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.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - Printable Version

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.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - dr lameos - 06-16-2009

from when I was in the faction recently, I remember it being well run, and it's members very polite. Afraid I have little constructive criticism in this regard. Keep up the good work, if I have the free time to come back I would.

.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - worldstrider - 06-16-2009

I have had three people pm me this week saying that the Congress got them started and was a great experience for them.

.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - barrenwzste - 08-17-2009

' Wrote:I have had three people pm me this week saying that the Congress got them started and was a great experience for them.

The junkers helped me get started as well, and I would like to thank them. Most especially Claude Quinne, aka Waste.Managment.

.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - Ceoran - 01-27-2010

Well, I just got engaged by a :j: tagged salvager without any notice and all I received afterwards were sentences like "You are WOMAN", etc.
At first I thought: Since when are there such idiots in the congress as my previous encounters with you guys were much better. Then I noticed the difference in the tag. Not sure if you can do something about such similar tags, but I would be willing to forward you the screenshots on the person in question. Just tell me to whom.
I'm sure that guy will harm your reputation if he is allowed to wear it longer.

~Best regards, Ceoran

edit: already solved

.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - AJBeast - 01-27-2010

' Wrote:Well, I just got engaged by a :j: tagged salvager without any notice and all I received afterwards were sentences like "You are WOMAN", etc.
At first I thought: Since when are there such idiots in the congress as my previous encounters with you guys were much better. Then I noticed the difference in the tag. Not sure if you can do something about such similar tags, but I would be willing to forward you the screenshots on the person in question. Just tell me to whom.
I'm sure that guy will harm your reputation if he is allowed to wear it longer.

~Best regards, Ceoran

edit: already solved

:j: is not the congress tag, .:j:. is. If you find that said person was attempting to impersonate being a member of the congress, send the evidence our way and we can deal it as we see fit. Meaning sharp knives, hammers and meat tenderizers.

.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - Netherwind - 02-06-2010

Last night (well, more like early morning) I was involved in an incident with one of the members of the Congress, .:j:.Rusty.Bug.

As I was passing through the Galileo system with my character Netherwind (a trader) he demanded that I pay him for passage, which was completely within his rights to do so (although I've never been pirated by a junker before, so I had my doubts about that as well... but failed to verify my assumptions) and furthermore, the sum he demanded was 1 million credits - by no means unreasonable.

I reacted rather poorly in that I didn't even attempt to roleplay beyond a snug remark and proceeded to flee. He pursued me in his freighter, firing and, ultimately, giving me another chance to pay the sum. I refused again, insulting him (this, at least, was done in RP). At that point he destroyed my ship, saying "Tell me, how does it feel to get pirated by a Firefly?" Well, it didn't feel good at all... That was the last straw for my already wounded pride and aggravated nerves (it was cca. 4 in the morning and I was trying to make that final route before getting a new ship... I'm sure you all at least once knew that feeling and know how it affects a person's judgement) and I responded in a completely inappropriate manner, breaking several server rules as I switched to my bomber character (Netherstorm) and attacked him without any kind of provocation or RP in the same system.

We fought for a while, but in the end he destroyed my bomber as well (yes, I know, pathetic... but to my defense I've only been playing the game for a week now and there was some really ferocious lag going on). In any case, I not only succeeded to break several server rules and demonstrated a blatant disregard for the, my otherwise beloved, RP, but also made a complete fool of myself. I would like to apologize to .:j:.Rusty.Bug and the Congress as a whole. I have disappointed myself and am deeply ashamed of my actions. I realize that I have tarnished my reputation on the server, but here's hoping that I will be able to prove to the community and the Congress especially that what happened last night was a sad failure to preserve my composure and act in a rational and mature manner that does not happen often.

In closing, a quote I deem appropriate to represent the moral of the story... Marsellus: " may feel a slight sting. That's pride ****ing with you. **** pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps."

.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - Ross Noyes - 02-14-2010

Hi Netherwind,

I accept your apology. I'm glad you realize you broke the rules, and I hope you never do it again.

In your defense, it wasn't really fair to have your bomber exploded. Your own Nova did it to you. Don't fire them when your shields are down.

Also, use your SNAC more.

Anyway, now I'm glad I was too tired to file the sanction report. :)

Bye now.

.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - mwerte - 02-14-2010

->Rumor #132325:
We sell the Mollys' Gold, Corsairs' Artifacts, and Outcasts' Cardamine in New London. You can make very good money doing it, but don't get caught. We'll say we've never seen you before.

Junkers in a nutshell. Hehe.

.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - Mere_Mortal - 03-19-2010

I have 3 Navy starting on me, just me alone, then 3 Congress members jump in too. Thanks guys.

.:j:. Junker Congress Faction Feedback - farmerman - 03-19-2010

' Wrote:I have 3 Navy starting on me, just me alone, then 3 Congress members jump in too. Thanks guys.

Can you elaborate? What sort of ship were you at the time, and who and what were the Junkers who jumped in?