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Pedantic Pensioners Pursue Philosophy and Politics - Printable Version

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Pedantic Pensioners Pursue Philosophy and Politics - swift - 12-09-2008

"Oh dear put me down you bafoons! My dignity shall not suffer this! Hrrrrmm...."

The old man had to come to peace with his fate, seeming as the firemen's arms did not wish to let him loose, despite his protests..

"Oh well Threep, at least we got rid of that pesky tower, you DID always say you wanted to redecorate it.."

Richard, or Dick as he was called on occasion, when someone wanted to point out his rather messy combination of first and last name, giggled uncontrolably while seeing the expression on Gerald's face..

Pedantic Pensioners Pursue Philosophy and Politics - Xing - 12-13-2008

By the end of the day, it was about scared butlers, angry firemen and even more angry bretonian policemen who were hurrying around the scene, and generally, blaming the two old crazy men for about everything; including the fact the mansion had a decorative tower above the normal height allowed, hindering airspace flight in this highly dense traffic zone (as a proof, the sole remaining tower of the mansion fell down as a police cavalier craft accidentally slammed it)

A large crowd of curious were assembled around the mansion, and meanwhile, the two angry old men were back to their argument, sitting in the garden as if nothing happened, their dignity forbidding them to even give a damn about the carnage going around them...

The boy, dazzled by so much pride from the two aristocrats, merely stood next to them, serving their tea...

Pedantic Pensioners Pursue Philosophy and Politics - swift - 12-15-2008

"Why thank you servant, you are not as dimwitted as I pegged you out to be.
Let me reward you for your efforts.."

The old man takes out his wallet full of credit chips, and the servant's eyes water at the prospect of the reward the old man would give to him.

"Here, take this, buy yourself something nice, whatever you little peasants like."

It was a credit chip for 10 credits.

"Gee sir, I can't express my gratitude" - said the servant with formidable sarcasm.

"You're welcome, I can reward good deeds you see.. Now run along and bring me some biscuits."

He turned to the slightly amused Gerald and said:
"But Gerald, why this was rather fun, seeing your little mansion get a bit...shorter..
I mean slap me twice, make me wear funny clothes and dip me in pasta sauce, but this was good to see."

Richard smirked, all giggly inside at Gerald's misfortune.
He just watched how Gerald was pretending not to care and keeping his head held up high. He awaited his pretencious response.