RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Zephyranthes - 05-09-2019
...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Overseer Transhumanist Unit 452-630 "Aquarius"
They say French is the language of love. Perhaps you are as well versed in the language of destruction, my dear?
The Inner Phalanx has charged me with gathering a task force for a very important assignment. You and several other Affiliates will be enacting a surgical strike on a Unioner installation in the very near future with a NEMP warhead. Once this is done, the little ratty boys will likely deploy a defense force in a futile effort to catch you and kill you or worse. Don't let that happen, sweetie. Instead, annoy them for a bit, maybe take them down, and leave.
If you need more motivation beyond the satisfaction of shooting the little green wasps, a good job will ensure a wire transfer of 100 million credits to your account.
I think that sounds absolutely fabulous. Don't you, darling?
...transmission complete
...terminating stream
RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Miaou - 05-09-2019
Freeport 2, Bering
9, peut, 742 A.G.S
Sender: Omer Darche, Pollux.
Recipient: Auxesia Network, Auxesia.
Topic: Unioner Job.
Count me in. Do you want me in a fighter, or do you want me to have the Big Man to provide heavy support?
Omer Darche
Transmission End
RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Zephyranthes - 05-09-2019
...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Overseer Transhumanist Unit 452-630 "Aquarius"
Oh, as much as bigger is better, this situation calls for a more... restrained hand, hm? Come in the little fighter, darling. Much more apropos for the gala, that tuxedo.
...transmission complete
...terminating stream
RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Miaou - 05-09-2019
Freeport 2, Bering
9, peut, 742 A.G.S
Sender: Omer Darche, Pollux.
Recipient: Auxesia Network, Auxesia.
Topic: Unioner Job.
Did you just call my Lynx a "tuxedo"? By the Arch you people are weird.
I'm currently holding in Bering and shall be standing by.
Omer Darche
Transmission End
RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Zephyranthes - 05-12-2019
...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Overseer Transhumanist Unit 452-630 "Aquarius"
Darling, I didn't know you boys in Red Squad were so... bold and brash. Such a magnificent explosion, a splash of color and fury that would make Jackson Pollock blush from his streaks and stains..!
You'll find the check in the mail, sweetie. Let me know if you need a bonus.
...transmission complete
...terminating stream
RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Miaou - 04-01-2021
Barrier Gate Station, Coronado
1, avril, 744 A.G.S
Sender: Omer Darche, Pollux.
Recipient: Auxo Network, Technocracy of Auxo.
Topic: Problems.
Look. I've gotten updates on what happened recently. I want to know what happened from your side.
I'm getting reports you struck at the Lights and it isn't the first time either. You've caused quite the flurry of issues. What's going on, what was the reason or cause?
Omer Darche
Transmission End
RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Kauket - 04-02-2021
...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant
On our side? We have previously warned Melia in regards to bringing the K'Hara to fights. We could only ignore them for so long, the K'Hara entities had opened fire on battlefield allies. We knew that the Vagrants would be forced into a bad situation eventually, it is a matter of when if one involves the mainshare, said hive mind that has repeatively attacked us previously too.
As I said, we would usually ignore them, but as our forces reported they blew up a destroyer that was assisting us against Crayter, they would take a bit of a personal issue with making their fight harder.
We have no interests in provoking infighting with the two hives, not only would it mean trouble for us more ... eccentric individuals and organisations, as the Order and the Core would have an easier job and more chances at succeeding. But it would also mean the potential extinction of a species. That would be highly unacceptable. We have advised the Vagrants to lay low and to not engage with K'Hara, but to give them space and to communicate with them to resolve this dispute.
We will protect their Hive if the Order or if any other operative group may attempt to abuse this situation to eliminate their kind. I hope they realise there is more to stake here than a simple disagreement of opinions of battlefield partners.
...transmission complete
...terminating stream
RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Kauket - 09-04-2021
...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant
A word of caution, Olivia may come up to you in anger. Or so she claimed about desiring to stab your leg.
