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Orbital Spa & Cruise - Printable Version

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Orbital Spa & Cruise - Petersen - 02-25-2009

i think you should get rid of the allowable use of nomad technology, spa and cruise is a civilian company and as such has only access to non-military and non-alien tech. so civillian weapons would be the way to go for osc.
also i dont get the part with trader tag-[osac]name i think every spa and cruise ship should have spa and cruise id and iff in addition to the factionized name tag.
about the allowed ships: the same applies here as for the weapons, only ships that are available to the civillian market should be flown. as for transports there would need to be a strict seperation: liners and armored transport for vips/passengers and other transport crafts like transports or trains to fly supply runs for the bases.
as much as i like and support the idea of an official osc faction, i really think you need to put a lot of work into preparing your faction proposal before posting it.
i also noticed that you just joined our community three days ago, perhaps you should read through other faction proposals to get an idea about what it takes to create and maintain a faction, its not something that should be rushed. you need patience and dedicated companions to go with you along the way. its an awful lot of time and effort that needs to be put into the creation and running of a faction and if you try it you should be aware of this. many times the work isnt repaid and you ask yourself why you put yourself into this position but there are also moments where you are just happy and proud of what you and your fellow members created. i dont want to stop your enthusiasm with this post but i want to give you an idea that its really no piece of cake to create a faction.
i wish you good luck with your project.

Orbital Spa & Cruise - ioha - 02-25-2009

Graf Petersen actually is quite right.

' Wrote:Faction Standings

Friendly - All Liberty corporations, Liberty Security Force, Liberty Navy, Liberty Navy Guard, Liberty Police Inc.

Neutral - Bretonia, Kusari, Rheinland

Hostile - Outcasts,Xenos,Pirates
This really needs to be a more fleshed out, although you just expanded it a bit. The Gaians are a must in there, under hostile. They are your main enemies, you are giving out bounties and jobs to kill them (see Shetland) after all.
Also, as was said, Corsairs are pirates - but they are allowed to dock the Hawaii. Thus an amendment to your diplomacy'd be necessary.

Also... am I right when guessing that you are the only member of the faction? That's what I take from your 'Employees' section.
If so, you should put this on ice until you have a few more members with you. See the Faction Creation Rules for what I mean:

Quote:I. How to create basic faction, clan, group without affiliation or home system?

1) Each faction has only one leader. Leader must have at least one character of level 60 or above.

2) Leader should choose an ID tag that all members of the group will get after level 40.

3) Post your faction idea in Faction feedback forum. Ask about admins' opinion! This will help you on next stage.

4) To start the process of approval, you need to pay 500 million credits to admins. Note that if your faction will not be approved, you won't be refunded. This means that you need to prepare well before applying.

5) Post your faction description, ID status, RP story, member list, diplomatic relations with all or most other factions, and any other information you see fit in the Faction Creation forums:
Your request may be discussed by other members and administrators. Only an administrator can approve or disapprove the faction creation. If the faction will not be approved, reasons will be posted. If the idea didn't come through the first time, you might still get a chance to improve it and get approved.

6) After the faction has 5 or more members (characters on different accounts), leader should post in Discovery Faction Status thread. Requirements for post are listed in the thread itself (see first post).

Orbital Spa & Cruise - ErikssonJeny - 02-25-2009

Well if a trader faction would only transport some goods then that would sucks because no freedom of trade would exist..
and ok ok no military ships and no artifacts.

500mil.....need some sponzorz then..

Orbital Spa & Cruise - cmfalconer - 02-25-2009

I can haz fakshun 2?

OS&C has a lot of potential as a faction if done correctly. Party-barges galore. But this "proposal" just screams inadequacy. Let's try to get some more help for you.
-First, Please comb through This thread for help on properly formatted faction proposals, which is pretty much what a status is.

-Next, the ship-list. It's been mentioned before, but here's the deal: OS&C flies Lux Liners, Armored Tranports, Hawks, Falcons, Eagles, and that's it. With Disco, I could see Arrows, Rocs, and the other liners (barring Prison)...that's IT. No Trains, Transports, Whales, or any other fighters. OS&C would hire out shipment of goods to/from their stationary bases, so no real need for that...and their liners can hold a decent amount of cargo and still carry passengers.

-Next, Description: Flesh this out more. Give some traderoute examples...heck, search the internet for travel companies and "borrow" their ideas for OS&C.

-Next, Faction Status: I can read an infocard. Player-factions are what you need my boy. send PM's to faction leaders to get their permission/idea about how they should and will act toward you, especially with the contraband.

-Next, Rules: See above. Expect to get a LOT of hassle for carrying those artifacts in particular. If you have something worked out with the local mounties five-oh first, it goes a long way.

-Next, Entry and Salary: Nice ideas. But Instead of getting a transport, new-employees purchase an ARMORED transport from Cali-Minor first, then get their tag/id in order with that. 5m should be plenty to get started in that. After time, they can be "promoted" to one of the smaller (Kusari I think) liners then.

This is about as constructive as I can be.

Orbital Spa & Cruise - Ash - 02-25-2009

Had a brief look over what you wrote, an other people seem to have already pointed out the do dos and no nos. Appart from [OSAC]. As "and" is a connecting word it shouldn't really be included in the title. It would be much better with a tag like [OSC]

Orbital Spa & Cruise - ErikssonJeny - 02-26-2009

Hmm 1 thing bothers me regarding the ships...

OSC is the only faction with luxury liners correct? (in the original game)

So shouldn't it be logical that all luxury liners must join OSC or get rid of their luxury liners?

P.S. thanks guyz i really need some help with this one;)

P.S.S. i need someone to help me with the bio of the faction and a sponsor. so if you have a idea PM me.

Orbital Spa & Cruise - goran - 02-26-2009

Um...ALL house weapons? Well, since OS&C is from Liberty, it should have only Liberty weapons. I doubt the house military forces will just give away their weapons.
Also, I see no history behind it whatsoever. And no goals either. The diplomacy and the description should be expanded as well.

Orbital Spa & Cruise - pieguy259 - 02-26-2009

Oho, friendly competition. *cracks knuckles*

...Louie, get away from that ship until I say so! You wanna get caught messing with the en... uh...

...Hope to see you around soon...

Orbital Spa & Cruise - cmfalconer - 02-26-2009

Quote:So shouldn't it be logical that all luxury liners must join OSC or get rid of their luxury liners?

Nope. That's like telling the indie caps to join the local military or scrap the ship. Doesn't fly on this server. I'm not turning over the keys to my Royal Liner just because you say so.

Instead of trying to become the whole OS&C, just become a side-group, specializing in certain trips or features.

Quote:P.S.S. i need someone to help me with the bio of the faction and a sponsor. so if you have a idea PM me.

for faction bio, read infocards and rumors, and write out a story. There's a wealth of info in those drunks at the bar.

And sponsor? um...that probably means the entry fee hasn't been paid yet. So while you're trading your way towards your 500m, you will have plenty of time to think about that story.

Orbital Spa & Cruise - ErikssonJeny - 02-26-2009

i suppose your right....