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RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Atreides2 - 07-24-2017

Frank was leading the way around the ship and he was responding back "No problem Ma'am. I will inform the Captain that you wish to rest. I just hope that you will find the accommodation appropriate."

Frank lead Doreen and Benjen to a small elevator which took them to the top of the ship "All depends on you,but I think that the Minister will let you settle and rest a little. Problably in one standard day since we arrive."

The elevator stopped and they entered into a small dome like which allowed people to peek at the stars. The room was quite confortable, being designed as a lounge with a small bar. Crewmen were at the ready and also two AIT could be seen blending in the background.

"Welcome to the 'View'. Here is the lounge and your accomodations are on the right. Rooms 2A and 2B. They are interconnected. And.. Ah here is the Captain."

Frank salutes the captain as she enters the room.


RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Johnathan Nox Carter - 07-24-2017

Guest Room, Gaia-II, Pennsylvania

After being notified that the guests would be taken straigth to the 'View', Kara thought Ah, I guess he's trying to impress them... In that case, I better go welcome them properly. She stood up from the chair and proceeded to elevator 4.

Dome Lounge, Gaia-II, Pennsylvania

Kara noded with a smile towards Frank "Mister Atreides..." then she turned, with the same honest smile, to the two guests and continued "And these must be Miss Naggar and " - she leaned forward, trying to meet the boy's height - "mister Naggar, is it?"

She returned her posture, then bowed her head slightly and presented herself "Captain Kara Gordon, Intersun Luxury Liners. It's my pleasure to meet you both."
She then motioned towards her left "As i'm sure the Secretary has already mentioned, your rooms are right there. I took the liberty of telling the pilots to commence our journey. That being said, would you like to rest first or would a meal be required beforehand?"

RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Doreen - 07-25-2017

It was obvious that Benjen was nervous. When Kara bent over to him, he quietly answered, "Benjen." He did, however, give her the courtesy of looking at her. Doreen was proud of her son as she taught him to give people the courtesy of making eye contact with those who addressed him. Doreen shook Kara's hand, "Doreen. It's an honor to meet you.........and thank you for what you are doing."

"Mommy, I'm hungry," he said quietly to his Mother. She just held his head against her softly and looked up to Kara, "I would at least like to feed him."
She felt the ship break from it's moorings. The journey to Coronado was beginning. She joined the ship staff in a meal. Benjen was hungry as he hadn't eaten since Houston. A burger, fries and a soft drink put a smile on his face and took away some of his nervousness. He made some small talk with the crew but still didn't dare ask any direct questions. Sidearms didn't bother him after all, Mom often had one and he knew how dangerous they could be in the wrong hands so he respected. It also made Doreen herself lighten up. Still, they were both tired.

"If you all don't mind, I would like to get us both some rest," she asked of her hosts. She was sitting next to him and gave him a smile before turning to the crew, "He will probably sleep until we arrive. I however will probably be up somewhere half way. If anyone wants to chat, we can."

With that, her and Benjen retired to their quarters. Within minutes, they were both asleep. She didn't have time to change as she was sitting on her bed talking with Ben. She fell over asleep and right in front of her was Ben. She didn't have a chance to secure the door.

RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Johnathan Nox Carter - 07-25-2017

Dome Lounge, Gaia-II, Pennsylvania

After allowing the two guests to take a seat at one of the dinner tables, Kara motioned to one of the ship butlers to come over.
"See to it that they get whatever meal they wish for, Joe."
He in turn simply nodded with a smile and went over to the guests' table to discuss their preferred courses.

Sure is interesting to see things moving... And now back home... she thought to herself, before turning back towards Frank and asked, in a slightly lower tone of voice, "So, mind telling me what this is all about?"

About half an hour later, once the guests excused themselves to take a rest, Kara ended her conversation with Frank and simply ended with another query "Will you join us on the bridge? at least until the guests wake up..." before starting to slowly move towards the elevator.

RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Doreen - 07-25-2017

She was exhausted as evidenced by the full eight hours she slept. Carefully she rose so as to not disturb the still sleeping Benjen who would remain sleeping through most of the trip. She stretched a bit and realized what she was wearing was all wrinkled from sleep. She slipped into the other quarter that was designated for her and stripped down for a shower. The hot water felt good as she leaned her head back to let it flow over her, standing in the running water to relax her.
Thoughts of what she had embarked on ran through her head as she stood half soaped up. "I hope you know what you're doing," she thought to herself. With a weak smile, she finished soaping and then rinsed.
Shampooing her long, red hair, she thought back to her days on Canaria Medical. How good they were. That was what she hoped would be a repeated. She accomplished much then and built her reputation both as a physician and a surgeon. Gran Canaria was where she also became excellent with children.

