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[Help]Conversion to UTF - Printable Version

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RE: [Help]Conversion to UTF - Dave Synk - 04-20-2017

(04-20-2017, 01:00 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: Add newline at the end of the file so that the last line in file is empty string.

In short XML-UTF tools are poorly coded and aren't handling XML in a proper way.

I got the extra line after the </UTFXML> tag, look @Treewyrm


I don't get it.. I checked the code again, it should be all fine. Maybe it misses something ?

RE: [Help]Conversion to UTF - Dave Synk - 04-20-2017

Ok so I made a fresh re-write of the original code, but guess what now ? The God damn coverter doesn't examine the XML, like it's not there, despite the fact the format is XML and I can even select it in the converter... O________________________________O

RE: [Help]Conversion to UTF - Treewyrm - 04-20-2017

In your original code you have forgot to close element started at line 24: <effect type="0x200" name="Emitter_LODCurve">
You're missing closing tag </effect> that should be between lines 30 and 31.

RE: [Help]Conversion to UTF - Dave Synk - 04-20-2017

I've edited the mistakes, now the codes are identical on two seperate files. One is Examined one is not. The differences on both is the spacing, one has "Tab Size : 4" and the other that is being seen but still not converted has "Space : 4"

I'm using Sublime Text, I'm gonna try with Oxygen XML Dev.

RE: [Help]Conversion to UTF - Kauket - 04-21-2017

It's most likely you have something badly named, sections not closed, or an invalid value, eg, you have a number over 255 in the colours section

It's better to really just take an existing ale file, there's really no reason to write it from bare scratch, wasting time.

Although if you want to do it from scratch, I guess it's good for understanding. Just learn the meaning of the properties and how adding effect lines work

for example; frequency means how frequent the particles spawn

RE: [Help]Conversion to UTF - Dave Synk - 04-22-2017

Thanks for the tips again Nyx Big Grin I was really thinking that people don't actually do it from bare scratch because it's obviously a waste of time. It's an interesting thing to do actually and when I'll get more free time, I'll look into it