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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-17-2006

---------Incoming Transmissions----------

----From: Grand Admiral Mcintosh----
----To:Mal 666----

Well, Since we are currently allied to both the Helghast and the HF, I believe that would put you on the same standing with them as you are with us, I'm not sure about those NOD types, Perhaps the Chancellor will have more infomation on that one...

Mcintosh Out.

----Transmission Ends----

--------To: Message Center----------

Also, A quick word to all those revolutionaries out there. The SSO have overstepped their bounds for the last time. If i hear one more report of unprovoked attacks, they will be KILL ON SIGHT. We don't need those bounty hunter scum, and I intend to make it clear that whoever else they may harass, they have NO JURISTICTION WHATSOEVER over members of the SCRA. If they have a problem with that, they will cease firing on SCRA ships immediatley, and contact either myself or the Chancellor to beg for forgiveness...

If not, Unleash the Hounds of Hell, because nothing stands in our way.

Grand Admiral Mcintosh Out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Malaclypse 666 - 10-17-2006

Thanks for the clarification, Your Worship. (Or can I call you Mac?)
And nice move telling the SSO whose cows ate the cabbages.
Isn't it much more sporting to kill and maim for free, I ask you?
Rhetorical, that. We butter our bread on the same side, sir.

Malaclypse out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 10-17-2006

is this an official declaration of war with the sso?

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dab - 10-17-2006

Incoming transmission
Asgard Warriors Transport Zeta

This is AW transport, Zeta. We have witnessed repeated attempts by SCRA capital ships to pirate AW transports. We hear that the sso| have been blamed for the attack.

In actuality the two SCRA ships, a Talarca Light Cruiser, and a Corsair Gunboat, were engaging an AW transport and were repeatedly ordered off their attack. They refused, and the SNS-The.Payne helped me fend them off. If you wish of no attacks by the sso| I would suggest suspension of any and all pirating acts around the Theta, and Cambridge areas. THEY WILL ATTACK PIRATES.

Likewise, if you wish of no reprisals by the AW I would recommend you seize all pirating activities against our transports.

Transmission ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-18-2006

No, this is not a declaration of war with the SSO, it is a warning that we don't respect their 'Authority' and that we expect to be left alone. Also, I would suggest that they review the rules on PvP.

@Mal: You may indeed call me Mac. Once. But I do agree that death is not a service, but a sport, and who should be payed to play a game?

As to the Asgard Warriors, i have no idea what "Repeated attempts" you are talking about, as the action you refer to was the only time I had ever heard of SCRA vessels demanding cargo. If anyone has anything to tell me, now would be the time to do it. The SCRA is not about piracy, it is about returning to the home we left so long ago. The opening phases of thewt particular action were as follows.

1) On a patrol through bretonian space, a Container Transport bearing Police Tag was spotted, the name indicated no affiliation with the AW.

2) The SCRA vessels asked for several Passengers that were known enemies of the revolution, I believe there were 135 of them. 5000 - 135 = still alot of money.

3) When the transport refused, it was pursued and fired upon. It halted and agreed to hand over the cargo once it had been brought to about 1/3 health. Only then did dab enter the system and interve, at which point my PC crashed, and anything else I might add would be hearsay. I will not go on about what happened after I got back on, because that is a matter for the admins, not me.

In conclusion, get your facts right next time. We will not attack AW tagged vessels unless fired upon, but make sure all of your ships are correctly named, and NOT bearing Police tags. We are neither pirates nor mercenaries, unlike some I could mention.

Grand Admiral Mcitosh Out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dab - 10-18-2006

OOC: It is awaiting a name change. You should check that thread whenever there are new posts in it, so you know what people's names SHOULD be. And even after telling them that it was an AW trader, and I ordered them to leave it alone, the continued after it. Eventually killing it outside Planet Cambridge. So even after being told the identity, and apparently getting what was wanting, he was killed.

End OOC: (Sorry for how long it was.)

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-18-2006

Be that as it may, we don't take kindly to police tagged zoners.

OOC: Lets just stop shooting at each other for now. I couldn't think of a realistic way for the RP Mcintosh to say that.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dab - 10-18-2006

OOC: Just a small thing to point out... EVERYONE starts with a police tag. Its your starting tag. You get it as soon as your created.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-18-2006

OOC: Meh. when you've put enough time/money into a char to get it a Container stansport, I think you could shoot enough cops to get rid of that.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dab - 10-18-2006

OOC: Most don't know they have it. Bs|DBoy didn't until I told him. Plus Zoner rep is EXTREMELY difficult to get. Have to get exactly -3.5 zoner rep, then F1 until double bribe.. Yeah, it just simply doesn't work for some people.