Her shower finished, she wrapped herself in a towel while she brushed her hair. As she was on a ship with Crayter personnel, she opted to not where the perfume she often used. Not today. Maybe later when she was more established and settled. She wore a gold necklace with a small heart pendant that her father had given her when she was younger. She then slipped into something casual, a cobalt blue blouse and white slacks. She didn't want to be too revealing as she was still hadn't gotten a feel for her hosts. She did, however, leave her hair down.
Before she left the room, she pulled a blanket over the sleeping Benjen and kissed him gently on the side of his forehead. She smiled and softly whispered, "You're still my greatest achievement." Securing the doors to the quarters, she quietly stepped out with only her datapad in hand.

She made her way to where they had dined only hours before. She figured the crew to be busy and didn't want to interrupt. She was in search of a cup of coffee to start the day. Coffee....her other beverage of choice. She kept a regular supply of Sunbucks on her ship when she traveled. As she walked, she took in the view of the ship. It was a magnificent ship. She had only heard of Crayterian craft but never seen one. There reputation for design was solid. Finding some coffee, she poured a cup and found a window to look out of. She could only wonder where she was as she enjoyed that first cup of morning joe.

RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Atreides2 - 07-25-2017

Frank looks at Kara and he wishes he could sleep and as in a daydream he hears her invitation and follow her to the Bridge.

" What to be!? The Minister seems to be interested in her aptitudes as a medical chief. Gods knows we need the best eith the war raging. Plus it seems we made an impression isn't it? "

Frank looks around and sees the pilots hands running over the commands

" Do you ever feel that we got the end short of the stick, Captain?" without waiting for the response " I feel like that. Life in the army was simple. But now... All is complicated. Things are moving too fast. Ahh... "

He listens to Kara remarks and realizes he have some work to be done "Captain, please make sure that our guests are having everything they need and if anything happens I will be in my quarters. Also prepare a line to Aeryn please. "

Frank was heading slowly to the elevator, feeling the stress that accumulated in the last few days. " I need a holiday!" he mutters to himself while he entered his quarters.

RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Johnathan Nox Carter - 07-25-2017

Bridge, Gaia-II, California

...medical chief. Gods knows we need the best with the war raging... - echoed in Kara's mind for a moment. It was true, in fact... an all too real truth nowadays. And Kara knew it better than most. It's why she ended up as captain of a civilian vessel in the first place. It was her only choice, in order to keep serving the Republic, after her Nyx got blown to bits in a skirmish last year. Her injuries were too severe for her to ever pilot fighters again.

"Yes, you're right..." she replied, with a rather faded voice.
She continued listening to Frank's eulogistic statements and simply nodded with the words "Maybe we did get the short end... but it's better than doing nothing, isn't it?"

Kara moved around the bridge, checking everyone's consoles to make sure the flight vectors were on par with the estimates, then she returned to her seat and tapped the comms. - - a few key-presses later, she just stated "Aeryn Condor" and began recording a voice-transmission:
"State Secretary Condor, I'm notifying you that we'll be on Yuma's surface in less than 10 hours. Furthermore, I was asked by Mister Frank Atreides to open a secure line between your office and his quarters. Please confirm when ready."
She tapped the close button, then leaned on her right elbow, left out a sigh and thought - somewhat trying to reassure herself - Better than doing nothing...

Gaia-II, New Thessalonica Space-port, Planet Yuma, Coronado

approximately 9 hours later

The mooring procedure was going as smooth as possible, with an occasional small turbulence here and there due to the strong oceanic winds. After about 10 minutes, the ship was completely still, with only the sounds of vents being heard due to pressure stabilisation. The Capital City Space-port was one of the largest on Yuma so far, with continuous traffic being coordinated in all directions. The commotion was, as usual, constant and energetic... with people moving everywhere - some to travel, some to trade, some coming home, some leaving... And above all this, you could see the clear blue skies of Yuma that were reflected in its vast ocean.
The pilot received the last message required before he could call it a day "Docking finalised. Gaia-II, welcome home!" - at which point he simply excused himself from the captain and left to take some fresh air. Everyone else on the bridge did the same, except for the captain who stayed behind to check if all systems were properly shut down.

Fresh air - not a bad idea actually... I'll see about getting the passengers to their welcoming party... Kara thought. So, she just went forth to the ship's exit. She leaned on the door's frame, with her hands crossed and a smile on her face - waiting for Frank and the guests to come.

RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Doreen - 07-26-2017

Having woke Benjen who slept through the whole trip, Doreen met Kara and Frank and headed for the door. From what she saw out the window, she liked what she saw. Blue skies, vast ocean and a lot of activity. Houston was busy, yes, but the blue had a large, brown mat underneath it.
Both her and Benjen stepped out into the Yuma air. Immediately, Doreen's hair caught a strong breeze and waved. She smiled as she looked into the wind and then took a look at where she was.
"Mom," hollered Benjen, "this is awesome!" He was all smiles as he pointed at things. He then turned to Frank in excitement, then Kara, "this is so kool!"

