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RE: Cramped Forum - Karlotta - 12-29-2017

(12-29-2017, 08:02 AM)Alley Wrote:
Only admins can do this stuff.

And why aren't they doing it? Why can they add a whole new alternate-universe diplomacy section for the uncharted territory events, but they can't rename existing sub-sections to be less cluttered and easier to find? Are they too busy reading through cheesy RP stories from people who want special pink engines for their SRP?

RE: Cramped Forum - sasapinjic - 12-29-2017

Yeah , it is pretty cramped , even after 2 years here , i still cant find things when i need to , so i have to bookmark quite a lot of pages , and it is even worse when i am on phone . . . agh !

RE: Cramped Forum - Thyrzul - 12-29-2017

It's actually pretty straightforward. You have newbie section, HQ section, roleplay section, faction section, server section, mod section, community section. Pretty organized, subforum titles and descriptions also give plenty of hints about what to find where exactly, shouldn't take too long, especially not years, to find your way on these forums.

I don't think there is need for change unless you can explain why or how exactly it's cluttered or have actual propositions about what could be changed instead of complaining that admins are too busy "reading through cheesy RP stories from people who want special pink engines for their SRP", which in fact is indeed part of their responsibilities, whether you like it or not, but I digress.

RE: Cramped Forum - Karlotta - 12-29-2017

(12-29-2017, 01:47 PM)Thyrzul Wrote:
It's actually pretty straightforward. You have newbie section, HQ section, roleplay section, faction section, server section, mod section, community section. Pretty organized, subforum titles and descriptions also give plenty of hints about what to find where exactly, shouldn't take too long, especially not years, to find your way on these forums.

I don't think there is need for change unless you can explain why or how exactly it's cluttered or have actual propositions about what could be changed instead of complaining that admins are too busy "reading through cheesy RP stories from people who want special pink engines for their SRP", which in fact is indeed part of their responsibilities, whether you like it or not, but I digress.

(10-15-2017, 02:14 PM)Karlotta Wrote: -The words "Discovery 24/7 RP" were spammed all over the page in nearly every single entry, forcing people to read the same useless words over and over and over again when looking for something.

-Cluttered with even more totally useless information like number of posts

-Repetitive descriptions made long by useless words

-Titles for subforums too small (and cluttered with "Discovery 24/7 RP") making the sub-sections confusing. If its impossible to make the fonts larger in the subsection titles at least make it all caps and only the really relevant words.

I've mentioned this multiple times over the years, wasting hours of my life explaining things that anyone with even a small amount of common sense should have been able to figure out on their own, but to no avail. So here are some pictures as examples, for those who aren't able to understand even the most basic and obvious rules of layout (yes, I'm extremely frustrated and annoyed):

How it is:
[Image: NrZoRnQ.png]

How it should be:
[Image: 5KrTyLK.png]

How it is:
[Image: bdRUTmW.png]

How it should be:
[Image: NCueSuC.png]

How it is:
[Image: anqgHsa.png]

How it should be:
[Image: NN7Kptv.png]

How it is:
[Image: pDufyzK.png]

How it should be:
[Image: hzi4l8Y.png]

This would be a start.

Then there are things like removing useless/obsolete categories and threads completely, splitting recent threads into RP and OORP, merging categories, and encouraging factions to inter-link their important threads and shorten their write-ups and laws.

RE: Cramped Forum - Naethel Bane - 12-31-2017

I realise many of you have no problems having known and grown with this forum for ages - but I assure you it's a real dog's dinner going thru that top page horizontal bar that rehashes the similarly same stuff below, leading you to wonder which is relevant... obsolete?...

As a new player I wanted to easily immediately identify info such as : ships and gear, npc factions stance, players factions stance, RP dynamics, maybe some tech stuff...
For instance I wanted to check progress on my recruitment application and it took me so long, I had to ask a guy in game for the factions thread path...

I'm sure if you bother to look twice, you'll see stuff staring at you that is totally useless, other that can be located more judiciously and finally stuff that needs sorting out pronto, to dispel very serious confusion (hint hint unofficial factions clutter, etc).

Ofc I can appreciate some think who am I to even dare think I can make their baby better...
Tbh, I just came in earnest appreciative of this great venture thinking maybe my newbie fresh perspective could benefit the proverbial "not seeing the forest for the trees" syndrome... and maybe contribute help make this venture more user friendly.

That's all folks Big Grin

RE: Cramped Forum - sasapinjic - 12-31-2017

^ Nope, fresh perspectve of newbie was newer welcomed in forum, sadly.

RE: Cramped Forum - Naethel Bane - 12-31-2017

^ I don't get what you meant.
oh nvm I think I got it - thank you! I think Tongue

RE: Cramped Forum - Karlotta - 12-31-2017

If you know how sasapinjic feels about making and effort with his english so he's more understandable, and know how he feels about this place's administration's willingness to improve things to make things more enjoyable for noobs, you'll know to replace "newer" with "never" and recognize he made a sarcastic comment.

RE: Cramped Forum - Naethel Bane - 12-31-2017

lol I see - thanks for the "translation" - I was actually light years away Big Grin

RE: Cramped Forum - Naethel Bane - 12-31-2017

BTW I'm looking for a basic thread - the complete slash command list.
That example fits perfectly what I was trying to illustrate by needing straight forward access to basic important info.

When typing /help in game, the game tells you to visit the forum for a complete list - but where !!!? it's so vague ...
I looked in tutorial ... no joy.
I looked in help and support ... no joy.
I used the search engine ... no joy.

Been at it for a bit now and my last resort is asking you...
Hate to sound like I b*tch but each time I look for stuff here it's a massive joy killer.