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RE: The Miracle Work - TheSauron - 12-03-2016

- I'll stick with the six pack... - she turned around and approached the closest container. She then looked inside. - Well... A "wrench" is not really a helpful description. There's plenty of that in here... - a few metallic sounds indicated Flora's combing through the equipment. After a few seconds she pulled one wrench out. - Hm. This one should do. Looks identical to what we have in the emergency toolboxes on Anacondas. Though... it'll take you a while to work your way through with a wrench like that.

RE: The Miracle Work - nOmnomnOm - 12-11-2016

"Actually a 7/8 will do... and also grab me I think... a 3/4 ... yeah... Oh and actually.... get me a drill with those bits at the end.... and a blow-torch... Hmmmm..."
Sunny was already busy examining the ship and expertly mentioning what he'd need to get the job done. He'd be under the ship and looking through it's 'guts'.
"Ill need some oil for this here... hmm... the cooling liquid might need a change.... what's this here... ah that needs fixing too... The hell this thing isn't so great even for the new engine! It's just going to run it down further and quicker... Ah... and these wires too...I'll need a soldering iron for that ... ahhh.."

Sunny gets out from underneath and takes off his jacket. "Hhmm... it's gonna get messy... I guess I need to get dressed into something I can afford to get stained."

RE: The Miracle Work - TheSauron - 12-11-2016

- This will do... - she kept the first wrench in her hand and continued to search for other tools. - And this... And that... Goddess, this stuff weighs a bit... - Flora approached Sunny with a pile of requested tools in her hands. - What do you mean it'll run it down faster? - she looked over the bare insides of her ship with signs of worry. - This ship isn't that ruined!

RE: The Miracle Work - nOmnomnOm - 12-11-2016

"Hey relax... nothing that can't be fixed... Some extra parts to replace are needed... but the thing is if you don't have the right stuff linking to the engine, then the engine wont perform as well too. You gotta make sure the gasses come at the right stream, the generator links work the way they should, the power core is connected right... all these wires with no tangles... all these things are a factor in the performance. The better the things around it is, the more you will get out of your new engine and the longer it will last.

"Anyway... gimmy that bottle there..." He takes one bottle from the six-pack and pops the lip using the edge plating of the ship as a can opener. He drinks a few sips and sighs a relieved sigh.
"Now that hits the spot..."

RE: The Miracle Work - TheSauron - 12-11-2016

- I see... Well, that makes sense. I trust your skills in that field. - Flora observed him with amusement, the load of tools still in her hands. She nodded them a little, suggesting Sunny to finally relieve her of the burden. - Could you please...?

RE: The Miracle Work - nOmnomnOm - 12-11-2016

He finishes drinking and seeing she is still holding the stuff, he teasingly places the bottle to balance on top of all the things that she is carrying. He then, while grinning at her from her surprised look, walks down under the ship again, but after a few seconds he'd appear again after the joke and grab the stuff, placing it on the floor and spreading it out. "Just hand me the stuff when I need it, I guess. I'll need some more things while I'm there too... and perhaps some lists of parts I'll be mentioning."

He takes the larger wrench and goes back under the ship to look through. "Oh and a flashlight... would be handy." He calls out to her.

RE: The Miracle Work - TheSauron - 12-13-2016

Her stare followed him beneath the ship. Once he came back, she tilt her head slightly. She continued to give him looks as he spread the tools on the floor. She remained silent as he spoke afterwards, holding her hands crossed. She then shook her head and went to the container in search of a flashlight.

- Here you go. - she said after walking up to him with it. She stayed next to Sunny, but left him enough space to work. She observed his actions, already aware of the ship's state thanks to her throughout inspections.

RE: The Miracle Work - nOmnomnOm - 12-31-2016

Sunny made a quick call to his crew that would be stationed at his ship at the hangar before getting back to work again. He had a pocket flashlight with him that he took out and started looking over everything again with his hands, moving some things around to correct places and organised everything in his head. He'd be sure the pieces he needed additionally could be found in the hangar as well too as they could very well be adjustable. After a while, he'd head the docking procedure of his ship near the docking bay for the hangar they were in and a little while longer there were his men rolling over the new engine.

