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Hispanic Armed Forces - ivr56 - 02-03-2009

*Incomming Transmission*
To: Hispana Armed Forces
From: Elder Ramirez Gonzales
Subject: Actions

Be thankful Hispana Armed Forces that the council gave you an option to disband peacefully and honorably.
And the Councils decision and vote was not in your favor on top of that. As well that ID in reply 3 is the account that is and can be used by all Corsair Elders listed.

I voted to give you another chance, but it seems that second chance is now gone due to some recent events.

I advise you do what the council says and disband honorably. It would be such a horrible sight to see Corsairs fighting Corsairs. A fight that I would prefer to not participate in.

Ramirez Gonzales
Elder of the Brotherhood and the Corsair Nation



Hispanic Armed Forces - stewcool - 02-03-2009

::Incoming Transmission::

122nd Order Guard Flagship; Tenabras


"Hello this is Commodore Caitlyn Shauers of the 122nd Order Guard.
I ask that the Corsairs leave the 122nd out of this matter for the time
being while the Order discusses the matter at hand and what actions
to take.

Thank you,
122nd Order Guard
Commodore Caitlyn Shauers

::Transmission Closed::

Hispanic Armed Forces - Lt.Stockson - 02-03-2009

Incoming short message: HRF-Ged.

OPGs are really taking over then...

Hispanic Armed Forces - LA-384 - 02-03-2009

*Incomming Transmission*
To: Hispania Armored Forces
From: Elder Tiburcio Vasquez

For someone who claims to be the only True corsair faction around, you have astounding little knowledge of how the corsairs work!

1. you don’t fly corsair ships, unless it’s a big capital ship!
2. some of you don’t wear the corsair IFF!
3. you don’t know who’s in the corsair council!
4. you don’t know how the council decides things!
5. you have taunted the council members more than once!
6. you don’t know corsair diplomatics, and even put the corsairs at risk with your actions!

No, being a mentionable corsair faction means more than just ordering independent people around in omicron gamma and act as if you own the place! At first we all agreed, maybe you needed some time to get things organized. So we gave you a second chance, and a third, and a fourth, but instead of improvement, we saw depravation. Enough! No more! You had your chance, now that you get in trouble, you decide to whine over the comms! True corsairs don’t WHINE, they man up and take it! You know your choices, do what you think is best, but I can promise you this! If I receive another unfounded excuse for a message, I will board your ship, rip your heart out, set it on fire, take a piss on it, electrocute it, pour acid over it, fly over it, squash it, cook it up and send it to the outcasts!

Tiburcio turns to his left. YOU! points at the communications officer Kill the connection! I’m done talking! I hope these pigs know what to d... Noise makes room for static

Hispanic Armed Forces - Grimly - 02-03-2009

Here corsair Grimly from the OPG to the Order guard Osiris Tenebras,

I did not consulted the elders for that message but I'm sure they will confirm it anyway.

The order is not involved in this war and will not be asked to get involved at any time. I think you have much more bigger treats to handle like the bounty hunters or the nomads.

Grimly, out.

Hispanic Armed Forces - Muleo - 02-03-2009

*** Begin transmission... ***
Comm ID: Asno Muleo, Overpirate of the OPG, Elder of the Corsair Council
RE: Hispanic Armed Forces

Every time one of the HAF open their mouths, your foolishness becomes more apparent. Why was it that Karolis demanded reparations from you? You SHOT AT and DESTROYED the ship of an OPG recruit on his way to Crete, despite warnings and explanations as to what was going on. It isn't the first time that this has happened. I witnessed myself when another time, not one, but three Elders were in space, ordering you to cease fire, and you chose to ignore it.

Then you broke Zoner laws and put the Corsair-Zoner relation in danger. Making it more likely that the Zoners would stop food shipments to Crete, and open up the Freeports for even MORE Bounty Hunter and Outcast stagings against Crete.

You attacked the Phantoms, and angered them, against jeopardizing another relation.

Your trigger happiness with no regard for the consequences is what this is all about. One big CONSEQUENCE for all your actions. Repeatedly you have shown a disregard for direct Elder commands in Corsair space, intruded in Corsair operations when you were not welcome, and told so. Mouthed off about the Council in public, and you think this is over a million credits? Foolish.