It was another first in the life of Dr. Doreen Naggar as she enjoyed warm, tropical air for the first time. With people going everywhere, it hardly seemed like a war wasn't far off.
"I love it," she said looking out into everything. She then turned to her hosts and repeated with a smile, "I love it already." She looked down at her son who was doing much the same, looking out into what was his new home. Despite a war, she felt like she was somewhere where she wasn't going to be judged for her heritage. That thought brought a tear to her eye. Still, she held a smile as she said to her hosts, "thank you. You won't be sorry for bringing us here."

RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Johnathan Nox Carter - 07-26-2017

New Thessalonica Space-port, Planet Yuma, Coronado

The moment Frank went out the door, he excused himself from the ladies and quickly took his leave. A busy man indeed.

Seeing the smiles on Doreen and Benjen's faces, Kara couldn't stop from smiling herself. It had been some time since she saw that kind of awe in someone's eyes. She slowly descended the ship's ramp and stated with a tone of pride "Welcome to New Thessalonica! Capital City of the Crayter Republic."

To her right, a small crimson-coloured shuttle was already parked, with the driver reading the latest holo-news in silence. One could notice a large amount of luggage in the back of the small vessel. Kara took note of it and let out a slight sigh before commenting "Ah well, seems like this is good bye. I've been instructed to let you know that, for the moment, you've been assigned to a small apartment in Residential Complex T-4, on the east side of the city." - as she kept talking, she gestured towards the parked shuttle - "The shuttle here will take you right in front of the building and the driver will help you get all your things inside."

She paused for a second, then continued "Minister Kase invited you both at an official dinner tonight, at which other officials will also be present. He mentioned that you'll be given the job offer at this meeting. The minister said it will take place in the Grand Hall of the 'Eurybia' Theater, right outside of Complex T-4, so it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes by foot to get there." Kara ended. She took another pause, then leaned forward towards Benjen saying "You make sure your mom doesn't get lost; ok, lad?"
Not the most entertaining of remarks, but Kara never had children so the only time she interacted with them was when guests of Gaia-II would have kids along with them. Alas, after receiving a response, she would allow Doreen and Benjen to leave, while she would go home to get some rest.

Descriptive supplement:
Apartment 6, Residential Complex T-4, New Thessalonica, Planet Yuma, Coronado

As one would arrive in any of the Residential Complexes of New Thessalonica, he/she would notice buildings of flats, covered in white, grey and red plates, with an architecture similar to most Sirian designs, but the touch of Crayter was clearly visible. There was something that made the blocks feel... somewhat like castle towers, valiant in a sense, while still maintaining a civilian appearance.

[Image: VJCFc6Z.png]
Inside any of the four-floor buildings, designated for citizens under state-care, there would be an elevator and each flat would look pretty much the same. There's one main room with a double-bed, some extra furniture and a basic computer. Then a bathroom and a small kitchen fit with all the basics.
Apartment 6 is no different, except for a few plants being added and an old-fashioned telescope with a paper note attached to it - addressed to nobody in particular.

RE: The Becoming Of A Crayterian - Doreen - 07-26-2017

While Benjen explored his new surroundings, Doreen stood at the doorway of her new flat. She took a deep breath and looked side to side where she stood. It was slightly larger than the condo she had on Houston but nicer as well. She walked over to the window and read the note on the telescope.

[i][/Welcome to the Crayter Republic!

As a new citizen of our nation, it is our hope you will find a good life here. And, just as the telescope once helped humans in getting closer to the stars, we hope the Republic will help you get closer to your dreams.

Courtesy of the Corvin family and the Crayter Immigration Initiative.]

She smiled a bit. "A new citizen," she said softly aloud. That feeling she had of being a refugee surfaced a bit but then faded at least for the moment. Looking out the window, she looked out at New Thessalonica. Cities were OK for a short term but she didn't want to complain. The generosity of her hosts was grand compared to most she had ever dealt with. She went from room to room to examine each. She was happy with what she was being provided with knowing that a woman with her talent and abilities would be able to get better in time.

She helped Benjen settle his room. His toys, cloths and his other personal things were put away. Someone even left a package for him with some new things for him. He kept himself busy while she went to settle her own room.
Her wardrobe was huge. She liked to dress nice and professional, sometimes mixing the two. Carefully, she hung all the needed to be into her walk-in closet. Her dresser was filled with what needed folding. Someone even knew her taste as a small bar had a bottle of Gallic Red wine on it. She poured a glass and sat on her bed, looking out the window as she sipped. Placing the glass down on the nightstand, she laid back, her long, red hair flowing around her.

She lay in thought for a bit, unsure of what to expect. Her left hand rested on her stomach, her right over her head. "A job offer tonight," she thought, "this must mean I'm badly wanted here." She lay still for about twenty minutes just enjoying the comfort of her new bed before sitting back up and taking another sip of wine. She still had plenty of time before the dinner, time that she used wisely to go over the dossier she kept in an envelope with her. She also had a list of medical supplies, plans of Canaria Medical Center and a list of contacts that she kept to herself. She also boned up on Crayterian Laws. Yes, she was as ready as she would ever be for this opportunity.