There was a lot of work ahead of them to do but Sunny had in the mean time made sure all was ready for mounting. Once he and his team brought the engine up to the ship and placed it in position to be clamped in, they then headed off to get a drink and go back to the ship while leaving Sunny and Flora to it, as it was more of a one-man job now and too tight anyway for more movements. In any case, Sunny liked to work on ships himself, finding it relaxing.

Going back under and starting to link the in and out connection to the engine, he relaxed a bit. "Now the puzzle begins... and then some tuning... when is the power core expected to arrive, Flora?"

RE: The Miracle Work - TheSauron - 12-31-2016

Flora shrugged. She was standing right next to him and closely observing what was he doing.

- I'll have to go pick it up. Soon-ish. I expected to have it delivered before I even contacted you, but, well... Seems like they had more important business. - she walked over to the exhaust of the engine. - This engine looks neat. Or at least more elegant than what my local handyman managed to put together in his spare time, back when I was still flying for the Gaians. How is its fuel efficiency? I hope I won't have to litter the cargo hold with spare fuel for my trips.

RE: The Miracle Work - nOmnomnOm - 01-02-2017

"As long as I can get some specs for the power-plant then it show be fine... i'll need to calibrate and set up accordingly based on how much power will be transferring into the engine. Otherwise it will overheat. You wouldn't want to start up your ship expecting to fly, and end up actually flying out of you ship in an explosion in the end." Sunny says with a little exaggeration in his tone.

"...And that does as well end up with fuel efficiency too, mind you." He smirks. "But suppose we get it just right into it's sweet spot in terms of power. Assuming you have a power plant that from the start doesn't waste fuel to convert it towards your engine.... then yeah the fuel efficiency would be pretty nice. In the end if you are doing long trips, you'd always want to have spare fuel. A lot of things might go wrong and you gotta account for that... but this baby should do the trick. We added a turbocharger to it too, so it's not only powered by the fuel and energy from the power plant, but also the exhaust is being used as well. Mind you.... this also allows for a satisfying kick in power when you really need it." Sunny chuckles as he explains while working and wiring/hooking everything up into place. "There is also a bunch of other things in here that help to increase efficiency.

[Image: dn3294-1_826.jpg]

"Let me explain to you a little of how this little lady here works. Over here is where you have your fuel injecting in from the tank. Right here on the other side are the connection from the power plant to help operate the engine here. If you were to split this engine open and look at the very basics, you will see rings inside that work kind of like magnets.... basically in simple terms, they help convert the fuel into the power that is needed. On the other end here is the Nezzel that ejects the plasma created into your well know stream from behind the ship."

[Image: WfxdKbr.jpg?1]

[Image: 54ca81ea06db0_-_turbo-5-470-0209.jpg]

"If you'd go into more detail, first there is the turbocharger here. You can see how there is piping I am placing in now that's taking the fuel excess out and making a whole wrap around to the charger. This basically reuses this expelled exhaust one more time rather than having more fuel needed and will be feeding it back in. Kinda neat, actually. It can save quite a nice percentage of fuel too. At the minimum, about 10 percent, though we can kick it up now-a-days to about 20 percent in alone this."

[Image: gasdynamic_mirror3.jpg]

"As for everything else, we've upgraded the Nozzle to allow for a more concentrated stream to move out to give you that thrust you need to move forward. With a tighter Nozzel you'll be able to reduce the amount of fuel needed compared to the similar engines without it, or if you want more fuel, then you'll be going faster. We have also upgraded the magnets quite a bit, and since you have been saying the power core will be able to support it all, it shouldn't be an issue. In the end it will help making the transfer to plasma even better and easier, requiring you a bit less fuel too."

"Besides the engine, I can offer you one more thing." Sunny mentions as he is finished explaining. "You can get what's known as am EM engine drive. Kind of the 'black magic' of the engine world to say the least. That thing doesn't use fuel at all.... and it's also becasue of that really complex. It wont give you such a kick as the fusion engine would though, but you can use it for your thruster as well as the thrusters that make your ship move up and down and side to side. All those things rely on fuel too, so if you were to take that out of the equation, you will save a hell of a lot. We can have that equipped in a cheetah thruster 'package' for instance for you."