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RE: Easy Victory? - Aazalot - 06-07-2017

Voncloud had positioned himself at the table end overlooking the rest of the room and its entrance. his elbow on the table as he rested his cheek on a thumb his fingers curled loosely around his mouth and chin. Once the Aurexian representative walks in he returns the nod with a small wave before his hand returned to its job of head rest. The Zoner still had his data slate in front of him as the next two representatives entered, their size although formidable was nothing he hadn't seen nor dealt with in the past.
Even when they all were entering his glasses didn't betray where he was indeed looking and his face was devoid of any emotion or reaction instead waiting for all to be sat down before starting.

Leaning forward Voncloud put his hands together and rested on his elbows his posture was looking straight ahead to address the entire table.
"Alright, this meeting has been arranged to address certain issues, so if we go around the table, introduce ourselves and put forward what needs to be addressed.
So first of all I am Jerard Voncloud, Chief Operations Director of Omicron Supply Industires, Head of Gran Canaria Security and Joint head of the Confederation of Freeports. Im here because alot of hearsay has been uttered that effects my world

Voncloud motions to the next party on the table to introduce them self and put forward what they wanted

RE: Easy Victory? - Wesker - 06-11-2017

Location: Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Date: 18 Kann, 824 A.S

The typical "go around the room and dickwave about who you are". Definitely not a preferred way to begin a discussion that would likely change the lives of millions, but then again, Zoners are Zoners. The next in the direction of people was Anna, after hearing the break in the Zoner official seated next to her, she spoke up quickly. Generalmajor Annabelle Heinrich of the Red Hessian Army primary fleet and Spezialoperationsabteilung. I'm here to discuss and potentially add to the People's Republic's negotiations regarding the Imperial Colonies on this planet. Upon finishing she leaned back a bit, folding her arms waiting for the next person to reply.

RE: Easy Victory? - Kauket - 06-17-2017

They glare towards Anna as she spoke, then followed along with it, not feeling comfortable with going first, but rather second.

"Keeper Revenant of Auxo, or primarily known as Auxesia. We're interested in the scientific element of this world, and the ever-growing hostilities of the Cret-an Empire. Due to my extensive experience when it comes to dealing with the Corsairs, I can act as an advisor."

Relieved that she didn't note them by their insultive term by almost natural instinct, she continued to retain her posture of her folded arms, glancing over to the Coalition representative to introduce themselves.

RE: Easy Victory? - Tabris - 06-18-2017

The Commissar nods sharply and stares down the Zoner representative coolly. Not a flicker of emotion crossing his eyes as he spoke.

"Commissar Tabakov, I speak on behalf of the Premier and the People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition. I am here due to immense concerns by the State Duma and the citizens of the Republic over the possible militarization of the Corsair Colonists living on Gran Canaria which could be utilized to launch raids upon New Moscow and other targets the Corsairs may be interested in the region. As such we seek an immediate solution to this problem to ensure the safety of both the citizens of Gran Canaria as well as our own people." With that the short Commissar went silent once again. His gaze having not shifted even minutely away from Voncloud.

RE: Easy Victory? - Aazalot - 06-19-2017

As before Vonclouds Glasses did well to hide his eyes, with no telling as to where he was looking nor what his reactions were especially to being stared down he just remained calm and collected unmoving in his position. Once the others had spoken he leans back in his seat.

"So, obviously you all have concerns over the Corsairs and their colonies here on Gran Canaria and Keeper Revenant i appreciate you lending your Experience, i feel it will come in most useful with negotiations. And ill remind you all that's "Exactly" what we are here to do, to Negotiate. Do not think you have come here to somehow bully your "Solution" upon us. I will make this very clear "now", i don't care who believes themselves in control of Omega 49 and Canaria, it is a "Zoner" World it will be treated with the same respect as any other Zoner establishment, regardless of who calls it home. "

The tone of his voice changes to resented tone again his glasses continuing to disguise who he was looking at

"Ill be Damned if i will see a repeat of the bombings from before so if that is your agenda here i suggest you just leave this table right now"

A brief pause that could of felt like it went on for hours before he continued

"So with all this said, i will not have bloodshed on my world without exhausting all other possibilities first, so, what have you brought to my table"

