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The Lucky Penny - Leo - 12-04-2008




He remembered those days. He held his backback over one shoulder and listened to the music in his head. It had been so long since he had heard it all those years ago. His mother used to sing it to him. The boy sighed and walked down the road towards a shop.

The storekeeper saw him and greeted him warmly as he walked in.

"Ah what can I do for you Mr. Honduras?" he said.

"Menthol Lights please...the 100's, not the small ones." the boy replied.

"ID sir?" he slid the ID to the cashier and he rang up the purchase.

"That's 10 credits sir." he said and he was slid the credits in exchange for the cigerettes. "Have a nice day."

Juan grunted as he walked out the door and back into the scorching Gamma sun. Something about this planet always bothered him, even from his birth. He hated it here. He wanted to explore the stars...but being one of the sons of an Ex-Don prevented him from escaping.

He had thrown away his family name a long time ago. His father was a crazed lunatic. Driven mad by money, and when Juan was only 13, he was on the verge of the same craze. Needless to say, he got out of it while he could. Prevented himself from losing his mind. But in throwing away his family name he also threw away the money he could have used to escape and disappear into Sirius. He lit up one of his Menthols and walked slowly down the road towards the starport on the horizon.

"Today begins my new life." he said to himself. "I just hope I know what I'm doing."

The Lucky Penny - Zapp - 12-04-2008

The arm/tentacle/appendage flopped back inside the crate, the entire thing going limp. Slowly, fear turned to fascination and curiosity, and Sydney crept forward to peer over the edge at the creature. It looked so ugly, yet so cute at the same time. Some sort of maternal instinct took over, and the Junker picked up the Nomad in both arms and carried it to the medical station, more an alcove stocked with some meager pharmaceutical supplies and a bed than anything else. She laid it out on the bed, but didn't know what to do. Human drugs surely wouldn't work on an alien, right? The anatomy and physiology is completely different.

So all Sydney could do was scrape up a chair and wait, though she didn't wait terribly long. Soon a beeping sounded throughout the ship, signaling that they were nearing Rochester, and at that she had to abandon her guest for the time being. Careful to close and seal the door, Sydney headed for the cockpit and prepared to transmit a docking request, also planning to pawn off the equipment in that one crate while wondering what goodies the other two held...

The Lucky Penny - Unseelie - 12-04-2008

Cold, Cold, Cold...

Heat seared across the horizon, great flashes of light preceding wakes of heat, over and over. And then silence. Cold. Silence, and then little heats, wandering around. She couldn't move. She was cold. She was moved, and then..and then...little space, with slick sides. Now, space stretched out to all her sides, above, below...weight pressed down, and she wasn't so cold.


The Lucky Penny - Leo - 12-04-2008

Juan always hated the trips to Tripoli. The combination of jet bursts always made him nautious. Once he landed he began to talk to people around the station, looking for his uncle. He eventually found him sitting in a lone part of the pub. Juan sat down across from him and waited a few minutes before talking.

"How's it going Uncle?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" his uncle said with a gruff voice. He was sluring his words and his eyes were bloodshot.

"I need a loan."

"F$#! off!"

He threw a bottle at him and he quickly caught it and slammed it down on the table.

"Listen you f%$#in' drunk. You said you would give me some money to get out of this god forsaken system. You're going to do it...and if you don't..." Juan placed a mini-blaster to his ribs and stared for a minute.

"Just like your father." his uncle said reaching for his credit chips. Juan pushed the gun into his ribs harder and he winced. He threw the chips out and Juan took them, placing them in his coat pocket.

"If you follow me, you're dead."

"Why are you so anxious to get out of here anyway?"

Juan turned and stared at his uncle.

"I'm going to find my cousin. You're neice, and maybe, just maybe a relative who isn't as worthless as you."

With that, Juan left the bar, and his uncle sitting there staring into the seat where his nephew had just been sitting.

The Lucky Penny - Zapp - 12-04-2008

Sydney was a regular fast-talker, used to conning more than a few people to pay lots of money for salvaged equipment that was next to worthless, or getting free landing space, discounts on fuel, etc. The main man she dealt with in her goods knew this, so he kept his cards close to his chest and his credits closer. So when she was disconcerted and stammered as she tried to sell him the gear in the one box she had opened, he looked on dubiously. What was she trying to pull? Finally, the deal was struck and the credits exchanged while a forklift on grav-lifts moved to pick up the crate and move it into storage.

She went back into her ship and opened the next two crates in much the same way, but they weren't full of anything nearly as weird. The first yielded optical chips, circuit boards, fiber cords, and portable memory units. Parts of computers. The second was full of heavy weaponry, the kind used to level small cities and/or outfit an upstart dictator's army. She sold both crates, coming off the deal with half a million credits overall.

The entire time, she was watching to make sure no one went on her ship, and when she was done with the transactions and resupplying (as well as getting a repair team to fix the fuel line), she reboarded her ship and sealed the doors. Time to check on her passenger.

The Lucky Penny - Unseelie - 12-04-2008


Soft warm, warm..
The cold had come, she'd been caught and slipping and falling..
Silence, next..
Then...Cold again.
little warm, rubbing her. pulling.
Now, she wiggled, stretched, coiled, and purred.



The Lucky Penny - Zapp - 12-05-2008

It was so lonely... it gave off the feeling. Waves of emotion racked Sydney's body, and she could perceive them (though by none of the traditional five senses, more a form of ESP) flowing through all the space around her. Lonesomeness. Confusion. Its movements were almost catlike, as it rose from the bed and shook the blanket off. So small... and cute... and dangerous. It regarded her with solemn... eyes? Maybe? Whatever they were, the creature was majestic, and seemed, at least on the surface, to bear her no ill will.

"Umm... hi, my name is Sydney... what's your name?" she said, hoping that it understood her. Probably not, but it was worth a shot.

The Lucky Penny - Unseelie - 12-05-2008

"Umm... hi, my name is Sydney... what's your name?"
Me, we..we....we..
Me were we, we..
WE had we, though...
They took We, now me we.
Cold ended we...
me name me?
name me...

The Lucky Penny - Zapp - 12-05-2008

Sydney shook her head back and forth, rubbing her temples with her knuckles to relieve the headache that sprung upon her... what was that? Was it... was it a mind-reader? It must be, to be able to project its thoughts on her mind, right?

"You need a name, do you?"

It was humming, though not with any vocal chords... humming in her mind. This was starting to creep her out.

"Well, you're so sad... gosh... does Mourning sound good?"

The Lucky Penny - Unseelie - 12-05-2008

Mourning. Mourning we me be.
Mourning, sydney we me be.
Mourning Sydney. alone?
So alone...
They..they..they they they they they they.
Farr. Mourning, sydney?