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Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Unseelie - 01-03-2009

I will pay anyone who provides proof of kill, so yes, indies and freelancers can take it. Last night, I believe a pair of wilde killed some. I'm sure they're using a front office when they collect, though Juno wouldn't mind.

Roadrunner...I'm not quite sure what you mean by a 'backdraft' I will say that I've done this before, to the RM, the OPG, the NPG, the Benitez, the Unioners, and the Gaians, and I quite understand what the backlash might be. I've also seen it work to great effect, and I'll assure you that I'm not an idiot trader, but rather that this is a well considered strategic move, moreover, I fail to understand how you could mispell my forum handle. Please don't threaten me.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - cudanny - 01-03-2009

***Inbound trasmition***
***Unkown Source***

Mi amigo, placing a bounty on corsairs is only sending money hunting fools to their death. It is also dooming your ship to continually pirated by us.
Enjoy your demise at my hands. It is a shame you would'ent be able to stand up to anyone without having to hire someone else to do your dirty work for you.

And Roadrunner your efforts have been noted by us and your help is greatly appretiated, you have our protection.


***Transmition End***

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Unseelie - 01-03-2009

This isn't an RP thread. Moreover...I think you might want to check some historical precedents. And how would a transport stand up to a gunboat?

As for killing me, look for Underbridge, Whipping Girl, Seelie, Unseelie, and Kitsune.

Also, if hunters die...that works out doubly well for me. I don't have to pay, and the siars are tied up fighting.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Zig - 01-03-2009

What is it with this recent absurd trend of random indie Corsairs making threats on the forums? Getting very silly, especially as it's self-evident that none of these indies (well, no Corsairs at all for that matter, but at least it's vaguely logical for factionized ones to issue warnings - that brand of warning is usually intelligible, too) can actually make good on their threats.

I mean, kudos to the Corsairs for effort, Zak had sixteen on him at once at this time a week ago - was a difficult escape, only made off with one bounty that time - but it's just not working, is it, guys? Be honest now.

Stoppit. It's no longer making me chuckle, but rather facepalm.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Vince - 01-03-2009

Since this isnt a RP thread Im gonna jump in here.

Zak my friend, we all know the currently vulnerabilities the titan have to explosives. Especially with missile combos. In 4.85, things will be a bit different.

As for you godly skill. Yes, we all agree, you are god gift to PVPing. Know-one can touch you in your Viper. But do not think for one second we gonna stop trying.

As for these traders putting bounties on us..Carry on Amigos. The more Training we get, the better we get..and the better we get, the sooner we can shut the loudmouth windbags up.

Nothing personal amigos..only business.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Zig - 01-03-2009

Eh, you misunderstand me, Vince. I don't mind the Corsairs trying to force their enemies out of their home space at all, I'm simply starting to tire of random indies making baseless threats on the forums. You know my opinions about the piloting quality of the average Corsair - it's just a bit silly and rather tedious to have to read all these tough-guy acts.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - cudanny - 01-03-2009

' Wrote:Eh, you misunderstand me, Vince. I don't mind the Corsairs trying to force their enemies out of their home space at all, I'm simply starting to tire of random indies making baseless threats on the forums. You know my opinions about the piloting quality of the average Corsair - it's just a bit silly and rather tedious to have to read all these tough-guy acts.
hahahaha OWNED
I'm Auerlio_Benitez good to meet you who are you?

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Unseelie - 01-03-2009

Seriously, please, keep your bickering out of my thread.
I think you've derailed it more than enough.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - cudanny - 01-03-2009

hehehe sorry, back to the point.

-now the problem is that you have told all the corsairs theres a sirus wide bounty on their head and they know your name, boy are you gonna hassle when try goin anywhere in the corsair ZOI
-the answer to your original question is that most BH BC are indies that have just bought it and want to shoot everything, these indies dont check the forums. they just stay in game and wonder why they dont get much money:P

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Athenian - 01-07-2009

We're aware of this bounty and once we have digested our Christmas pudding will be sending you some bills. I have two old kills to claim on the M26's myself.

' Wrote:Unsielie or what your name is.
Just like that idiotick trader that put a bounty on all Corsairs in Gamma.
I will tell you this- IF this end up having a backdraft towards us traders that helps Corsairs, then be ready to look over you shoulders for those we will hire to justify our loss.

Roadrunner out.
Now that's just being silly. Her name is right there on the page. You mis-spelled "idiotick". Too many jokes come to mind.

Isn't backdraft a movie about Jennifer Jason Leigh and her love of fire engines?