RE: Easy Victory? - Wesker - 06-20-2017

Location: Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Date: 18 Kann, 824 A.S

Annabelle didn't much care for Von Cloud's spineless "tough talk", she didn't want the planet to be bombarded, but then again, the Commissar's word would carry more weight in the event of needing to take a side. The room went silent for a moment, some heads turned towards the General, most likely waiting for her to rebuttal so they could criticize her mideval methods of butchering corporate stations like a bunch of Bundschuh protesters. No need to sweat herr Von Cloud, I have no interest in this system or this planet beyond the support of the People's Republic. It's them you have to convince. Upon finishing some breathed out in relief, others sat back sweating, the system's peace was on the line, and given the events of Freeport-11 it was no secret they were incapable of defending themselves.

RE: Easy Victory? - Tabris - 06-20-2017

The Commissar was not concerned about Von Cloud's 'Tough Act'. Because in reality that was all it was in his eyes, an act. If the Coalition really desired they could have simply bombarded the Corsairs living on Gran Canaria into the stone age. While that would have fallout between the Republic and the Zoners living close to Coalition territory it would have been the easiest and best solution in his eyes as the Zoners do not have the 'muscle' on their own to stop such a bombardment, they replied heavily upon diplomacy and political ties to shield themselves which did not help Freeport 11 all that much.

The only ones who would be able to fend off such a bombardment nearby would likely be either the Corsairs themselves which would send a message to the State Duma that the Zoners were actively cooperating with their Empire and would radically shift opinions of the Zoners amongst their people against the citizens of Gran Canaria. Or the Bretonians which would send a similar message. However, Bretonia had their own issues with the so-called 'Kingdom of Gallia' which was on the doorstep of New London and drained a great deal of their resources and manpower attempting to hold what territory they had.

All in all, Tabakov was not 'cowed' by the Zoner across from him. Still he had to be 'diplomatic' as Premier Warner had a good relationship with the Zoners who he had sympathies for...A hold-over from his tutelage under former Premier Katz...

"And we do not seek to spill Zoner blood Mr Von Cloud. However my superiors in the Duma are deeply concerned about this issue, if we do not resolve this here than I do not doubt the Duma will be forced by the citizens of New Moscow to take action to ensure the Corsair presence here is either disarmed entirely or relocated. You must understand how nervous our people feel living literally next-door to those who seek to commit genocide against them." He comments as he continues his stare at the man, barely paying Anna a glance or the other delegate any mind.

"The People's Republic seeks the following, the complete disarmament of the Corsair Colonists living on Gran Canaria which excludes personal side-arms intended for civilian use, assurances that said colonies will not be utilized as either a spring-board to launch raids in the region against Civilian or Military targets and also that the entire colony is not utilized as a 'safe storage' for war materials such as ships or munitions."

RE: Easy Victory? - Kauket - 06-21-2017

Whilst Raven found the threat amusing, she didn't seem to care for it at all. To her, it was a mere rhetoric, a useless reminder, hinting to the current parties that they're seen as savages for their hostilities. It was pure Zoner desperation - it tasted funny to her. Like an animal pushed to a corner, fluffing up, striking their claws out in fear - that's all that can be seen of them. She fixed her eyesight onto the man throughout the speeches, finally adding in when everyone else spoke their part.

"Let us hope the Corsairs will take notion of said neutrality too. " She would seemingly note that could almost be portrayed as monotone sarcasm. "As I would be inclined to concur with Commissar Tabakov, I am within no right to create demands. I will, however, note the increased presence and trafficing within Omega-49 with the Corsair elements - most of these war elements were headed to Poole - using Omega-49 as a highway. When within Bretonia, I was inclined to conduct a brief investigation to learn where these vessels came from. Due to it being such a large incursion, it had inquired our curiosity. "

She reaches in to her robe, unclipping a datapad, placing it within the middle of the table. It would begin to project data.

"This is the exact report I sent to the Bretonians, word for word, unmodified. I need not to cut or to censor. Read for yourself if you desire.

For the sake of preventing needless loss of life, I can only suggest that you need to ensure that a scenario of Freeport 11 will not repeat itself here within Omega-49 on Gran Canaria - where even more families and innocents reside. Whether it's true or not that the Corsairs use is irrelevant, it is the possibility that the Corsairs are seeking to use Canaria as a war cache. Such possibility should be nullified if you are to remedy the other parties of their suspicions, this works both ways on both parties within this 'war'.

