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Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Printable Version

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Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Malaclypse 666 - 10-05-2006

Fellow Hoodlum,Oct 5 2006, 01:16 PM Wrote:Message from: Fin MacCool(E5.GP.GAC)

Mal, what have I said about your proclamations before, translation for the unenlightened
it seems is now a must. Then again the chaos in itself is an early victory for us ...

Pass the gold, and the ammunition.


Message to: Fin/Susan
Comm ID: Mal/Dis

Too right!

Comms are already a-buzz (bless our little Fnordette spies..) with messages to hunker down, or move resources, or ally with so 'n so, or look out for what's-their-names... Eris is in stitches, and we're over a week away from the festivities!!

Discordians, both declared and in the closet, should refer to the Principia, and consult their Pineal Glands.

Also, think Millbrook in the sixties. Tim Leary inside expanding his consciousness; and G. Gordon Liddy in the bushes outside, trying to prove evidence of Godless Communism...

"Which side are you on, boys? Which side are you on??"
... Woody Guthrie

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - McNeo - 10-05-2006

Malaclypse 666,Oct 5 2006, 08:28 PM Wrote:Message to:  Fin/Susan
Comm ID:  Mal/Dis

Too right!

Comms are already a-buzz (bless our little Fnordette spies..) with messages to hunker down, or move resources, or ally with so 'n so, or look out for what's-their-names...  Eris is in stitches, and we're over a week away from the festivities!!

Discordians, both declared and in the closet, should refer to the Principia, and consult their Pineal Glands.

Also, think Millbrook in the sixties.  Tim Leary inside expanding his consciousness; and G. Gordon Liddy in the bushes outside, trying to prove evidence of Godless Communism...

"Which side are you on, boys?  Which side are you on??"
... Woody Guthrie

What was that? sry im only 15 but this seems like a load of :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: too me.

What is being attacked by who and what side are we all on here. And whats this about communism and Gordon Lilly? wtf??

Edit: and wtf is Millbrook?

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Nightfall - 10-05-2006

Malaclypse 666,Oct 5 2006, 09:17 PM Wrote:And Nightfall, not sure if you were representing a particular paradigm/faction there, Lad.  Will you be bringing a dish for the party?

Kind Sir, I always represent myself unless stated otherwise. My example might be followed by others. I will only suggest preparing for a regale. Guess the silver platters were mentioned :P

edit: you confused them Mal :lol:

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - McNeo - 10-05-2006

My brain is imploding :mellow: :crazy: :mellow: . My eyes hurt and im being educated in how Eris with her golden apple speaks.


This attack is just on the SF because of their Templar, all the Lawfuls including the Order, excluding the Order or just all pirates vs all lawfuls?

i dont get it.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Malaclypse 666 - 10-05-2006

McNeo,Oct 5 2006, 01:31 PM Wrote:And whats this about communism and Gordon Lilly? wtf??

Edit: and wtf is Millbrook?

@McNeo.. Think you're confusing a Watergate conspirator w/ a guy who talked w/ dolphins. If your Pineal Gland is un-augmented, try Google.


Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - McNeo - 10-05-2006

*bangs head on table* *again*

of course i know about the watergate conspiracy thing involving an American president.

No seriously now, whats happening and who are you attacking etc. I need to know what my clan will be doing on Friday. Sry if im the only guy whose confused but, hey, it happens.

Edit: Im gonna give up trying to understand you mala :lol: .

Ok this is what the sso| will be doing (please read this before going off somwhere in Minor).

Destroy all ELF ships you see. If in Lawful space helping to defend for example the SF, negotiate a payment to yourself from them for your services.

Alternatly, you could take a wing of fighters and stalk some unlawfuls (ELF especially) and just destroy them utterly. The running rule will be in force unless severly outgunned or outnumbered.

I think i shall be doing a mix of those things myself on friday.

Hope this is what is supposed to be happening :P

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Malaclypse 666 - 10-05-2006

McNeo,Oct 5 2006, 01:41 PM Wrote:*bangs head on table*  *again*

No seriously now, whats happening and who are you attacking etc. I need to know what my clan will be doing on Friday. Sry if im the only guy whose confused but, hey, it happens.

Message to: The Confused
Comm ID: F-23 Discordia

*Dear Mr. McNeo, representing the Shadow Stalkers.. ...i think...

Thank you for RSVPing to our little soiree on next Friday the 13th. Please rest assured that you will be doing (and are already doing..) your part in the event.

May I put you down for a bowl of those little snausages?

F-23 Discordia
Social Secretary, Erisian Liberation Front*

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - DarkOddity - 10-05-2006

I think it would be more appropriate to side with the Order, atleast Black Squadrons portion as they are closer to being lawful than ELF.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Dab - 10-05-2006

Alright clarification to all of you..

ELF is fighting lawful factons. Mainly the Order, but also RM, SF, and sso|.

They aren't fighting just the SF because they have a ship called the Templar. The ELF are avenging the Templar of old so that would make no sense. They are simply fighting the lawful factions. Leaving the unlawful factions to side with them or stay neutral in this.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - McNeo - 10-05-2006

I think i understand now......i think.

For the sso| =
Bs| shall be neutral too us in this.
NOD are hostile
ELF are hostile

i think thats all we need to know.

Hope i've pleased Eris, cause she's gonna be ripping your throats out when we destroy you utterly :lol: .