There's one solution for stupidity. Death.
You're welcome.

*** End transmission... ***

Hispanic Armed Forces - McNeo - 02-03-2009

Incomming Transmission
Comm ID: Juan Montoya

Gee, I really am glad I'm not involved in this mess. Being already involved in past instances of Corsairs shooting Corsairs, I think I know how this one is going to end. Corsair determination shows no end, that much I've learnt during my time.

Since the OPG and the Benitez both passed through the wall of flames and fire in the past, I've little doubt that the HAF will do the same if they show continued determination.

Haha. Welcome to the Corsairs, hermano's.

If members of the OPG and the Benitez wish clarification as to what I refer to, feel free to ask.

End Transmission

Hispanic Armed Forces - geohxx - 02-03-2009

***incoming transmission***
***from HAF-megadeath**

Are there only OPG Elders? where are the council? if they arent here, WHO IS THE COUNCIL, the OPG? i think NO, we are awaiting one real decision from the entirely council, we are in war only against OPG, no against Brotherhood, no against Benitez familia, we respect so much to this factions of brothers.

Repeat, we are awaiting for a channel, where we can explain who are us and what do in Gamma to Benitez and to Brotherhood, because Gentle said me "Am sorry for it friend, you are nice, but I should kill you" in a very wise answer, when I tried to come to an agreement with him.

In relation to our own errors, we recognize them, every time new people comming as recruits in each faction, and nobody its free of making mistakes, but the incidents in Omicron 91 and the incidental with the Phamton this standing for trial and fixed inside our faction, we have withdrawn all HAF presence in Omicron 91, recognizing the right of the Brotherhood to defending their territory and we will offer a public apology to both organizations.

Please respond to our request, Elder Don Carlos benitez and Elder Sephardy.
***transmission end***

Hispanic Armed Forces - Muleo - 02-03-2009

*** Begin transmission... ***
Comm ID: Asno Muleo, Overpirate of the OPG, Elder of the Corsair Council
RE: Hispanic Armed Forces

You are too ignorant to even know who the Elders are. Let me make it nice and simple enough for your puny mind to comprehend.

The four OPG Elders, Gentle, Asno Muleo, Tiburcio Vasquez, Jose El Ninho, voted to have you destroyed. The two Brotherhood Elders, Miguel Sephardi, Ramirez Gonzalez, voted to have you destroyed. One Benitez Elder, Custo Benitez, voted to have you destroyed, the other two, Carlos and Jose Benitez, were not present to vote. Elder Laowai, was the only one to vote against having you exterminated.

That means seven voted against HAF, one voted for HAF, two didn't vote. Seven out of ten. That's something called a majority.

Perhaps you should open your eyes, and realize your world is crumbling around you and make amends instead of running around like headless chicken.


*** End transmission... ***

Hispanic Armed Forces - Zelot - 02-03-2009

To: All Concerned

I guess I have to spell this out for some people. I am Elder Miguel Sephardi, Leader of the Brotherhood, Elder of the Council and Sovereign of Omicron 91. I voted during Council discussions for the banishment of the HAF. Can I make it any clearer?

In answer to some of the other questions, you HAF have touched some of my most sensitive nerves. Your ships attacked the Phantoms, risking them attacking all Corsairs. You have disrespected our allies in Kusari, pirating in their territory, well outside of the Corsairs zone of operation. Your members have disrespected members of the Council by your words and actions, and you have until recently been based at Alexandria Base, without so much as requesting permission to do so. Your men have endanger our relations with the Zoners, requiring intensive diplomacy by myself to deal with the problems. Yes, new factions and new members are bound to have problems, by the sheer number of incidents along with no apparent work toward fixing the problem, as well as your feelings of superiority toward the Corsairs who have been here defending Crete, Gamma and all Corsair holdings for much longer than your upstart organization. I suggest you get rid of your HAF tag and separate your forces, integrating into the other Corsair factions, and see what it truly is to be a Corsair. Until such time, you are not welcome in Corsair space.