I had been a bit curious and decided to question her about the Nomad Cruiser and whether she was hired by you or not, and what she knew. I inquired on the behalf of Vincent to keep up the cover, all the information I operated upon was from him. From my brief conversation, I have concluded that she is just a guilty and rude cow with no uses.
Though a name came up, Ria Morwyn. I wonder. Did this individual see the Cruiser too?
...transmission complete
...terminating stream
RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Miaou - 09-04-2021
Shasta, Baffin
4, septembre, 744 A.G.S
Sender: Omer Darche, Pollux.
Recipient: Auxo Network, Technocracy of Auxo.
Topic: Caution.
If she says I didn't hire her, that's the truth. I never did. We met at Fontana and she by chance stated her next destination was Hudson. I asked to follow, she agreed. As soon as we entered New York she got cut off by that LPI gunboat. I don't know what happened after that.
Ria Morwyn was the name of the escort I hired to take me to Hudson. They briefly saw the Light along with a few others, but quickly vacated the area and didn't return to the little gathering until it was gone.
Another name for you if you're looking into Sable. Victoria Romero. When Sable had the bright idea to have the light follow her, Romero swore to stick by Sable's side. Perhaps some debt or something, maybe a love interest. Not certain.
Other than Ria Morwyn, there was also an Ashlyn Gearing in the area, though their interaction with the situation was spotty, often coming and going. I'll attach a document of the logs I had for that interaction. The audio oddities are, I believe, the system denoting the light attempting to communicate.
As for why Sable wants to "stab me in the leg", I don't know. When we crossed the LPI, she told me to go on. Perhaps because I'm foreign? I couldn't tell you. Just cements the facts that she's likely insane.
Oh, I'm in Baffin by the by. Ready whenever.
Omer Darche
[03.09.2021 20:17:48] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Hail to ships in range.
[03.09.2021 20:17:58] Ashlyn.Gearing: Good day there.
[03.09.2021 20:18:03] Omer.Darche: Mhm.
[03.09.2021 20:18:13] Olivia.Sable: Gearing, I'm sure there are better sources for coordinates than me. There's Fontana right there.
[03.09.2021 20:18:17] 2021-09-03 20:18:16 SMT Traffic control alert: Omer.Darche has requested to dock
[03.09.2021 20:20:22] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Noshima; there's no easy way into there - currently at least.
[03.09.2021 20:20:26] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: But it is doable.
[03.09.2021 20:20:51] Ashlyn.Gearing: Else i asked more about jump holes in general and hiding holes.
[03.09.2021 20:20:56] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: All depends on your reputations around Sirius.
[03.09.2021 20:20:59] Ashlyn.Gearing: Well Coronado seems nice for that.
[03.09.2021 20:21:11] Ashlyn.Gearing: Im mostly a blanc paper for most people.
[03.09.2021 20:21:24] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: There shouldn't be serious issues on the way, then.
[03.09.2021 20:21:27] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Uhm.
[03.09.2021 20:21:32] Victoria.Romero: Wait. What's that?
[03.09.2021 20:21:38] Ashlyn.Gearing: Except the one thing.
[03.09.2021 20:21:40] Olivia.Sable: Is that...
[03.09.2021 20:21:42] Ashlyn.Gearing: Huh?
[03.09.2021 20:21:44] Victoria.Romero: Large energy signature on the long range scanners.
[03.09.2021 20:21:52] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Interesting signature indeed.
[03.09.2021 20:21:54] Ashlyn.Gearing: I see the same, what in the?
[03.09.2021 20:21:55] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Incoming vessels, identify yourselves please.
[03.09.2021 20:22:05] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:22:12] Olivia.Sable: Jesus Christ!
[03.09.2021 20:22:14] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Ugh-
[03.09.2021 20:22:17] Ashlyn.Gearing: Oh what in the world is that?!
[03.09.2021 20:22:21] Olivia.Sable: It's a fucking Nomad!
[03.09.2021 20:22:24] Victoria.Romero: I'm fucking out of here, that's nothing I'm waiting for to come turn my ship to dust!
[03.09.2021 20:22:32] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:22:34] Ashlyn.Gearing: Im out of here!
