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Police Nationale Recruitment Center - PN| - Printable Version

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RE: Gallic Royal Police Recruitment Center - Police Nationale - 12-31-2018

[Image: pDbw9V8.png]

Avice Lebel
We have received and reviewed your application and it didnt take us long to decide that it can be Accepted. Welcome to the Gallic Royal Police force. You will be assigned the Rank of Gardien. Report to the Police Plaza at the double
Glory to Gallia
Long live the Roi

RE: Gallic Royal Police Recruitment Center - Alpha.Wolf - 08-21-2019

[Image: pDbw9V8.png]

Name: Jacques de Bertinont
Date of Birth: 14.08.690 A.G.S.
Place of Birth: Morvan Region, Planet Nevers
Skills and Qualifications: Military Pilot training, 2 semesters of law study
Motivation why you want to become a Adjoint de police royale gauloise: Me and my brother Guillaume de Bertinont were raised with the values of our Kingdom. It is a honor for us to serve our fatherland. While my brother chose to fight for the Marine outside our home's borders, I want to improve the security inside our house. The police is the best option for me to join, as I am dedicated to hunt criminals and terrorists down to secure the power of our Roi.

Biographical Information:
My brother and I were born in the Morvan region on planet Nevers. Raised in one of the most loyal family on the planet, our further carreers' begun with our education. We learned everything we need in fights and learned about our home and the tasks of every single young man, who was able to serve his Kingdom. Our father sent us to a royal navy training academy. We both graduated with good marks from this academy and my brother decided to stay in the navy and joined the Marine Royale Gauloise short time later. I decided to study law instead joining the war at our borders, as I was really interested into the law of our house. However I aborted this study, because I realized, that I don't want to sit around and just talk at the courts the whole day. I need action. I looked around to find a task for me. Combining my knowledge of the law and my need to be active in space. I recognized that the police is the place where I belong. Now I am here. Ready to fight for my home, my family and the Roi. I will fulfill this job with pride.


Your Discord ID/Username: Alpha Wolf#2609

Have you ever received a sanction during your time on Discovery?: Nope

Have you read and Understood Gallia house law?: Sure

Do you agree that your conduct must be considerate of others at all times, in and out of character?: Of course.

Do you need help to set up your own ship?: Uh I don't think so.

RE: Gallic Royal Police Recruitment Center - Police Nationale - 08-21-2019

[Image: pDbw9V8.png]

Jacques de Bertinont
We have received and reviewed your application and it didn't take us long to decide that it can be Accepted. Welcome to the de police royale gauloise. You will be assigned the Rank of Gardien. Report to the Police Plaza at the double
Glory to Gallia
Long live the Roi

RE: Gallic Royal Police Recruitment Center - Nightowl - 09-10-2019

[Image: pDbw9V8.png]

Date of Birth: Jaque Mueller
Place of Birth: Planet Hamburg
Skills and Qualifications: Police-work is something that i got learned from my father
Motivation why you want to become a Adjoint de police royale gauloise:
To protect my (new) home

Biographical Information:
The Father of Jaque Mueller Father was a policeman in Rheinland but some criminals killed him and also hunted his Family, so this part of the Mueller-Family has to leave Rheinland.
Now they life on Planet Amines and Jaque just had ended this time at the Police-school when the Gallic War Ends.
Now he is starting his carriere in a new house in extrem interesting times.


Your Discord ID/Username:
I'm already in the Discord.

Have you ever received a sanction during your time on Discovery?:
I've got a sanction, but after the revied of the evidence it was took back.

Have you read and Understood Gallia house law?:
Readed: yes
Understood: i hope so Wink

Do you agree that your conduct must be considerate of others at all times, in and out of character?:

Do you need help to set up your own ship?:
There are some questions in the Discord from me.

RE: Police Nationale Recruitment Center - PN| - Police Nationale - 09-10-2019

[Image: pDbw9V8.png]

Jaque Mueller
We have received and reviewed your application it is interesting that the Academy allowed a non Gallic born resident in, however looking at your scores and the recomendations from your tutors i believe it is right for you to join the ranks of the newly named Police Nationale as the first non national Officer to usher in this new Era of Change
Jaque Mueller you are hearby
Welcome to de police Natonale. You will be assigned the Rank of Gardien.
Report to the Police Plaza at the double