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Petition: NY cap free zone? - Printable Version

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Petition: NY cap free zone? - Guest - 03-01-2009

Jinx, i agree, caps are a aprt of the disco, but caps isnt the problem. Its the people flying them

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Cyro - 03-01-2009

' Wrote:Next version, new players will see Pennsylvania, not New York.

That really sounds promising, we should wait for 4.85 and then see if there is still that problem.

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Guest - 03-01-2009

As for that, i don't dislike capital ships, i dislike capwhores...

Petition: NY cap free zone? - FooFighter - 03-01-2009

I have to say, I'm against banning caps from NY as well. That's just as stupid and unrealistic as the no-fire-zone in .83 was. I agree with you though on that indie caps are a huge problem in NY...

I think the distribution of caps should completely be in the hands of official factions and Admins (if someone thinks their request for a cap was unfairly denied by the player faction). I've got nothing against Indies flying capships per se (the only cruiser I once had so far was a indie as well after all). It might be a little bit of additional work, yeah, but I think it's crucial to start controlling this server's cap population. Capital ships should be something special, when you see them, you should just think "Wow, what a great ship!" and not "Bah, great...another stupid lolwutting cap-lady-of-the-night"...

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Kambei - 03-01-2009

Im against that:)more pissed players in liberty = more players in space around:)go pvp whores and capwhores in NY go go go:)

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Jinx - 03-01-2009

so far - official factions haven t proven to be 100% fair / reliable in distributing their point of view roleplay... admins have already said that they will not interfere in these matters...

but really - what if we also start to make bombers distributed by official factions? fair? different?
what about lvl9 faction weapons and lvl10 shields? ... armour, missiles?

where does it stop? - why should it stop with capital ships? - why would a playerfaction not say - "our VHF is a top product ... we don t want indies to fly it!" - you really think thats different to restricting a battleship?

and for that matter - do you really think it changes the players?

Petition: NY cap free zone? - FooFighter - 03-01-2009

It might not change the players, but handling a lolwutting Avenger or Guardian *IS* easier than handling a lolwutting Dreadnought. If all ties break, you can always just go, do some RP about doing something like trying to arrest the lolwutter and then blow him up if he refuses to respond in RP. Try doing that with a mad lolwutting dreadnought...

Petition: NY cap free zone? - swift - 03-01-2009

What I just generally dislike is the fact that some players can't be called upon if they behave out of fashion of fair play and RP, while still being passable enough to get sanctioned.
By this, I don't mean indies, but I mean all people that are not registered on the forums, and in 95% of cases, such people shall not care about RP.

Thing is, when someone who is registered here does something wrong, the community will set him right, and he'll be able to become a productive member and all.

And if someone is willing to play for months on the server, without taking 15 minutes of his time to register here and post a little bit about himself in a capital ship registration thread, take some advice about how to have fun in RP and fighting without harming other fun, I really don't see how he does anything but damage server gameplay.

And now someone will say, but this way we have much more players.. but what's that worth if half of them will just annoy others, and offer little to no RP at all.

Therefore, I have always said, and always will, that I find little flaw in a system where capital ship owners should just register, and I do not mean player factions could say, no, we won't let you fly this.
Just if he's spotted in numerous counts in wrongdoings, take it away from him, for a time, or forever.

This is my three minute conceived opinion.

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Titan - 03-01-2009

Quote:I think the distribution of caps should completely be in the hands of official factions and Admins

I'll tell you something I told to one person a few weeks back, when that person suggested the same thing you just did...when you give power to some players in a game to control the freedom and fun of other players, then it stops being a game. I'm personally very much against official factions or admins for that matter having the power to restrict player freedom in that way. I lead the LN and I can say that despite the fact these caps are mainly our problem here in Liberty, they will stay here, there's no easy solution for this, nor it will be least, not in the near future. We have a cap restriction policy which is hardly enforced because there are simply too many of them to keep in check. We can give an occasional slap on the wrist or a kick in the nuts to some ooRP capwhore, but for every one we kick, 10 more arise. Basically, live and let live. Some of the indies I used to hate for being ooRP capwhores turned out to be amazing RPers with a bit of help and good will on both sides. Hell, I started as an ooRP indie capwhore, I had my own bloody LABC which I used solely to kill unlawfuls. We don't need to change anything, no need for radical ideas nor bans or anything, you people spew out too many thoughts without actually considering what you're doing to your fellow players that would be affected by it. In short, stop making idiotic threads, everyone. Nothing's gonna change, whining about it ain't gonna help, so why not simply..shut up and deal with it?

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Leo - 03-01-2009

' Wrote:I vote no. If you bann caps from NY they will simply move to the next system over, ie, California. They will still group together, they will still gangrape people, it will just occur in a different place.

You have to get rid of the problem, not simply move it around. Ban all outcast capital ships from entering NY for starters, they don't need a Dessie to protect cardamine routes, and the Liberty Rogues DO NOT NEED OC dessies or cruisers of any kind. You can't even pirate in them. And then remove the Navy guards' ability to attack pirates except in self defense, or in defense of an LPI vessel. The navy are supposed to protect borders, not police systems.
Those are my ideas, at least.

Agreed on all counts Nighthawk. Very well put.

No matter what you do people are going to find another way to "abuse the system". Tell them to stop whoring around in Liberty, they'll move to the border systems and wait for people to come through and Capwhore. In my honest opinion, Battleships could only be used by police/military factions, maybe Outcasts because of their amount of wealth from the Cardamine trade, and even then they should only be used in DRASTIC situations to the point of where there is a disasterous attack incoming from an unknown enemy.

Rogues should not even have ACCESS to Capships. No, they're the "dogs" of the criminal side of the law, and there's no way any OC trusts a "dog" with a multi-million piece of machinery such as an OC Destroyer.

Xenos? They're poor for crying out loud and pissed off about it! Why would they have anything over a Gunboat?! And they hate everyone!!

Cap whoring really does have to stop, but there's nothing you can really do about it. It's going to happen, and the only REAL way to do away with it is to completely remove them, or, as someone else said, restrict BS's to OFFICAL factions only. No register, none of that. ONLY offical factions. People may QQ (complain), but that's life. If they're only here to capwhore everywhere, then maybe they shouldn't be here.


P.S. I don't see what the big deal with Capships are anyway. They're big, bulky, and slow. Get a couple skilled bombers on it and it's toast. I, personally, will NEVER own one.