[03.09.2021 20:22:54] Ashlyn.Gearing: What the, my brain hurts, what was that.
[03.09.2021 20:22:57] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Uh- should've done the same-
[03.09.2021 20:23:05] Olivia.Sable: Just get away from it!
[03.09.2021 20:23:09] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:23:15] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: What is it... doing here?
[03.09.2021 20:23:25] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:23:35] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: It- talks-? How-
[03.09.2021 20:23:35] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:24:17] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:24:57] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:25:09] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:25:27] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:25:44] Omer.Darche: Mh.
[03.09.2021 20:26:07] Omer.Darche: What an oddity. To be so disconnected.
[03.09.2021 20:27:10] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:27:16] Olivia.Sable: Darche, what the hell are you still doing there?
[03.09.2021 20:27:28] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:27:28] Omer.Darche: It didn't come close to Fontana.
[03.09.2021 20:27:36] Olivia.Sable: It doesn't need to.
[03.09.2021 20:27:47] Omer.Darche: Figured it was the best spot instead of running blindly into the field.
[03.09.2021 20:28:10] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:28:17] Olivia.Sable: Hey, you big, purple, ugly piece of shit!
[03.09.2021 20:28:22] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:28:42] Olivia.Sable: *mutters* First of all, get the fuck outta my head.
[03.09.2021 20:28:49] Olivia.Sable: I've got enough shit cluttering it up already.
[03.09.2021 20:28:52] Omer.Darche: Your head?
[03.09.2021 20:28:58] Omer.Darche: What?
[03.09.2021 20:29:26] Omer.Darche: Is it communicating to you?
[03.09.2021 20:29:30] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:29:35] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:29:39] Olivia.Sable: You're not getting the visions?
[03.09.2021 20:29:45] Omer.Darche: Visions? No.
[03.09.2021 20:29:51] Olivia.Sable: Well, isn't it my fucking lucky day.
[03.09.2021 20:30:29] Omer.Darche: The occasional audio blips of it's broken speech patterns, but little more for me.
[03.09.2021 20:30:36] Olivia.Sable: Hey, ugly. How about you and I take a nice stroll away from the freeprot?
[03.09.2021 20:30:40] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:31:12] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:31:15] Victoria.Romero: Don't you dare to do stupid stuff like that, Sable!
[03.09.2021 20:31:39] Olivia.Sable: What, you think I -want- to be near that thing?
[03.09.2021 20:31:44] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:32:00] Olivia.Sable: Fuck's sake, this shit barely makes any sense to me.
[03.09.2021 20:32:07] Olivia.Sable: Come... sail with me then!
[03.09.2021 20:32:07] Victoria.Romero: Well you seem awfully attempted to lure this thing somewhere, you're no life bait!
[03.09.2021 20:32:11] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:32:30] Olivia.Sable: Oh, shit. I think it worked.
[03.09.2021 20:32:33] Olivia.Sable: Romero, get out.
[03.09.2021 20:32:41] Victoria.Romero: Olivia, move! I won't leave you here!
[03.09.2021 20:32:42] Omer.Darche: I hope you know what you're doing.
[03.09.2021 20:32:49] Olivia.Sable: I haven't the faintest clue.
[03.09.2021 20:32:53] Olivia.Sable: Romero, leave. Now!
[03.09.2021 20:32:58] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:33:00] Omer.Darche: Welp. You're screwed.
[03.09.2021 20:33:01] Victoria.Romero: I. won't. leave. you.
[03.09.2021 20:33:04] Olivia.Sable: You can forget about the drone if you don't.
[03.09.2021 20:33:07] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:33:26] Olivia.Sable: Alright, Nomad, keep up!
[03.09.2021 20:33:29] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:33:52] Omer.Darche: Eugh. Curiosity.
[03.09.2021 20:33:55] Victoria.Romero: You're the one with t-the data, what would I do if that thing gets you?!
[03.09.2021 20:34:28] Victoria.Romero: And you might get harmed, forget that!
