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[Concluded] Trade Event: Winter Has Come - Printable Version

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RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - Madvillain - 02-09-2019

Who's up for logging some Zoner/Sairs/indie transporters tonight, and logging BAF/Coalition/Hessians?
Let's make a huge convoy, and a huge counter convoy force and all have fun!
If we all organise and pick a time that's good for everyone, I think it could be quite epic Big Grin

RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - Aazalot - 02-09-2019

Looks good to me, fits in well for the pygar Rp i started

RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - HrabCOrp - 02-09-2019

Would be cool!

P.S. I'll bring "The Axiom".

RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - kerfy - 02-09-2019

Great , a trade event.. Right up my alley and in my neck of the woods too.. can I sell propaganda down that way too ?? lol.. I for one like this event .. I would also like it if I could sell some synth weed on planet too, so as to help the evacuation go more smoothly.

RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - Bannorn - 02-09-2019

1. When will this be taking place? What is the duration of the event and the start time? Doesn't appear to be indicated.

2. @Markam : If you're flying BAF, you could fine them for transporting people in transports lol

3. I do want to ask though: Why Corfu? Didn't they set up a colony somewhere else, pygar or something?

RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - Aazalot - 02-09-2019

1: Now
2: BAF couldnt really fine people for flying ..well people
3: Pygar is being established but Corfu is like the staging base

RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - Felipe - 02-09-2019

(02-09-2019, 08:01 PM)Aazalot Wrote: 2: BAF couldnt really fine people for flying ..well people

And they say Rhein is too tolerant for letting ppl smoke Synth weed flying p-transp's *meanwhile* Bretonia let ppl be transported like cattle? You see, thats why no one else drinks tea, it dont let you perceive fine opportunities for pirating ppl legally *cough* i mean, fining whomever break the law! *THE LAW*

RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - Bannorn - 02-09-2019

(02-09-2019, 08:01 PM)Aazalot Wrote: 1: Now
It both starts and ends now? I am conflicted Wink

(02-09-2019, 08:01 PM)Aazalot Wrote: 2: BAF couldnt really fine people for flying ..well people
Having just re-read the Bretonnian Laws, it seems you are right. That being said, they could use this:

Bretonnian Law Wrote:4.11 - Miscellaneous Offences
The Bretonian government retains the right to alter the laws of the Realm to suit developing situations. Similarly, law enforcement agencies may levy fines for actions considered detrimental to the realm, which are not otherwise specifically mentioned in the Laws of Bretonia. These fines can be appealed by petitioning a government delegate.

Given that 0-49/Gran Canaria would reasonably be considered a high security zone - it is an active war zone, after all - I'm sure you could arrange something, if it was really desired. These ARE the same people that fined racers for broken headlights, right? Wink

(02-09-2019, 08:01 PM)Aazalot Wrote: 3: Pygar is being established but Corfu is like the staging base

Fair play, cheers.

RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - sindroms - 02-09-2019

I suggest the BAF players adjust the approach a bit and try to fine people who ferry the refugees in cargo transports.
I get the idea behind this, but I really do not understand how will the BAF forces know if the evacuatees are corsair or zoner in origin unless they basically go
[Image: DhfomEZ.png]

RE: Trade Event: Winter Has Come - Thunderer - 02-09-2019

It is not only allowed, but also encouraged to transport Corsairs as the animals they are.