It is only for the best that the fire must be put out before it has even begun. I fear that Freeport 11 will not be the only instance of such within Human history and will only remain as a forgotten reminder. Of course, I do not imply that any of the parties here will be the culript of such actions. Anger, frustration, impatience and paranoia - these are all elements that anyone is able to be afflicted with. Even I.

Again. It is up to you how you proceed with this, I am merely giving an observation from experience. "

Raven relaxes down the chair slightly, keeping her arms folded. She knew that the Zoners here within the Omegas were even more clueless about war and how they adapt themselves in comparison to the Zoners of the Omicrons. They had soft shells, they didn't adapt to war, but now, it appears that they must come out of their comfort zone of Omega-49 and realise the reality of life itself.

RE: Easy Victory? - Aazalot - 06-22-2017

Voncloud was lent forward by this point his hands together elbows rested on the table listening to what is said by those in attendance. Before anything can be moved forward however Raven then gives his report, it wasn't news to Voncloud though there was a detail that could change things, either for the worse of the better depending on the parties involved.

"As far as i am aware the Corsair Colonies on Gran Canaria are focused on the production of food for Crete,
we have strict policies as to what infrastructure can be established when these settlements get built. Now i am not naive enough to presume the Corsairs haven't considered using their facilities for military purposes however iv'e not seen anything that would raise suspicion, regular inspections have yielded nothing to suggest the Corsairs are but I'm not going to turn around and state that these accusations are baseless.
But you do use the word 'Possible'. IF you have proof that the Corsairs are in fact using Gran Canaria for a military staging ground then their Disarming would be unquestionable, but i need to see that is happening first."

He leans back in his chair adjusting his glasses

"Now, you need to understand if i were to commit to such a move that the move wouldn't be specific to the Corsairs, it will need to be applied to all settlements, i cannot be seen to play favorites whilst spouting that the planet is a place of neutral peace, i know full well the moment i impose anything upon the Corsairs they will be the next ones sat in this room with me making demands.
Fact of the matter is if you want the Corsairs to be Disarmed i would have expect other factions to do the same ."

Taking a brief pause in order to drink from a glass of water he address the report and Raven

"Now Keeper Raven, onto your report that links into the Republics concerns.
Im not ignorant to the Corsairs use of Omega 49 as a highway for its ships however they are not the only ones using it The peoples republic ships have been seen in Omega 49 and There are many other factions who traverse the system And i cannot police them all, and i certainty cannot place sanctions on one and not the other otherwise i have a similar situation with the imposing of sanctions on the colonies.
What i will say is this, in regards to your report Keeper. The No Fire Zone of Omega 49 isn't system wide its only the immediate air space of Gran Canaria and Lanzarote Station. I simply do not have the man power or resources to enforce such a Zone And if anyone says it is, i certainly wont be trying to enforce it.
With that being said Commissar if The Peoples Republic feel the need to have war ships within Omega 49 to patrol for Corsair ones, then by all means do so, it is free space and what happens outside of our boundaries is none of our business as long as it doesn't effect the planet and her stations. Of course the Corsairs have the same luxury but im sure thats something your 2 people will settle with Arms"

RE: Easy Victory? - Wesker - 06-29-2017

Location: Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Date: 18 Kann, 824 A.S

VonCloud was lying and Anna knew it, the only thing sitting between total defeat and survival for the Corsairs in Poole were supplies and munitions. They had to be coming from somewhere, and given Omega-49's isolation, they had to be coming from either the colonies, the OSI themselves, or both. To Anna the man a bit worse than a liar, the Zoners didn't have any manpower, they relied entirely on their ability to bend over to anyone and everyone who would seek a piece of their so called "territory". Still in his position, he had to show some spine, and he did, even if it was more cute than courageous. Anna thought for a second, she could break the conversation with a hostile tone and paint out everything wrong with the man's words, her job demanded that much of her, but then she thought of her son. If anything were to happen to Canaria, Isaak would be caught in the crossfire, and so she sat back, waiting for Commissar Tabakov to speak up again.