[03.09.2021 20:34:45] Olivia.Sable: Isla?!
[03.09.2021 20:34:54] LPI-PRISM-Fort.Worth: Nazumaki: The one and only.
[03.09.2021 20:34:56] Olivia.Sable: New plan, this way!
[03.09.2021 20:35:01] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:35:08] Olivia.Sable: Come on, big guy!
[03.09.2021 20:35:10] LPI-PRISM-Fort.Worth: Nazumaki: What the -fuck- is that?
[03.09.2021 20:35:11] Olivia.Sable: Eyes on me!
[03.09.2021 20:35:21] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:35:43] Olivia.Sable: I hope it knows how to use this thing.
[03.09.2021 20:35:47] LPI-PRISM-Fort.Worth: Nazumaki: Have fun.
[03.09.2021 20:35:51] Omer.Darche: This feels like a very poor idea.
[03.09.2021 20:35:55] Olivia.Sable: It sure does.
[03.09.2021 20:35:58] Victoria.Romero: This whole thing was a very poor idea!
[03.09.2021 20:36:00] LPI-PRISM-Fort.Worth: Nazumaki: There's an LSF cruiser coming.
[03.09.2021 20:36:20] Omer.Darche: Suggest you coordinate with it then!
[03.09.2021 20:36:58] Olivia.Sable: God, I'm so sick of things talking to me in my fucking head.
[03.09.2021 20:37:10] Omer.Darche: There's medication for that, you know.
[03.09.2021 20:37:26] Victoria.Romero: Medication against those things? Are you mad?
[03.09.2021 20:37:44] Omer.Darche: I mean for mental illnesses. Things speaking in your head, other voices, y'know.
[03.09.2021 20:37:58] Olivia.Sable: Not everyone's as lucky as you, Darche.
[03.09.2021 20:38:02] Olivia.Sable: Oh. Shit.
[03.09.2021 20:38:08] Olivia.Sable: Why is there a big fucking asteroid base here?
[03.09.2021 20:38:12] Ashlyn.Gearing: Where even am I... Ontario, havent been here ever.
[03.09.2021 20:38:18] Ashlyn.Gearing: Oh no not again.
[03.09.2021 20:38:35] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:38:44] Olivia.Sable: No, no, no. You stay with us!
[03.09.2021 20:39:13] Olivia.Sable: No turning the good people of Fort... Ramsey? Into thralls!
[03.09.2021 20:39:16] Victoria.Romero: I've never felt this uncomfortable before ... *her voice is very stuttery and silent*
[03.09.2021 20:39:26] Omer.Darche: And what's your plan after taking it out this far?
[03.09.2021 20:39:32] Olivia.Sable: Still working on that.
[03.09.2021 20:39:45] Olivia.Sable: We apparently also have an LSF ship hunting this thing.
[03.09.2021 20:39:54] Olivia.Sable: I'd rather not be caught.
[03.09.2021 20:39:54] [[[[[[]]]]]]: *#&*#&@(@)$)$*#&@&@($$
[03.09.2021 20:39:55] Omer.Darche: That's what the LPI stated, correct.
[03.09.2021 20:40:14] Omer.Darche: You're in a fighter. I doubt a cruiser can catch you.
[03.09.2021 20:40:16] Olivia.Sable: There's no trap, you big, ugly.. thing!
[03.09.2021 20:40:23] Omer.Darche: They hardly give those things escorts these days anyways.
[03.09.2021 20:40:40] Olivia.Sable: I mean getting caught hanging out with a fucking Nomad, Darche.
[03.09.2021 20:40:46] Olivia.Sable: I've got enough trouble here as is.
[03.09.2021 20:40:56] Omer.Darche: I mean, you told it to follow you.
[03.09.2021 20:41:09] Olivia.Sable: To get it away from you two morons! And Fontana!
[03.09.2021 20:41:14] Olivia.Sable: Not my fault you're bot god damn idiots!
[03.09.2021 20:41:25] Omer.Darche: Psh. It was fine.
[03.09.2021 20:41:34] Victoria.Romero: I said I wasn't gonna leave you there!
