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A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - Jihadjoe - 12-31-2008

Elvin, my previous post was a little off really.

What I want to say is yes. That kind of roleplay is fine, provided we know about it first.

If you wish to arrange some time for it then I'd be more than happy to get the LN to participate...

A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - casero - 12-31-2008

just make sure don't do it with those indies-OORP-capwhores-players there =P

A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - Elvin - 01-01-2009

Sorry for the late answer... I was preparing to drink, drinking and the recovering from the drinking. *cough*
Let me answer from the start

' Wrote:That's where you reply *Captives detonate. Three decks of holding ship are lost in the explosion* ;)
Well, that won't will end with " They are alive and well" ... But, well, that depends on who will you meet.

' Wrote:Elvin, just talk to the right people *cough* Me *cough* beforehand, and you'll be fine.

Remora, that just makes the person sound like a sore loser, pretty lame.
Well, I thought about asking the people on forums before it will occur.

' Wrote:Originally that sounds like a good RP. However

1-RP-wise (and here I talk for myself, not in the name of any house), as it happens in real life, main-houses should not accept negotiations with unlawfuls, even when there are hostages involved. Think about it. The moment it is done once, every single unlawful will start kidnapping people to ask for ransom

2-I remember once some unlawfuls that started this way to lure some lawful players to a well prepared trap full of Missile boats. Some call that RP....

So personally, myself I will never agree to such exchange. If some superior decides to do the exchange, as always I will follow superior orders.

My 2cts


On the other hand, the similar situation - Terrorist kidnapps aeroplane with 250 people, and he wants goverment to release some prisoner ( Lets say mafia boss for example ). Do you think that first thing the goverment will do, will be sending army to shoot down the plane with everyone onboard? Thats not really tactical, moral, or even possible. Nope, they will try to do negations with the terrorist, and everything to slow him down, and save the people.

To the second point ... Sorry... but... that's very poor thing to do, and surely not thing I have done, or will ever do.

To the " It happens once, It will happen again " glitch... My situation is that - My character has escaped from the prison, and he wants to get a few others out as well, it's really just about RP, I dont want to lure people and kill them in trap, or make money.

' Wrote:From past experience, I've yet to meet someone actually play along with a hostage situation.

What has happened every time is that I either have to eject a passenger and shoot them with the turrets but then fail as the lawfuls tractor it in.
Or I have to RP that I am shooting etc them inside the ship.
Yet, when my ship later goes boom the lawfuls have a tendancy (IE always) to just say that the hostages are alive and well.
It's bloody annoying and plain bad form. With a side order of metagaming mixed in.

Can people PLEASE not destroy over an hour's etc worth of in game solid RP by going 'They are all alive and well, and joo suxxx!!!!!1111one' etc.

Well... that's the first experience I've had. Pretty the same as you describe here. Just to add a bit to defend LN/LSF glory, they were idies, not the actuall faction.

But I've really... kinda died when i saw the RP... I have actually played the scene, when the hostage takes 5 gunshots into the head, then my poor bomber explodes in fire of 2 dreads and yet, they still dared to say " hostage is captured, alive and well, pirate destroyed" ... It find this stupid... Yeah, there is no way I really can shoot the hostage ... But that's what it is about in RP... Just because there is no " Shoo him to head" button on your pannel, it doesn't mean -you- can't do it.

' Wrote:Heh, the Liberty forces when paranoid when I was just offering to give them their pilots back for free...

Well, Its not really about money, just about my RP and story:)

And at last, but not least: to JihadJoe: I'm glad to hear that, if you are willing to help me make this little "event", I will be REALLY glad and we may speak about it right away.


A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - FooFighter - 01-01-2009

I'm currently in the process of setting up a player group (which hopefully will make it's way to a official faction as well;)) that would be exactly specialized in dealing with situations like this - the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment (remember, the faction's still a WIP, so don't expect to find too much on the wiki page at the moment) may be exactly what you're looking for. Feel free to contact me on Skype or per PM if you'd like to arrange something.

A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - Dusty Lens - 01-01-2009

The biggest problem with the "hostage" situation is that it crops up about 18 times a night. System comms almost invariably has something about some guy hidden somewhere cackling about how he's slowly torturing "ur mans lol" and launching them into space/etc.

NPCs in your cargo hold don't make for fun.

-Now- something that is cool (which I've never gotten a trader to go along with, bloody peasants) was something that once went down with the Xenos and the .:J:. where we had one of their guys on the wrong end of several guns... To find that they had another Xenos in a similar predicament in another system.

So we swapped.

Was bloody fun, no powergaming. No "I haz da admiralz" and no real problem with it happening 28 times a night.

A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - Elvin - 01-01-2009

' Wrote:I'm currently in the process of setting up a player group (which hopefully will make it's way to a official faction as well;)) that would be exactly specialized in dealing with situations like this - the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment (remember, the faction's still a WIP, so don't expect to find too much on the wiki page at the moment) may be exactly what you're looking for. Feel free to contact me on Skype or per PM if you'd like to arrange something.

