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Is there a Battlestar Galacitca in Discovery? - Printable Version

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Is there a Battlestar Galacitca in Discovery? - marauder - 09-12-2006

Your not suppose to equip any turrets on the class 1 slots, thats why their class 1.

Theres a console message on the server saying for everyone to unequip whatever they've got mounted on those class 1 turret slots.

Is there a Battlestar Galacitca in Discovery? - DarkOddity - 09-12-2006

I was going to post exactly what Marauder said but realised he posted it already... If you have weapons equipped in those class 1 slots, you risk losing your entire account when 4.81 comes out as (I'm assuming) they are going to be removed from the capital ships they exist on.

Is there a Battlestar Galacitca in Discovery? - Teaboy - 09-13-2006

Maximilian,Sep 11 2006, 06:05 PM Wrote:The Battlestar II is buyable if you became frendly to nomads, i becamed but dont even ask how.

PS: i wasnt cheating.

had enough of you.

Is there a Battlestar Galacitca in Discovery? - DarkOddity - 09-13-2006

The only ways to become friendly with nomads is through an admin edit of your account, or cheating.

Is there a Battlestar Galacitca in Discovery? - Nightfall - 09-13-2006

Exactly, as the faction empathy for disco has been edited so that whatever you do, your rep with the Nomads doesn't change :)