[03.09.2021 20:41:41] Olivia.Sable: And I said you're a moron.
[03.09.2021 20:41:51] Omer.Darche: Well I don't know that person's motives. I'm just here for the footage.
[03.09.2021 20:42:30] Olivia.Sable: Well, shit. I only know one place to take this thing.
[03.09.2021 20:42:43] Victoria.Romero: I don't like this tone in your voice!
[03.09.2021 20:42:58] Omer.Darche: You're bringing us to what looks like a ruined gate.
[03.09.2021 20:43:03] Olivia.Sable: Yup.
[03.09.2021 20:43:09] Omer.Darche: Swell plan.
[03.09.2021 20:43:15] Olivia.Sable: Yeah, well, do you have a better one?
[03.09.2021 20:43:17] Victoria.Romero: Finally, someone!
[03.09.2021 20:43:32] Omer.Darche: I don't know, try to ditch it?
[03.09.2021 20:43:38] Olivia.Sable: Oh, you have got to be shitting me.
[03.09.2021 20:43:46] Victoria.Romero: This was your got damn plan, Sable?!
[03.09.2021 20:43:46] Omer.Darche: You're the one who told it to follow you.
[03.09.2021 20:43:53] =LSF=Fort.Wainwright: N: Nomad warform detected. Sound the alarm throught the ship.
[03.09.2021 20:43:58] Olivia.Sable: Alright, I say we leave it to the LSF and bail out!
[03.09.2021 20:44:01] [[[[[[]]]]]]: @)@)@(@#*&$&$^^@^#$$@&#*&@#*&@#*&@#
[03.09.2021 20:44:09] Omer.Darche: Well at least your plan is getting better.
[03.09.2021 20:44:13] [[[[[[]]]]]]: %%%%%%&%%%&%$($$*%%%%*%($$($$($*%%*%*%*%*%*%**$($$(($($(%*%*$$
[03.09.2021 20:44:15] =LSF=Fort.Wainwright: N: Civilians, evacuate immediately. That is an order.
[03.09.2021 20:44:20] Olivia.Sable: No shit!
[03.09.2021 20:44:23] Victoria.Romero: I'm fucking out of her!
[03.09.2021 20:44:31] Victoria.Romero: Here, even, god damn it.
[03.09.2021 20:44:32] Omer.Darche: Stop fucking her, that's weird!
[03.09.2021 20:44:47] [[[[[[]]]]]]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[03.09.2021 20:44:56] Olivia.Sable: *mutters* See? Had it all under control.
[03.09.2021 20:45:03] Prime_Number: Steven: Alien ship on scanners!
[03.09.2021 20:45:12] Ashlyn.Gearing: Great a LSF agent a freaking glowing lava lamp... day cant get better.
[03.09.2021 20:45:18] Victoria.Romero: You're lucky this thing didn't make your bain melt!
[03.09.2021 20:45:19] Prime_Number: Steven: Time to collect my bounty! Weapons hot!
[03.09.2021 20:45:31] Ashlyn.Gearing: Oh you all, you are save, good relief.
[03.09.2021 20:45:31] Olivia.Sable: Yeah. Fuck. I know.
[03.09.2021 20:45:49] Omer.Darche: Well that was a trip and a half.
[03.09.2021 20:45:51] Victoria.Romero: Don't ever play life bait again...
[03.09.2021 20:45:53] Olivia.Sable: I'm going to have so much explaining to do...
[03.09.2021 20:46:15] Omer.Darche: Communicating with those crystal things normal for you?
[03.09.2021 20:47:01] Olivia.Sable: -Nothing- about that was normal, not even by my recently elevated standards.
[03.09.2021 20:47:32] Olivia.Sable: Did you seriously not hear any of what it was... 'saying?'
[03.09.2021 20:47:39] Omer.Darche: Would have stayed back there for the footage but-.. Eh? Saying?
[03.09.2021 20:47:54] Olivia.Sable: Communicating, whatever. The images.
[03.09.2021 20:47:59] Olivia.Sable: The fucking feelings.
