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Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Printable Version

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Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - ian - 01-13-2009

' Wrote:I don't want to deal with Outcast indies, simply because 90% of them have proven to be royal pains in the butt.

And also, I would like to single out the RoS and CCS, RoS for everything they do, and CCS for some of their members who cooperate with me to always keep it fair, and to tell them to train those rookies up some more, so we don't finish them off so quickly.:P

completly agree:Dwhich is why i mainly play as IMG because they seem like the underdogs while going up against Outcasts heh

CCS i also give credit too since its night to fight some Outcasts who do not use capships, although exception to their lone and single gunship which i havent seen for a long time, and stick to fighter craft and bombers:D

oh and the player IMG faction for making me feel so welcome:D

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Captain - 01-13-2009

I love Zoner factions such as TAZ,ZAS, an all registrated Zoners

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Ironwatsas - 01-13-2009

Well, my favorite faction is my own, the Consortium. Though, it simply hasn't been around or active long enough to make much of a diffrance in any other faction's RP, with the possible exception of the AFA. Though, I'm trying

As for more established factions, I think the LWB and RM interactions are among my favorites. While my LWB dosen't actually fight unless his friends are threatened, I do a LOT of spontaneous RP with the RM andI have to say that it's some of the best around.

LWB and Die Wilden RP is also quite enjoyable. In Udo's case it leads to a lot of mind-control and confusion, and at one point, romance...

We need to do more of the latter. For Udo is lonely... :(

I can say that I like the Golden Chrysanthemums as well, as my GC is becomming more fun a character to play. Though, we don't have the kind of consistant interaction as the LWB-RM. Good RP is sort of hard to come by in Kusari at the moment, as most of what I meet are a wall of unspeaking powertraders.

However, my interactions with the AFA and Hogosha have been quite enjoyable, as few and far between as they have been. Personally, I think more of them, and more Samura and Kishiro players should become active. To give Naomi something else to propagandize and eventually feed to Watsas for his meat-harvesting operations.

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Xing - 01-13-2009

SCRA vs everyone is great fun.

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Derkylos - 01-13-2009

If you can cope with New York, as well as remembering what you are fighting for, Xenos are one of the most fun factions to be a member of.

You have loads of enemies, and no friends. It's also fun to blow up the powersmugglers who announce their intents in system chat (duh...).

But be aware that there is likely to be a swarm of caps afer you (usually indie, the official fctions are good at keeping theirs under control), as well as the odd Outcast tagged/IDed container transport that will open up on your starflier without a word (-.-...)

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - mwerte - 01-13-2009

' Wrote:To give Naomi something else to propagandize and eventually feed to Watsas for his meat-harvesting operations.

I soooo wanted to play darts. yeah, darts. :yes:

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Dieter Schprokets - 01-14-2009

' Wrote:The Gaians, yo.
Seriously, whenever a Gaian gets on, its great oodles of fun. Need more Gaians.


And more MR, and KNF too

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Jihadjoe - 01-14-2009

As an outcast I'd like to give a high five to the [+] guys.

The brotherhood have been consistantly decent in their play, polite, pleasant and easy-going on the forums and over skype. We may have had our issues in the past, but you're all a real pleasure to play with... Cheers Guys.

Similar awesomeness to the CR folks as well. You've been awesome to fight against, and roleplay with in the taus. Cheers for a good time.

Also Dels' LR guys. You have geniunely good roleplay with the LN folks, especialy Orin, who has been great fun while on my LN... I had a full hour long RP argument with Hopeless romantic a while ago and really enjoyed it. Cheers folks.

I'd like to foster some slightly better relations between the NovaPG and the KNF. I know there has been quite a bit of bad blood between the old Nova and the KNF, but I want to see that change. Without each other I think we may be a little lost. I want to arrange something fun in the near future. So keep your eyes peeled LoTek and Chijin. Maybe something awesome could happen soon.

Unlawful and lawfuls need each other to function properly. It's important for any faction to have both allies (unless you're a xeno and then thats kinda the charm of it) and enemies, otherwise you rapidly run out of things to do. We all love the roleplay this server has to offer. So ensure your enemies have something to do.

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - MarvinCZ - 01-14-2009

Dieter, don't forget Corsiars! We have plenty of those, and that is good. Official factions are great of course, but indies are usually nice too. I hope they will keep coming.

Yeah, and we need the MR. And the Gaians - I didn't see one for a long time (not counting the caps).
And KNF... what would we be without KNF? That would be a large portion of our identity lost.

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Ironwatsas - 01-14-2009

Quote:NOT COOL!!

I soooo wanted to play darts. yeah, darts.

Well, come on up to Hokkaido one of these days. Naomi likes Darts and is lonely. You'd work out great as a dartboard...

*Prepares nailgun*
