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Rare Game - Orin - 03-03-2009

Anna flew with no emotion, angling the gunship systematically through the countless chunks of ice. Taviz had told her that they would destroy the person who did this; that they would pay him back for everything he had started. The more he thought about it, however, the more he realized how impossible doing so was. The entire guild was after them now, with Jack probably even further focused upon putting both of them in body bags. He could only imagine what the bounty on his own head was at now, and what Jack had decided the little one was worth. No, revenge wasnt an option at this point in time. He wished it was; for both himself, and for Anna; but the risks outweighed the odds. They had to go into hiding; that was the only option they had right now. The only smart one, at least.

We have to hide right now, Anna. He stated suddenly. Maybe then we can think about our next move.

Mm. She acknowledged plainly, continuing the awkward silence.

Consoling her was the nice thing to do, but he couldnt right now. He had to think. They couldnt hide within Bretonia; the sector was now teeming with APBs for the two. No, staying in Bretonia would be a deathtrap. Liberty wasnt a good idea either; being an ally and of Bretonia, and in close proximity to Deshima itself, it was just as dangerous. Rheinland was far off, and Taviz didnt feel like being anywhere near that officer again; not to mention they were probably still rather alert to the situation. Then there was Kusari, which was one of the best places to avoid the Guild, but was just too far off. They would have to cross through much of Bretonian space to make it to the Taus. There was no way they could dodge their pursuers through that much open water.

Magellan, we have to go to Magellan. Taviz nodded, ideas still weaving in his mind. Well lay low on Freeport 4 for a little while. Then

The Lane Hackers. Anna said quietly.

The Lane Hackers? Right, good thinking, Anna. She had something there, he mused.

If anyone could make the twosome disappear, it was the Hackers. How they would manage connecting with them was another matter, but it wasnt much use fretting over the details beforehand.

Anna, itll be okay. Well plan our next move once weve got somewhere to rest, okay? The man assured, wondering how long she would go on like this.

Yeah. She replied vapidly.


The two stepped into the Freeport tavern, naturally cautious after their last encounter. The small meeting place was mostly empty, with a few IMG techs and workers scattered about the tables, discussing their own matters, and not giving any undo attention to others. This was the place for them to be right now, he thought. Somewhere no one would bat an eye at anyone, no matter who they were. It wouldnt stay safe for long, though; they had to decide what to do next; that was why they were there.

Get you something, hunter? Looks like youre a little high-strung. The barkeeper turned towards Taviz, polishing out the inside of a tall synthcrystal glass.

Hunter? Taviz echoed, confused at the mans comment.

He shrugged, closing his eyes and setting down the glass. Youve got the air about you; cautious, ready for anything. You walk into the room and youve already got an escape route plotted, and every person here analyzed. Ive been doing this for a long time, I know your type.

Old habits die hard. Taviz sighed, taking a seat at the bar and running a hand through his hair. Anna stood beside him, still in her expressionless trance.

So, get you something? The older man questioned again.

The barkeeps hair was fading brown and slicked back, a discerning look across his face. His figure was average, but clearly unexercised, an obvious layer of excess weight on him. The man was in his late forties, Taviz decided. All the same, he was the first person the young fugitive had really talked to in months.

No I need a clear head right now, sorry. Some water, maybe? He replied wearily.

How about something for you, love? He smiled to the girl beside Taviz. Im sure weve got something nonalcoholic.

She shook her head, not speaking a word.

Whatever you say. He turned back to Taviz. Funny one youve got there; very stoic. Your?

Sister. Taviz adlibbed. Shes a little shaken up about something right now.

About the same thing as you, I presume? Neither of you seem to be in the mood for smiles and handshakes.

Yeah, you could say that.

The older barkeeper put out his hand towards the younger one anyways. Im Davis, how about you?

Taviz. He answered, ignoring the possibility that saying so might not have been a good idea.

Nice to meet you; and your sister?

Remy. Anna interjected suddenly, hopping up onto the barstool to Taviz right and sending him a briefly reproving look. Im Remy.

Well then, nice to meet you too, Remy. He tipped his head, putting a glass of water before Taviz.

Remy? He was surprised; Anna was more on her game than he was.

We need to talk to someone. Taviz cut in, trying to get back on track. A Hacker.