[03.09.2021 20:48:02] Olivia.Sable: Didn't get any of that?
[03.09.2021 20:48:11] Omer.Darche: I mean it was doing weird audio. Nothing visual-wise on my system.
[03.09.2021 20:48:46] Olivia.Sable: Well, aren't you fucking lucky.
[03.09.2021 20:48:47] Omer.Darche: It was sending you visual communications? Might have been a direct net-link.
[03.09.2021 20:49:03] Olivia.Sable: No, like... Not video.
[03.09.2021 20:49:03] Victoria.Romero: This thing was in my head, it felt so terrifying...
[03.09.2021 20:49:05] Olivia.Sable: Fucking visions.
[03.09.2021 20:49:13] Omer.Darche: Visions.
[03.09.2021 20:49:16] Olivia.Sable: Visions.
[03.09.2021 20:49:25] Omer.Darche: You sirians are strange.
[03.09.2021 20:50:08] Olivia.Sable: Fucking Gauls. Can't even have a Nomad encounter right.
[03.09.2021 20:50:37] Omer.Darche: Yeah well. We didn't have strange crystalized space-beasts to worry about.
[03.09.2021 20:50:44] Olivia.Sable: And it shows.
[03.09.2021 20:51:06] Omer.Darche: You make it sound like it makes you better for it.
[03.09.2021 20:51:06] Olivia.Sable: Christ, I'm gonna need some stiff drinks.
[03.09.2021 20:51:21] Olivia.Sable: Well, at least I know to fucking leg it when I see one.
[03.09.2021 20:51:33] Omer.Darche: Hey, it worked out!
[03.09.2021 20:51:41] Olivia.Sable: Yeah. Somehow.
[03.09.2021 20:51:55] Omer.Darche: Wonder if that siege cruiser got it.
[03.09.2021 20:52:07] Olivia.Sable: Wanna go back and find out?
[03.09.2021 20:52:23] Omer.Darche: Eeeeeeeh. I'm trying to not get on the bad side of the authority here.
[03.09.2021 20:52:42] Olivia.Sable: *chuckles exhaustedly* Good luck with that.
[03.09.2021 20:52:51] Omer.Darche: Hey, it's worked so far.
[03.09.2021 20:52:56] Olivia.Sable: Shit. I've gotta get back to Hudson.
[03.09.2021 20:53:09] Omer.Darche: ...Hey! That's my next spot.
[03.09.2021 20:53:22] Olivia.Sable: It is?
[03.09.2021 20:53:27] Victoria.Romero: How can you chuckle after that?! You risked your god damn life to lure an alien warship with you as bait! *she breathes very
[03.09.2021 20:53:32] Victoria.Romero: fast, almost as if she was hyperventilating*
[03.09.2021 20:53:47] Omer.Darche: Sure is. Something I'm looking for, apparently.
[03.09.2021 20:53:52] Olivia.Sable: Hey, I lived. Just another stupid story to tell.
[03.09.2021 20:53:59] Omer.Darche: Also, you should uh. Drink or something, Romero.
[03.09.2021 20:54:42] Olivia.Sable: Yeah, I have to agree with him. God knows it's what I'll do.
[03.09.2021 20:54:58] Olivia.Sable: Assuming those fucking terrorists have anything worth drinking.
[03.09.2021 20:55:23] Omer.Darche: Ah. Right. See. That's why I don't quite linger in this freeport.
[03.09.2021 20:55:36] Olivia.Sable: I didn't mean the freeport.
[03.09.2021 20:55:42] Victoria.Romero: I'm so done ...
[03.09.2021 20:55:44] Omer.Darche: Eh? Then where?
[03.09.2021 20:55:49] Olivia.Sable: Like I said, Hudson.
[03.09.2021 20:55:55] Omer.Darche: They got a place out there?
[03.09.2021 20:55:58] Olivia.Sable: Romero, go dock. Get some rest.
[03.09.2021 20:56:01] Olivia.Sable: And yeah, they do.
[03.09.2021 20:56:10] Omer.Darche: Well, that explains one of the things I heard.