Well surely we could figure something, but guess I need the LN (Or LSF, I do not know who is officially in charge of the prisoners... Uh, well yeah, anyone can go to Manhatan and buy 10 prisoners, but thats not the kind of action I wanted.). But if we can put something up with Joe, I would be really gratefull to everyone.

' Wrote:The biggest problem with the "hostage" situation is that it crops up about 18 times a night. System comms almost invariably has something about some guy hidden somewhere cackling about how he's slowly torturing "ur mans lol" and launching them into space/etc.

NPCs in your cargo hold don't make for fun.

-Now- something that is cool (which I've never gotten a trader to go along with, bloody peasants) was something that once went down with the Xenos and the .:J:. where we had one of their guys on the wrong end of several guns... To find that they had another Xenos in a similar predicament in another system.

So we swapped.

Was bloody fun, no powergaming. No "I haz da admiralz" and no real problem with it happening 28 times a night.

Do really suspect that I am " Ima turture ur men lol giv me 5m o he diez "? If is it so, I guess I have made a mistake somewhere. Maybe you should tell me where, then. My note to this is just the fact you have to treat people who want to have a little RP action with Liberty officials a little differently than the stupid provocateur amigos mentioned above.

A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - Jihadjoe - 01-01-2009

Sounds good to me. Just PM me with details of your idea and we'll work on it.

Make it into a little planned event.

A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - Linkus - 01-01-2009

Quote:That was unplanned and not agreed to peice of roleplay. We prevented that from happening as it impacted in a -huge- way on our own roleplay. You didn't seem to take that into consideration before trying it. If you want to do hostage stuff then contact us ooc -before it happens-.

It was powergaming for you to attempt that peice of roleplay anyway (I have ur men lulz, do what I sayz), and it made us all rather angry. So the terms kettle and pot come to mind here. Don't fling mud.

Apologies for the mud flinging, it's just something that has got to me several times.
The last incident was around the Zone 21 minefield, when I believe an Osiris? went boom in the middle of the minefield after shooting several people onboard. It took a long long time for the whole RP to develop, and it didn't even start off as a hostage situation, only escalated to that. The [LN] tried a lot to stop the ship and were making a damn good effort alright but the whole thing was ruined when the ship went boom and someone said 'All hostages are alive and well' (Or something along those lines). The ship in question didn't want money or anything along those lines, simply to return home.
Not only does that pretty much make the entire chase and the time invested seem wasted or cheap but it really seems to make the entire thing less fun for everyone, including those who are trying to save the hostages.

The issue is that lawfuls (Not just the [LN], they do make a large effort mostly) don't seem to ever lose in it. They Always manage to recover All the hostages.
In reality it should be that if the ship were destroyed, most of the hostages would be shot or go boom with it. Or if the ship escaped, they might leave some hostages behind etc.
Instead it appears to be the opposite.

All the same it is a two-way thing, just seems that from nearly every encounter I have had, the other side simply refuses to compromise at all. I'm quite happy to be blown to smitherings in the end, as long as the few hostages that have been killed already stay dead and don't somehow magically appear to be alive once the entire ship is destroyed.

A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - Elvin - 01-01-2009

' Wrote:Apologies for the mud flinging, it's just something that has got to me several times.
The last incident was around the Zone 21 minefield, when I believe an Osiris? went boom in the middle of the minefield after shooting several people onboard. It took a long long time for the whole RP to develop, and it didn't even start off as a hostage situation, only escalated to that. The [LN] tried a lot to stop the ship and were making a damn good effort alright but the whole thing was ruined when the ship went boom and someone said 'All hostages are alive and well' (Or something along those lines). The ship in question didn't want money or anything along those lines, simply to return home.
Not only does that pretty much make the entire chase and the time invested seem wasted or cheap but it really seems to make the entire thing less fun for everyone, including those who are trying to save the hostages.

The issue is that lawfuls (Not just the [LN], they do make a large effort mostly) don't seem to ever lose in it. They Always manage to recover All the hostages.
In reality it should be that if the ship were destroyed, most of the hostages would be shot or go boom with it. Or if the ship escaped, they might leave some hostages behind etc.
Instead it appears to be the opposite.
All the same it is a two-way thing, just seems that from nearly every encounter I have had, the other side simply refuses to compromise at all. I'm quite happy to be blown to smitherings in the end, as long as the few hostages that have been killed already stay dead and don't somehow magically appear to be alive once the entire ship is destroyed.

Let me quote myself a bit here :
Quote:...when the hostage takes 5 gunshots into the head, then my poor bomber explodes in fire of 2 dreads and yet, they still dared to say "Hostage is captured, alive and well, pirate destroyed" ...

Well, these situations are indeeed RP ruining and I dare to say OoRP even.

A small question to Liberty Navy, LSF, LPI - hack - 01-01-2009

I will agree with Jihad Joe on this one, set it up ahead of time that way everyone is on the same page and there are no itchy trigger fingers.

With NY being the most populated system, the locals have had a lot pulled on them, and as such, a wee bit paranoid, for good reason.

As an example of an event that is being set up, check out Reverend Dels, Jihad Joe, and Unselie's Rescue of FastJack.