The older fellow raised his eyebrows slightly. Now why would you need to do that?

Taviz exhaled, looking the man straight in the eyes after a moment. Were in a little bit of trouble. We need to disappear. Can you help us? He was laying his cards on the table; either it would work, or Well, hopefully it would work.

The barkeeper pursed his lips fractionally, thinking to himself, or maybe deciding whether he wanted to get himself involved in this or not. I can refer you to someone here, but thats as far as it goes. What happens between you two has nothing to do with me.

That was more than Taviz had expected. He had no reason to get the kindly man any more involved than he needed. A name was all he could have hoped for.

Who? He replied, quieting his voice a few decibels.

He goes by Charlie, thats all. The older man informed. He commands a cargo run between here and Mactan every three days or so, getting supplies and whatnot. Thats all I can tell you.

Where can we find this guy?

The man nodded towards the corner of the room. Youre a lucky one. He muttered, going back to something behind him.

A figure sat at the far side of the tavern, sipping a bottle and checking over a few datapads on the table in front of him. Taviz hadnt even noticed the guy until now; he was definitely not on top of things at the moment.

Thanks, we owe you one. Taviz nodded to the barkeeper before turning around and motioning for Anna to follow. Remy? He asked quietly, looking toward the girl.

Ive always like the name. She replied plainly, following beside him.

Charlie was young, very young, Taviz immediately realized. Probably just as old as himself, if not a year or two younger. His face was thin and handsome, with a short layer of light auburn hair, blonde highlights across the tips. He was fit, and had a serious look on his face as he went on doing whatever it was he was doing. His head turned towards the two as they approached, a slightly annoyed look on his face.

You Charlie? Taviz inquired, glancing around the room again instinctively.

Whos asking? The Hacker returned quickly.

Two lost souls, looking for way out; thats who. He answered somberly, sitting down across from the man. We need somewhere to stay, and new identities. Can you do that?

The young pirate looked them both up and down, a wistful fa?ade on. I could. Not that youre giving me much incentive.

Thats what it always came down to with this lot, Taviz grumbled inwardly. He racked his brain for anything that might influence the Hacker to grant their request.

Weve got two Bounty Hunters Guild ships in the hangar. Anna spoke up suddenly. You can have them both if you do what we want.

Taviz hadnt thought of that, and even if he had, he didnt have the guts to offer them up. Those two vessels were the only thing that connected Anna to her life; if she got rid of those, she was getting rid of everything. His heart ached for the girl next to him, but she was absolutely right. If the ships could buy them refuge, they were worth their weight in Molly gold.

Elaborate. The Hacker responded, a touch of curiosity in his tone.

A standard issue bomber- She was cut off as Charlie shook his head abruptly.

Garbage; we already have databases full of info on those- Anna cut the man off in turn.

Then how about a hot off the line model II gunship? She crossed her arms. Just issued, and being deployed for the most part only in the Omicrons. You blokes probably havent even run into one yet.

Charlie was silent for a moment, staring the girl down. How did a little thing like you get your paws on that piece of equipment?

She sent him an irritated look. How I got it doesnt matter. If you dont believe me, take a look for yourself.

He kept his eyes locked with hers for a moment, then turned away and murmured something into a comm piece. The three sat there for a minute or so, not speaking a word.

Charlies comm piece crackled something inaudible out, and he looked back towards the two. We can work something out. He nodded gravely. So what will your new aliases be, Mister Fyren, Miss Paige? He smiled, relaxing a little. I wont pry, though Id love to hear what you did to get those bastards to put that many credits on your heads.

How much? Anna questioned darkly.

Two hundred for the gentleman, and a sizable fifty for the girl. Impressive for your age, my dear. He bowed playfully, raising an inhaler to his mouth and taking a puff. Youre free to head to Mactan with us on the freighter; we move out in a few hours. Well work out the details once were there, mm?

Alright. Anna nodded, standing up and walking away. Taviz flicked his vision back towards her, getting up and following after a moment.

This was it, the little hunter thought forlornly. Anna Paige was dead. It was time for a new identity, a new personality

A new life.

Rare Game - Orin - 03-03-2009

Rare Game continues in the next chronicle, Cold Vengeance.

Thank you for reading.