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Lt-Venom has returned - Printable Version

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Lt-Venom has returned - Lt-Venom - 09-25-2006

Ok thank you :D

Lt-Venom has returned - Dab - 09-25-2006

Igiss,Sep 25 2006, 06:01 AM Wrote:Dab calm down. Why you and Wolfpack try to copy what's worst of one another??

Nice analogy.. :dry:

Lt-Venom has returned - Virus - 09-25-2006

Welcome back, Venom.

You're spelling and grammar has increased to the point where I can read it. One question, though, why do you have Carnage for an Avatar if your name is Venom?

Behave, now.

Lt-Venom has returned - Lt-Venom - 09-25-2006

Dam you noticed. :$
The only reason is there is no decent pictures of Venom, Thats all

Plus its come to my attention that many peaple still hold a grudge againsnt me like many of the phantoms. They wont let me join becouse of this grudge. Also i'd like to put forward, I left this server becosue of the grudge and mistakes i'd made and came back hoping for a fresh start. My conclusion is that if peaple will forigve me especially Vladi C and many other members of the SF.

If you can do this it would be mcuh apreciated.
:D :D :D

And please please please drop the grudge.

Lt-Venom has returned - Virus - 09-25-2006

I'll hold my judgement.

In the meantime, I'll treat you like I would any new player. Or returning player, for that matter.

As for an avatar, how's this?
[Image: ven12042006.jpg]
It'll even fit properly.

Lt-Venom has returned - marauder - 09-26-2006

Lt-Venom,Sep 25 2006, 11:09 PM Wrote:Plus its come to my attention that many peaple still hold a grudge againsnt me like many of the phantoms. They wont let me join becouse of this grudge.

Actually you can't join because the phantoms are invite only and are not recruiting.

If that changes and kane wants you in then he'll ask you, until that happens stop asking or your chances will disappear faster then a snowball under a blowtorch.

I don't hold a grudge against you in any way shape of form, if you ask around you'd find that sometimes we phantoms ask for money instead of blasting people on sight, like we could be doing.

Now thats done with maybe you should spend the next day or two reading through the forums to catch up on all the RP stories, new factions and rules that might, or might not have changed.

Lt-Venom has returned - Malaclypse 666 - 09-26-2006

..It's all new meat to me.

Venom, welcome back to the Disco primate preserve.

Lt-Venom has returned - DarkOddity - 09-26-2006

Malaclypse 666,Sep 25 2006, 07:20 PM Wrote:Venom, welcome back to the Disco primate preserve.

lol cute. :D

BTW Venom, McNeo told me you were interested in joining the SSO, hit me up ingame sometime or over X-Fire and we'll talk.

darkoddity on crossfire

Lt-Venom has returned - Qunitinius~Verginix - 09-26-2006

i dunno who you are but welcome back mate