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Ship Suicides - Derkylos - 01-28-2009

With a little imagination, one can justify suicides in RP. I usually play them out as emergency landings (as grazing a planet keeps your ammo, anyways...).

Besides, NPC capship patrols are doing it all the time...who are we to break the trend?

Ship Suicides - kikatsu - 01-28-2009

on another note, maybe the message could be changed to fit into the RP more


*PLAYER* Has crashed
*PLAYER* Has failed a landing attempt
*PLAYER*'s ship suffered a catastrophic systems failure
*PLAYER* Doesn't know about docking rings

or something heh

Ship Suicides - Tenacity - 01-28-2009

' Wrote:on another note, maybe the message could be changed to fit into the RP more


*PLAYER* Has crashed
*PLAYER* Has failed a landing attempt
*PLAYER*'s ship suffered a catastrophic systems failure
*PLAYER* Doesn't know about docking rings

or something heh

I think FLhook can do this...

You suicide into a sun: *Player* was incinerated!
You suicide into a planet: *Player* has crashed!

Ship Suicides - Quorg - 01-28-2009

I see why it would be frustrating to see people self-kill.
However, try to remember a couple of things:
if people risked losing their guns, or in the case of the 50% damage respawn, hundreds of thousands of credits for repair (which is realistic, especially for cap ships), you would have a bunch of pilots who would normally shoot each other on sight (like Corsairs vs. OC) ignore each other for purely financial reasons.

Furthermore, what about situations where a fight is unavoidable? For example, if I have the bad fortune to get ganked by a Phantom, it wouldn't be fun to have to lose credits or guns for something that was pure dumb luck.

Ship Suicides - Varyag - 01-28-2009

Peh, I think it is poor RP to suicide your ship. I have adjusted the load-outs of most of mine so they can be repaired locally.

How many times has anyone seen Basilisk suicide.... there is a reason I chose to put sammies instead of the way better krackens on my slippy.

Ship Suicides - Tenacity - 01-28-2009

Like I said, you dont need to suicide, just get into a fight and lose =P

Ship Suicides - Reverend Del - 01-28-2009

I personally believe that suiciding is fine. So long as you go to an empty system to do it. For Liberty that includes, Minnesota, Ontario, Humboldt, Alberta, Yukon, New Hampshire. Plus any guard systems that have nobody in them. My Rogues get told off for suiciding in blue.

Ship Suicides - casero - 01-29-2009

Also, death messages are OORP too, at least you see the ship going into the atmosphere it's not OORP.

Ship Suicides - Orin - 01-29-2009

"Self-killing during a PvP fight is counted as a normal PvP death."

To Ob: Yeah, during a fight, not after. Not a rule exploit.

Anyways, some may see it as bad form, but this is still a game. Practicality has a place.

Ship Suicides - Derkylos - 01-29-2009

' Wrote:Also, death messages are OORP too, at least you see the ship going into the atmosphere it's not OORP.

This is 100% true...even in the same system, you would not know if people were dying...