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BPA Passenger Licensing - BaconSoda - 01-03-2009

If you have a recognizable prefix, then the company can be registered as an entire company instead of separately. Simply upload payment to the Hauberk with a receipt of said transaction, and the process will be undergone.

~Abigail Thorn

BPA Passenger Licensing - Slavik - 01-08-2009

... Incoming transmission
.. COMM ID: Richard Farbridge
.. ID Mask: BOWEX security and exploration division director

Good mornin sirs/madams of the BPA.

Cheers for including us in the licensing already!

Kind regards,
Richard Farbridge
Bowex Division Director of Security and exploration

.... Transmission terminated peacefully

BPA Passenger Licensing - ivr56 - 01-09-2009

| Incoming Transmission|
From: Alan Wexler Assistant CEO of Republican Express
To: BPA Licensing Bureau
Subject: Prisoner/Passenger License

Guten Tag Sirs and Madams of the Bretonian Police Authority

Republican Express Shipping a Import/Export firm based out of Rheinland would like to secure a license for the trade of VIPs, Prisoners and Passengers.
As you know we are a trusted company by all means. We have been having and continue to have shipments to and from Bretonia constantly. We usually do carry goods but live cargo is sometimes carried as well.

Passengers: The Orbital Colony of Munich is a very popular passenger destination as well as the capital New Berlin itself.
VIPs: Same as above
Prisoners: Well any unwanted prisoners can be transported off Bretonian hands to Rheinland based prisons. Rheinland has some of the best facilities in all of the Sector. And pay good for them also.

Base of Operations: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System Rheinland Sector
ID: Republican Shipping
Tag: Republican
(*** Denotes Number Designation)
Example: RepEx-Shipping|080

Money is ready to be transfered once and if we are accepted.

Thank You For Your Time

Alan Wexler
Assistant CEO of Republican Express
"All About The Profit"


BPA Passenger Licensing - ProwlerPC - 01-09-2009

[Image: n-000058-im-000821-1-1.jpg]

Incoming Transmission

To: BPA Liscensing Bureau
From: Special Agent LaRouche
Subject: Prisoner Liscense for Prison Liner S/D-ConAir
Priority: High

Message reads:

Greetings BPA

As commander of Search and Destroy Agency's Prison Liner I inderstand a Prisoner Liscense is required for prisoner transfers. A liscense will be required for the ship designated S/D-ConAir. I have already forwarded payment to BPA)Hauberk as there was no officer available at the time.
Please note that S/D-ConAir is the only ship that currently requires a liscense to move prisoners for Search and Destroy.

[Image: screen161-1.jpg]

I'd like to add for your assurances that S/D-ConAir travels with heavy support and hasn't had a loss, another transfer is being prepared and will occur shortly just waiting for one more S/D ship to bring in a few notable Hessians.

Thanks in advance,
Special Agent LaRouche

Transmission Ends

BPA Passenger Licensing - BaconSoda - 01-09-2009

NSY Public Comm Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Abigail Thorn
To: Republican Express, Search and Destroy Agency
Subject: Application for Recruiting

Hello sirs,

Thank you for beginning the licensing process. We have received the licensing fee and New Scotland Yard will attempt to process you as quickly as humanly possible. I hope for further goodwill between our organizations in the future.

~Abigail Thorn

NSY Public Comm Status: CLOSED

BPA Passenger Licensing - dark177 - 01-10-2009

BPA License Bureau Comm Channel...
Incoming Transmission...
Source: Planet Leeds
Comm ID: Constable David Anthony...ID confirmed
Transmission Accepted....


Today I received a licence application and fee from the Junker Congress to transport Passengers/VIP/Prisoners in Bretonia. They have paid the 10mil fee, as shown here:
(Funds will be transferred to the Hauberk shortly...)

This would cover any ships carrying the .:j:. callsign, as mandated in the legal code.

Constable Anthony out.

BPA Passenger Licensing - BaconSoda - 01-17-2009

NSY Public Comm Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Sectional Chief Abigail Thorn
Subject: Licensing

I have recently received a license for a Judo_Kast. Proof of purchase enclosed:

~Abigail Thorn

NSY Public Comm Status: CLOSED

BPA Passenger Licensing - Raiden45 - 01-29-2009

Wodan[T] Has paid credits for a license to Sgt.Alex.Coulson of the BAF, sending the money (to BPA)Hauberk) now.

BPA Passenger Licensing - BaconSoda - 02-05-2009

NSY Public Comm Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Commissioner Abigail Thorn
Subject: Licensing Amendments

Wotan, I will check the Hauberk and add you to the list at the nearest opportunity.

Now, a new amendment to the policy:

Licenses will now cost 500,000 credits per thousand cargo a transport has. Thank you all for your cooperation.

~Abigail Thorn

NSY Public Comm Status: CLOSED

//EDIT: Sorry, it was late. Post updates to say what I originally intended.

BPA Passenger Licensing - BaconSoda - 02-08-2009

NSY Public Comm Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Commissioner Abigail Thorn
Subject: Licensing Amendments

SOLiDWiNGS has paid for a license.

~Abigail Thorn

NSY Public Comm Status: CLOSED