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Hogosha Alliance Bounty Board -- Registration channel - Printable Version

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RE: Hogosha Alliance Bounty Board -- Registration channel - Kenza - 08-12-2022

:::Incoming Transmission:::
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ID: Lian Zhu
Location: Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo

Name: Lian Zhu
Call-sign: Lian~Zhu (and derivatives), Paojian
Identification: Freelancer
Reputation: Proof
Some things about your organization or yourself: Just a freelancer trying to make her way. I recently found myself in Kusari so I may as well link up with the local bounty boards to make some money. Win-win right?

I agree that by filling this form, I enter a contract with the Hogosha Alliance and can be subject to punishment in case of revealing contract details to third parties.

:::Closing Transmission:::

RE: Hogosha Alliance Bounty Board -- Registration channel - Hogosha Alliance - 08-12-2022

[Image: f2JwAsY.png]

The Nikkyo Consortium

Konnichiwa, Zhu-san

We are happy to see Freelancers are making a way to clean up Kusari Systems from the possible threats to civilians of Kusari Empire. Your application has been approved.

-Signed: Yoshikawa Ringo, Saiko-komon of the Nikkyo Consortium