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Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - Printable Version

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Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - Rudo - 02-24-2009

' Wrote:indeed, many of a time i have past through there to kill corsairs to be killed by the planet there.

we need this, would be better for rp especially in places like the badlands

Heh heh, I've used that planet to kill Corsair players.

Trick a lunchbox into chasing my Manta, fly to the planet, turn at the last second. They can't angle quite as fast. :D

I am also all for using the clouds to allow ambush-type assaults, but I don't think this is possible.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - swift - 02-24-2009

Please let's not this become one of those ideas that are good but get overlooked.

Would someone with knowledge of this say if this is possible to be coded?

After that we'll discuss why there should be decreased nebula visibility and that.

Personally, I'm 100% for the idea, because it makes sense, and allows for better RP and tactics!

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - darthbeck - 02-24-2009

i think it would make for better rp.
but think about how hard it would be fo pvp, its hard enough trying to find people when you can only see them if your less then 10k away from them. if it was 4-8k it would be a lot worse... you would never find ANYONE in a cloud....ever.
but it might be cool.... but i still say no.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - wrathkin - 02-24-2009 then the Badlands as infested by criminals would actually make sense? I approve.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - ophidian - 02-24-2009

Well, the idea of entering into Badlands or a heavy cloud formation is mainly because you "don't want" to be found.

I have close relatives who are experts on radar technologies, I sometimes have the chance to take a look at their stuff and even when it is raining (not the storms etc), the radar visibility drops dramatically.

About the coding, well I don't know much about coding but if it can be applied, it would add a lot.

It is rather meaningless for a cop or enemy to see me go into my secret jumphole from 15K away. Putting up sign posts telling that we are located there is even less "visible" as there is a chance that the pilot may miss the sign lol.:P

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - Grumblesaur - 02-24-2009

Sensor efficiency should actually be scanner efficiency. You can spot a ship, but you can't scan it until 1 or 2k away, regardless of what scanner you have.

In nebulae, that is. :/

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - swift - 02-24-2009

Actually the technology for merely finding someone and scanning their ship components and cargo is something entirely different, Kurosora.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - tazuras - 02-25-2009

Yeah, detection would go down in nebulae depending on composition. An interesting question about the sensors that let you know if someone is there is whether they are passive or active. They must be active I think because otherwise you would be able to detect larger ships at much greater distances than fighters.

(if you know anything about reducing sensor range in nebula's in regard to the game engine please discuss that.)

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - ophidian - 02-25-2009

Ok, an alternative idea to the dropping radar distance can be this, if modding that would be harder.

We can keep the 10-15 k (whatever the exactness) of the radar distance to see other players but it can be (if it can) arranged not to be able to target them or see them on screen till 1.5 - 2K. so we would have a basic "blind" feeling that someone is coming towards us but cannot understand from which direction till its relatively close. This also applies to the attacker as well. I don't know if this can work but it is an alternative idea crossed my mind.

Radar Distance for Enemy Characters - Tomtomrawr - 02-25-2009

I agree with this idea, it would be better for role-play.

BUT, it should only be edited about 4k, because otherwise they just go abit under the normal level and BAM! there gone and unfindable unless you can someone see them with a visual view (which you wouldn't be able to in a CLOUD!)