that i have been flying that gunboat for well over 8 months, so i believe that i have the skills to kick your sorry high and mighty face in the through door.

Rheinland 2.0 - farmerman - 11-30-2008

Being as I was with Bacon the day we were swarmed by all of those Battlecruisers, I agree with what he said. Though at least those were somewhat logical, unlike some in that engagement - but that's another story.

I think it must be related to the whole niobium thing because I've never run into situations of the sort in Bretonia.

But I guess I'm sort of used to it. However, it does seem there's been a lot of Rheinland caps around lately, none of which were in the RM. Have they all been approved by the Rheinlandic governmental types?

Rheinland 2.0 - Kambei - 11-30-2008

In my opinion gunboats arent caps.. or they arent that bad as rest of cap class... 3 hits from GB cant kill you like 3 shots from BC, they can be easily soloed by bomber (there is difference between an hour long flying around and SNing cruiser and fast 10 minutes encounter with GB), they can be taken down by 2 VHFs... cruisers and bigger caps cant.... suma sumarum I have nothing against gunboaters and if Xing whine something about gunboats too that is his problem.

But group of 4 BCs is problem of all of us in Rheinland and sigma13 (sadly sometimes you can meet more than 4... and number is growing because BC cost few 6 loops NB-NT in adv. train which is how much? 3 hours? and noobies know that)

Rheinland 2.0 - pchwang - 11-30-2008

Personally, I've no idea why Rheinland has suddenly gone liberal.

Rheinland 2.0 - sovereign - 11-30-2008

"Wilderness II control, this is scoutship "Born to be Wilde." All clear for mass jump to Leeds."

Crikey. We need to put the fear of Chuck Norris back into the buggers one way or another... the ways that come to mind are:

1) Get them to RP. Start your snowcone machines fellow demons, we're in for a rough night.
2) Get them out of the caps. I started working on revamping the BHG awhile back, but that RL thing intervened and I didn't have the time. If one of you has absolutely no life you can try to get this to work.
3) Blow them out of the sky every four hours.
4) Get the rules on your side... easily the worst solution here, but if necessary, the whole 'no docking on RM bases if the [RM] have you KoS' could become enforced by server rules rather than common sense/SNACs.

5) Make them bored. They do it for the lulz, so give them no lulz. Kill messages are lulz for them. If they attack, make yourself scarce, and start dancing in Bretonia, the one place they fear for no apparent reason. The decor must be made out of holy water or something. No really, when was the last time you saw something ooRP in Bretonia?

Back to seriousness, if 1-4 are not an option then 5 is going to have to do. If they have no fun, they will go back to trolling Manhattan, or possibly even their families. He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day; fighting the cap hordes isn't fun for you, so just go somewhere else for four hours.

Or try 3).

Rheinland 2.0 - Rashnok - 11-30-2008

To the RM and RFP who seem to be having trouble dealing with idiots in caps, they should know that many of the unlawful factions within Rheinland happen to be very nationalistic. That is to say, we'll shoot the foreign capships before we take out the government.

Now, if I remember correctly, the RHA is going to start having it's Rheinland cleansing sessions again.