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To: >SEI<[Intel] Transport Division || From: Solitaire Metropolis - Printable Version

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RE: To: >SEI<[Intel] Transport Division || From: Solitaire Metropolis - Xenon - 08-13-2016

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB.png]

Transmission: Online
Receiver: Sharp Edge Internationals Intel Core | Transport Division
Subject: W O W

Guten Tag,
Frau Amanda Shepherd of SEI Transport Division,

It's me again, Mark Hamann and as the title of this transmission says, WOW! .. What is this amazing speed and high quality products!, we are surprised actually and the members of the board are loving it. We surely will contact you again mein frau for another contract very soon. Thank you for your precise documents and have a gut day.

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB2.png]

RE: To: >SEI<[Intel] Transport Division || From: Solitaire Metropolis - Xenon - 08-16-2016

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB.png]

Transmission: Online
Receiver: Sharp Edge Internationals Intel Core | Transport Division
Subject: New Contract

Guten Tag,
Frau Amanda Shepherd of SEI Transport Division,

It's me again, Mark Hamann and this time i am here for more business mein frau. The solitaire Metropolis docking master would like to request 20,000 Irdium which can be bought from Freeport 11 at Omicron Delta system, 20,000 Plasmonic Metamaterials which can be bought from Graves station at Dublin system and 20,000 Super Alloys which can be bought from Scaraborough station at New Castle system. The docking master is willing to pay 3,000 for each piece of Iridium, Plasmonic Metamaterials and Super Alloy delivered. This time is a large contract, and more than what we usually have so i will wait your reply about it and please ask any questions you need. Have a gut day mein frau.

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB2.png]

RE: To: >SEI<[Intel] Transport Division || From: Solitaire Metropolis - Amanda Shepherd - 08-17-2016

[Image: HgaFBaD.jpg?1]

Encryption: High
Location: Planet Honshu
Target: Solitaire Metropolis CEO-Mark Hamann
ID:Amanda Shepherd

Greetings Mr. Hamann, *smiles*
May i say this is a rather large order * rubbing check* but alas it is within our abilities to complete and in our normal timely manner,
Also if my pilots where not dreaming it *laughs* then the transportation of some of these mat's have already been delivered to your facilities and the rest will be completed asap,
Have a good day Mr. Hamann and until we speak again *smiles*

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Best Regards:
Amanda Shepherd
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core
Transport Division

RE: To: >SEI<[Intel] Transport Division || From: Solitaire Metropolis - Amanda Shepherd - 08-18-2016

[Image: HgaFBaD.jpg?1]

Encryption: High
Location: Stuttgart
Target: Solitaire Metropolis CEO-Mark Hamann
ID:Amanda Shepherd

Greetings Mr. Hamann,
its good to see you again*smiles* i must apologize for this delayed reply, the contract itself of 20,000 Plasmonic materials, 20,000 Super Alloys, 20,000 Irdium was completed some 8 hours ago but due to current issues i was making other arrangements and until now have been outside of comm's range,
Below you'll find full documentation and i will see you soon Mr .Hamann



[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Best Regards:
Amanda Shepherd
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core
Transport Division

RE: To: >SEI<[Intel] Transport Division || From: Solitaire Metropolis - Xenon - 08-18-2016

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB.png]

Transmission: Online
Receiver: Sharp Edge Internationals Intel Core | Transport Division
Subject: Contract Completed

Guten Tag,
Frau Amanda Shepherd of SEI Transport Division,

First of all i would like to thank you for that great deliveries and high quality products, and also i would like to let you know that the Solitaire Metropolis board's members finished discussing a reward/bonus for your organization. We will be glad if you can accept our reward for >SEI<[intel] of 50 million credits which can be wired as soon as you provide me with an account bank number, so our financial manager can start wiring this money. This is nothing compared to our gratitude towards your high quality deliveries and loyal support during hard times. Please have a gut day and until next business.

[Image: Mark_Hamann_TB2.png]