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A Military Grade Firework - Printable Version

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RE: A Military Grade Firework - Spectre - 06-08-2017

As the two worked hard with their men in creating the explosives' inner workings, Murray continued to sit at her desk pouring through the piles of data, searching for more efficient blueprints to construct the device with. While she doubted she'd find anything exceptionally useful, she did occasionally come across pieces of something more... 'better'. More reliable configurations for the wires inside, effective limitations to the structuring..

The remaining engineers and operatives who were lounging around soon began helping where they could, and soon all but a few of them were working hard at developing the devices.
"Just point me to where I can get to work, ma'am." The operative, a junior officer by the rank on his lapel, seemed eager to get to work, the yound soul intrigued by the possibility of creating a device like these NEMPs.
"The way I'm seeing it, the main payload is going to be the toughest bit, but I'm sure you've dealt with things like this before, right ma'am?"

RE: A Military Grade Firework - DarkTails - 06-11-2017

"Mmm kind of. In any case, the core of the weapons will be the hardest. I'm having the shell made out of the same alloy our warships are made of, I want you to go over the information we have on these NEMP bombs and see if you can come up with a reliable detonator that can't be stopped. The primary payload will be handled by one of my men, but I'm lacking in ideas on a good detonator. Think you can handle it?" Nova was looking over a datapad, compiling a complete list of the materials Driva will need to fully construct the bombs.

"Once you figure out a working detonator on paper, tell me and I'll get what's needed for it to be built."

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Spectre - 06-11-2017

"I'll get right on it, ma'am."
He turned and proceeded towards a different area of the bay, sitting down at a deck and pulling out some actual paper and pencil.

A small section of the science bay opened up, allowing a few lifters with crates to enter. They set the crates down, some of the operatives in the room proceeding over to open them up.
Once open, the contents of the crates would be easily visible. While they weren't anything overly special, they did contain a fair amount of electrical hardware, as well as some fuses and diodes.

RE: A Military Grade Firework - DarkTails - 06-11-2017

"Is he really.. I guess I should be more specific." Nova didn't actually believe the operative would actually use paper, but she'd work with it. As she continued compiling the list, she went over to inspect the arriving bits and pieces of hardware. As she went over them, she motioned one of her men over, handing them the datapad. "Take this to the man who needs it and get these in ASAP." The operative immediately took it and went off, while Nova was requesting the manifest for the arriving equipment.

"What am I looking at? We need to start actual construction soon and I need to know what we have so I can send it to Driva's people."

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Spectre - 06-12-2017

"Looks like construction supplies, ma'am. Looks like this here's the manifest for it all."
She hands Nova the manifest tablet, which from first glance looked to be a large quantity of what was needed, at least according to the schematics drawn up from the data tablets.
"I can have this delivered to Driva in manufacturing, ma'am. Once the boss gets finished with the data packets, they can start trying to build this thing."

RE: A Military Grade Firework - DarkTails - 06-12-2017

"Alright, send it up. Anything else he needs or additional quantities of have him send it to me and I'll get it. Tell him the nuclear cores won't be reaching him until we got a working bomb." Nova went over the manifest, inspecting what components where there and what was still needed. "Looks like almost everything, we should have a good start on this here. I'll be going over the schematics if I'm needed, and when a prototype is ready for a test run, I want to be present."

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Spectre - 06-12-2017

"Understood, ma'am."
She had the crate resealed and taken down a nearby ramp to some of Driva's men, reopening it for them. "Alright, lads.. Here's a majority of what we think you'll need for one of those explosives. According to the data, it shouldn't take too much more than this."

She handed one of the operatives a copy of the manifest.
"Nova says the cores won't get to you until the explosives are ready. Safety precaution."

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Ikarus_Hagen - 06-20-2017

The stuff arrived at "Dirva's" lab. He looked into the box.
What is that? Get over here, we have work to do. You two can go. Find me some nuke mines.
Roger, Sir! The two soldirs left to find the mines.
Well, and now? What shall we do with this stuff? "Driva's" assistant "Arvestian" asked him.
I don't know. It seems that this is a part of the NEMP. Wait. What is this?
He found the copy of the manifest. The soldirs somehow managed to attach it to the side of the box. Yeah, the NEMP. No core, only the other stuff. Let's work.

RE: A Military Grade Firework - Ikarus_Hagen - 06-21-2017

The hours passed during "Driva" and "Arvestian" copied the stuff and build their first attempt. They finished the bomb and looked at it.
A masterpiece. Our intelligence and technical knowledge is unbeatable.
No, noooo. Never. Hell. WHY? Nooo. How could we forget the core? The bomb is ready without space for the core! Maaaan. "Driva" kicked their first attempt.
Why? Ahh man.
Keep it out of the protocol?
Sure. We cannot say that we failed with such an easy task. You bring that piece of scrap out of the lab and I call Nova.
The assistant took the failed bomb and carried it to the scrap-container while "Driva" called "Nova". Nova, can you come to my lab? Bay 32.

RE: A Military Grade Firework - DarkTails - 06-23-2017

After a short time, Nova walked into the bay, datapad in hand, going over some of the information regarding the bombs. "Alright, is it... Driva, where's the bomb?" Nova looked over the bay more closely, not finding the setup or even a half completed construction. "You better have a good explanation for this." She looked directly at the other operative.