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[[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - Printable Version

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RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - Vendetta - 08-11-2016

[Image: TVPB01H.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Endurance


Tia Stormclaw,

I suppose I should thank you for getting involved with the Hessians in New Berlin earlier today. It's not every day I'm thanking someone from an organization which was once shunned by us. Curious how your leader has fallen so far in such a short amount of time. This talk of 'active artifacts' has caught my attention. Any mention of active alien relics is of interest. Should their purpose be discerned, inform us.

I'm not sure how well of a reception you might receive should your offer of aid stand once this escapade is over with, but your actions recently haven't gone unnoticed, and it's certainly a step up from the usual banter that occurs.

- Curator Endurance


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - thisDerius - 08-16-2016

[Image: XI8cHpM.png]
Greetings Raven, Endurance or whoever is available right now.

I managed to investigate a few things while going off the grid for a few days.

I have information on Joker's first artifact. This is not 100% true so I am still going to look into it a bit when I can.
It appears that he is using an artifact that is used as a map. In old research files, this kind was already used. It is able to tell its location anywhere in the universe once activated. The thing is, its impossible to activate it without proper equipment and "things" which I do not know about.
With that, Joker's trail has gone cold and I will be unable to track him for a while.

Good news is that I found the assassin I was talking about. Seems that he has been on Cambridge for the past week. He is probably hunting for someone there. I will do my best to prevent this assassination.

I would also be grateful if you have any information about any "safe places" on Cambridge. I will need somewhere to sleep and get ready for combat. Along with that, A good weapons dealer would come in handy. Other than that, I will be able to get around by myself.

Thanks for the info in advance and if you need anything while I am here, please do state so before I find him.


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - Kauket - 08-20-2016

[Image: DTBxohr.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


You know, your actions haven't gone unnoticed upon the fields. I'm moderately impressed by your efforts to assist us.

Now, concerning this artifact, I don't believe such an item was told of before. A map would have to exist for a reason of sorts, and most maps are heavily encrypted with some old security measures and glyphs that require translation. Tell me more about this... artifact - as active ones are always rare for a good reason. What is the origin for example?

If you require arms dealers, seek the main cities emporium. There should be plenty of weapons to purchase. Legal or otherwise. The fleet is somewhat on the defensive, at the moment. I may or may not have a job for you, but we'll see.

Actually, no, wait... I do have something for you to do.

I want you to find some information about the Order. Learn about their fleet positions and how many assets they have. They're currently on a dumb operation which is a waste of time, and a waste of effort. I want to know their positions, how many /more/ of the Order are deployed down here, primarily the capital vessels, and if they'll loiter after this said operation is done.

Obviously, don't get caught, or don't even mention Auxesia. This is kind of important for us.

[Image: 976nCIp.png]


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - thisDerius - 08-20-2016

[Image: XI8cHpM.png]

I will see what kind of additional information can I find about the artifact. Maybe find out what will it be used for.

Ill try my best to track down the Order and see what they are up to, along with their "assets". To be honest, it has been bugging me too. Maybe there is more to their "operation" than we know.

Ill contact you again when I am done.


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - thisDerius - 08-22-2016

[Image: XI8cHpM.png]

Okay... Information plus knowledge.

Order squads vary with ship types and their numbers. So... Here is the thing.

2 Capitals. Osiris battleship |O|-Amenhotep or something like that. Cloaker. Order|P-Tombstone, Resheph recon cruiser. Cloaker too. Along with that there is bound to be a Gunboat with them and a fighter ( I have seen that one fighter.). A relatively small squad for outside operations.

I talked to the Amenhotep today. They seem to have a nomad problem. More to it, I think that most of the Order vessels have already left because I have not seen anything for a while. I will keep searching though.

I heard from my contacts that Nikolai has transferred to Rheinalnd. Joker is nowhere to be found again.