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MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Printable Version

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RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Titario - 07-03-2019

04. Juillet 742 AGS

Expéditeur : Maître Yoann Pétrelle
Destinataire : MRG Command
Sujet : Oath Renewal

I, Yoann Pétrelle, Maître of thre Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vue au Roi et à la Gaule.

Maître Yoann Pétrelle
Marine Royale Gauloise

RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Milan - 07-04-2019

Renewal of oath

I, Marc Zimmermann, maître principal, chevalier du Haut-Folin, of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.

I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention: If possible, I humbly request a few days of leave to celebrate my promotion and my adoubement with my gallophile family, who are planning to visit me on New Paris from Rheinland. Also, despite having duly and carefully filled out the B-23 and GU-6 intendance forms a month ago, I am still expecting the corrisponding bonuses to be forwarded to my bank account (Crédit gaulois – GA76 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 362). Those were rewards for "use of a foreign language on duty" and "remarkable escape pod skills" (sic).

Capital and transport ships commanded :
- MRG|TL-Gentil.Dauphin (5G Taureau transport)

RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Jeuge - 07-04-2019

I, Jeuge Duvale, Matelot of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.

RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Kalhmera - 07-05-2019

5th Juillet, 742 A.G.S.
Leeds System
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Sender: Aspirant Chole Acton
Recipient: La Marine Royal Gauloise
Subject: Oath


I, Chole Acton, Aspirant of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.

I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention:

Capital ships commanded:

Transmission Terminée

RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Dank Vader - 07-05-2019

03. Juillet 742 AGS

Expéditeur: Maître Jacques Lu Cont
Destinataire: MRG Command
Sujet: Oath Renewal

I, Jacques Lu Cont, Maître of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.

Maître Jacques Lu Cont
Marine Royale Gauloise

RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Kanzler Niemann - 07-05-2019

5th Juillet, 742 A.G.S.
Roussillon System
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Sender: Enseigne de Vaisseau, Guy Josselyne
Recipient: La Marine Royal Gauloise
Subject: Oath


I, Guy Josselyne, Enseigne de Vaisseau of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.

I wish to bring the following to my honored superiors' attention:

Capital ships commanded:

Transmission Terminée

RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Nen - 07-05-2019

5th Juillet, 742 A.G.S.
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Identifiant: Amiral Nicodeme Guillory
Destinaire: Etat-Major de La Marine Royal Gauloise
Sujet: Oath

I, Nicodeme Guillory, Amiral of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to Gallia and King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie à Gallia et au Roi.

Capital ships commanded:
MRG|RNS-Mont.St.Michel• Obstinate-class Battlecruiser

Nicodeme Guillory,
Marine Royal Gauloise

Transmission Terminée

RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Lucas - 07-05-2019

5th Juillet, 742 A.G.S.
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Identifiant: Jules Baudelaire
Destinaire: Etat-Major de La Marine Royal Gauloise
Sujet: Oath

I, Jules Baudelaire, Capitaine de Corvette of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to Gallia and King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie la Gaule et au Roi.

Transport ships commanded:

Jules Baudelaire,
Capitaine de Corvette
Marine Royal Gauloise

Transmission Terminée

RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - TheShooter36 - 07-05-2019

5th July 742 A.G.S.
New London System, Battleship Dutertre
[Image: f1d4kx.png]

Sender: EV. Sean Dumont
Recipient: Marine Royale Command
Subject: Renewal of oath

I, Sean Dumont, Enseigne de Vaisseau of the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie au Roi et à la Gaule.

I wish to bring the following to my honoured superiors' attention : 

Capital and transport ships commanded :

None, as of now. Will requisite appropriate vessels with haste.


Marine Royale Gauloise, EV. Sean Dumont.


Transmission Terminée

RE: MRG call of the roll - 03/07-> 03/08 - Alpha.Wolf - 07-11-2019

11th Juillet, 742 A.G.S.
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Identifiant: Captaine de Frégate Guillaume de Bertinont
Destinaire: Etat-Major de La Marine Royal Gauloise
Sujet: Oath

I, Guillaume de Bertinont, Captaine de Frégate in the Marine Royale Gauloise, once again swear fealty to Gallia and King Charles, eleventh of his name, may his glory be eternal. Longue vie à Gallia et au Roi.

Capital ships commanded:
MRG|RNS-Marseille• Obstinate-class Battlecruiser
MRG|RNS-Orleans• Valor-class Battleship

Guillaume de Bertinont,
Captaine de Frégate, Marine Royal Gauloise

Transmission Terminée