[03.09.2021 20:56:54] Olivia.Sable: Romero, still with us?
[03.09.2021 20:57:00] Omer.Darche: Think they passed out.
[03.09.2021 20:57:17] Victoria.Romero: I ... I don't know. I can't ... it's too much.
[03.09.2021 20:57:27] Omer.Darche: Pilot shock?
[03.09.2021 20:57:30] Olivia.Sable: And I thought... *chuckles* Hackers were tough.
[03.09.2021 20:58:06] Omer.Darche: Well. Look. As much as I'd love to babysit some Lane Hacker.
[03.09.2021 20:58:17] Omer.Darche: It doesn't pay, nor does it sound interesting.
[03.09.2021 20:58:45] Olivia.Sable: Romero, come on. Pull yourself together for a few minutes and get docked.
[03.09.2021 20:58:52] Omer.Darche: You plan on going to Hudson still?
[03.09.2021 20:59:06] Olivia.Sable: Yeah.
[03.09.2021 20:59:12] Omer.Darche: By which route?
[03.09.2021 20:59:14] Victoria.Romero: And .... you? What if you just die playing bait until we come across each otherr again?
[03.09.2021 20:59:20] Olivia.Sable: Good question.
[03.09.2021 20:59:31] Olivia.Sable: Relax, Romero. I only do that on special occasions.
[03.09.2021 20:59:37] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Where is this thing?
[03.09.2021 20:59:43] Omer.Darche: What thing?
[03.09.2021 20:59:43] Olivia.Sable: Gone, I think.
[03.09.2021 20:59:49] Omer.Darche: Oh, the crystal thing?
[03.09.2021 20:59:56] Olivia.Sable: Yes, the fucking alien.
[03.09.2021 20:59:59] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: The- yeah, whatever. Good it's gone.
[03.09.2021 21:00:01] Victoria.Romero: Oh yeah ... sure ... just go do that whenever one of those things shows up...
[03.09.2021 21:00:02] Omer.Darche: Ontario.
[03.09.2021 21:00:21] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Oh? That's where Gearing headed.
[03.09.2021 21:00:30] Olivia.Sable: We saw her.
[03.09.2021 21:00:34] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: I offered to lead her through, but she was a cheapskate. Tough shit.
[03.09.2021 21:00:34] Omer.Darche: Think we passed someone by that.
[03.09.2021 21:00:43] Victoria.Romero: If this night results in alcohol poisoning I'll haunt your dreams, Sable. Whatever ... I guess...
[03.09.2021 21:01:01] Olivia.Sable: Hey, better way to die than at the hands of a Nomad.
[03.09.2021 21:01:01] Victoria.Romero: See you, I need a drink, or a lot of them actually..
[03.09.2021 21:01:02] Omer.Darche: Can't haunt anything if you die from poisoning.
[03.09.2021 21:01:09] 2021-09-03 21:01:08 SMT Traffic control alert: Victoria.Romero has requested to dock
[03.09.2021 21:01:29] Olivia.Sable: *sighs* Fucking Libertonians...
[03.09.2021 21:01:36] Omer.Darche: Right?
[03.09.2021 21:01:38] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: So what are you going to do next, persona-non-grata?
[03.09.2021 21:01:43] Omer.Darche: Wait, what?
[03.09.2021 21:01:51] Omer.Darche: You're wanted?
[03.09.2021 21:01:53] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: There's eyes and noses after you. I heard.
[03.09.2021 21:01:59] Olivia.Sable: I'm heading to Hudson. Once there, I'll-...
[03.09.2021 21:02:09] Olivia.Sable: Yeah. I'm wanted.
[03.09.2021 21:02:19] Omer.Darche: Ha! That explains some of the things said earlier. What are you wanted for?
[03.09.2021 21:02:19] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Do you know the way?
[03.09.2021 21:02:26] Olivia.Sable: Murder.
[03.09.2021 21:02:31] Olivia.Sable: And yeah, I know how to get to Hudson.
[03.09.2021 21:02:36] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Fair enough.
[03.09.2021 21:02:38] Omer.Darche: Well that's bland.
[03.09.2021 21:02:45] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Hope the guy you killed was a prick at least.
[03.09.2021 21:02:53] Olivia.Sable: A really nice guy, actually.
[03.09.2021 21:02:54] Omer.Darche: If it was in Liberty, likely was.
[03.09.2021 21:03:00] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: *low chuckle*
[03.09.2021 21:03:14] Olivia.Sable: Alright. Time to dodge some LPI patrols.
[03.09.2021 21:03:27] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Starlight on your back then.
[03.09.2021 21:03:35] Omer.Darche: Come then, to Hudson! I'd love to take your pathing.
[03.09.2021 21:03:54] Olivia.Sable: I'm gonna go the quick, dangerous route.
[03.09.2021 21:03:55] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Hm. Mind if I tag along?
[03.09.2021 21:03:59] Olivia.Sable: I -really- need those drinks.
[03.09.2021 21:04:09] Olivia.Sable: Sure, just don't complain if you get arrested with me.
[03.09.2021 21:04:14] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: It's on the way to... wherever I need to be.
[03.09.2021 21:04:19] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Oh don't worry about that.
[03.09.2021 21:04:31] Omer.Darche: Look, if they come after you means less eyes on me.
[03.09.2021 21:04:33] Omer.Darche: Win win.
[03.09.2021 21:04:41] Olivia.Sable: Works for me.
[03.09.2021 21:04:44] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Are you both hunted?
[03.09.2021 21:05:01] Omer.Darche: Faaaairly certain they don't like people from Gallia here.
[03.09.2021 21:05:11] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Duly noted. Also you didn't tell me that.
[03.09.2021 21:05:12] Omer.Darche: But I'm not on any lists.
[03.09.2021 21:05:19] Omer.Darche: Tell you what?
[03.09.2021 21:05:23] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Exactly.
[03.09.2021 21:05:27] Omer.Darche: Ah.
[03.09.2021 21:05:37] Omer.Darche: I mean, my ship is a bit of a give away, non?
[03.09.2021 21:05:47] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: You'd be surprised how oblivious some people are.
[03.09.2021 21:06:02] LPI-PRISM-Fort.Worth: Nazumaki: What a timing.
[03.09.2021 21:06:05] Olivia.Sable: I thought we'd get farther.
[03.09.2021 21:06:10] Omer.Darche: Works in my favour all the time-
[03.09.2021 21:06:16] Omer.Darche: Oh really.
[03.09.2021 21:06:28] Olivia.Sable: Should've taken the long route.
[03.09.2021 21:06:33] LPI-PRISM-Fort.Worth: Nazumaki: Yeah, right.
[03.09.2021 21:06:38] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Hm, more madness?
[03.09.2021 21:06:39] LPI-PRISM-Fort.Worth: Nazumaki: Careful, I might arrest you.
[03.09.2021 21:06:55] Olivia.Sable: I mean, you should.
[03.09.2021 21:06:56] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: I will be on my way.
[03.09.2021 21:07:04] LPI-PRISM-Fort.Worth: Nazumaki: Not in a hundred years.
[03.09.2021 21:07:15] [EB]Ria.Morwyn: Good luck.
[03.09.2021 21:07:17] Omer.Darche: Wait uh-... Guide! Get back here!
[03.09.2021 21:07:23] Olivia.Sable: Darche, go ahead.
[03.09.2021 21:07:28] Omer.Darche: Good luck lady!
[03.09.2021 21:07:32] Omer.Darche: Or something!
[03.09.2021 21:07:32] LPI-PRISM-Fort.Worth: Nazumaki: Found yourself some company?
Transmission End
RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Kauket - 09-07-2021
...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant
Well. I see your meeting went well then. That is good.
Recall that job offer I mentioned before? I need 20,000 units of Super Alloy delivered to the Citadel. I can offer you 4,500 credits per volumetric unit.
Should be an easy run, considering how close Newcastle is. Unless Crayter hates you, then, well ...
...transmission complete
...terminating stream