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RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Zoe Cromwell - 01-20-2020

He sounded so confident about it, so completely convinced in his, and in a way also her, abilities. Like they could actually take out that compound with two people. Could they? Was he maybe not as crazy as she thought in that moment? Certainly the Don wasn't as influential and wealthy as he used to be anymore but what if that place was better defended than they expected just now? Well. He would be in her ship and maybe they could recon beforehand to confirm. All that reflection on the plan was shaken when she saw that smirk of his. She'd not yet seen much of any emotion on his face. And that smug grin at the mention of his perfect plan was unsettling.

— That- well I guess it makes sense. We can do this.

She had planned to sound more confident. But the way she'd been forced into this mission, maybe even allowed it to be forced on her, made her uncomfortable. This guy was insane and this mission dangerous and all she'd gain from it was Enma's and his recognition. And strangely that didn't make it sound like it was worthless.

— When do we start?

RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Reeves - 01-20-2020

He tilted his head from side to side, as if thinking of an answer to what she'd just asked him. Both tilts produced a mild cracking noise, likely from his neck.

— I was hoping you'd be more excited at the possibility of murder and mayhem. And if you choose to work with us, then clearly you aren't the boring kind too weighed down by morals. You'd be immensely more attractive if you were bloodthirsty, the accent adds quite a bit of allure.

Either he was intentionally trying to derail her line of thought, or he was being genuine. It was unclear which would prove more concerning, though nothing about the way he looked at her seemed perverse. Perhaps it was just advice to benefit her potential appeal to suitors.

— I came here with all the gear I might need in my ship. I'll transfer it over to yours and we can move once you are, of course, prepared to get to work. I'll also prepare a more thorough briefing for you to view on the way there. But please, the fear and uncertainty doesn't suit you. I picked you specifically because I believe you're dependable. Even if you are afraid, don't let it seep through. Bad for ones reputation.

Evidently she was being perceived at quite a high bar. And his last bit of advice seemed as if it came from experience and was sincerely intended to be helpful, at least so far as his own interests were concerned.

RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Zoe Cromwell - 01-20-2020

Murder and mayhem was more a necessary side product that sometimes occurred during her work. And while she had to admit that sometimes the fight was a thrill, she'd never say she enjoyed it. It was just a job she got into. She was also slightly taken aback by how he was suddenly, flirting with her? Did he? Or was that just another game of his. Then he continued to praise her and attempted to calm her too. She looked down and slowly back up at him. This mission suddenly felt a lot more like the worst idea she'd had this year. And the one before, considering this one had just started.

— Uhm, sure- I am... ready too? Just... need to change clothes.

He really managed to put her into a situation she didn't feel secure in, didn't know how to deal with. And it felt like she was walking on eggshells. She was afraid to offend him but also to be recognized as cowardly or weak. And she certainly didn't want to fail this mission. So she took a deep breath and decided she'd put more effort into at least appearing like she believed in this. In him. In herself.

RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Reeves - 01-20-2020

He smiled warmly at her response before responding with all the coldness that must have embraced the Titanic in its final moments.

— You don't sound ready. I'll be waiting outside take your time.

With that said, he would leave her on her own and exit the building. He had nothing more to say, at least not until they were on the move once the sun had set.

RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Zoe Cromwell - 01-20-2020

She felt a cold shudder down her spine and if she felt discomfort before she felt afraid now. Could she even do this with him? What if he did something to her or just left her to fend for herself during the mission. She was glad he just left and she sat there for quite some time just trying to calm down. When she felt ready, she grabbed her stuff and returned to her apartment.
Despite knowing the risk of annoying him, she made tea to calm her nerves while changing into her flight and combat gear. This time she did take more than just the handgun, deciding she wanted to be ready to fight the guards and potentially Gabriel. She hid a knife that gave her at least some confidence in not being helpless.
Eventually she felt collected enough to return to her ship. This was really not the kind of emotions you should feel maneuvering any vehicle, certainly not a spaceship. And definitely not one you planned to assault what was quite possibly a fortress.
She did it anyways. Staying quiet she got into her ship, beginning pre flight checks and running inventory to be certain the ship wouldn't run out of shield, ammo or the stealth cloak.

— I'm ready.

She said, short, and trying to hide her emotions by what she felt was a professional tone. Though nothing she could say would ever sound as cold as Gabriel.

RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Reeves - 01-20-2020

It didn't seem comfortable, but he'd managed to strap himself into a collapsible passenger seat in the cargo hold of her Manta. He appeared to be fully geared up, his helmet visors being a distinct shade of green, and the suit itself being an exotic adaptive camouflage model.

— Lift off at your discretion. Oh, and if things don't go as plan and I die down there, just scrub the operation and retreat. My corpse isn't useful to anybody. If we just so happen to keep each other alive, I'll buy you coffee. Only fair given that our target disrupted a fresh brew.

His statement was both grim and quite friendly towards the end, the possibility of death didn't seem to concern him all that much. The level of calmness he could maintain might have been proved admirable.

— That briefing I mentioned earlier is on your ship's console. Run through it a few times and ask me about anything that might not seem clear to you.

He gave her the peace of silence thereafter, unless she had something else to say.

RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Zoe Cromwell - 01-20-2020

How could he talk both about his own death and taking her out to coffee in such a calm voice. Or in the same sentence even. He truly had to be insane, right? If she went into a mission with someone she always planned to leave with them as well. Even though we was a creep and made her uncomfortable she'd not just let him die there. Still though it was a possibility that he'd fail and what else could she do then? This was after all, very dangerous.

— Thank you but I don't want to leave you there.

She replied and then got the ship into the air. Atmospheric flight was always a bit of a hassle with most ships and she vastly preferred to be in space. The autopilot could manage basic flight though and she decided for a lower speed to go through said briefing. And she didn't like it. It was the same plan he'd already mentioned just detailed. And it looked all the way as suicidal as it sounded back in the bar.

— Are you really sure about this?

She asked him eventually when they approached the mountain range that would cover the target's estate. They could still turn around.

RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Reeves - 01-21-2020

He smirked again, though this time she wouldn't see it. It was fairly naive but also somewhat charming of her to refuse to abandon him despite how uncomfortable he made her feel.

— Sweet of you. Not that the gesture of solidarity would mean much if I were already dead. If I live, then I'll return the gesture.

Once they reached the point of no return, he stood up and walked to a section of the floor that housed the tractor beam, directly above him were the cargo bay doors and directly ahead was his pilot.

— Jettison me. This should only take an hour and thirty minutes. I'll need you to pinpoint a spot of the compound with a low concentration of people, that's where I'll be landing. You'll be my eyes in the sky and the voice in my head.

It was time, he gave her the signal to launch him out of the ship and into a freefall. Though his confidence hinted at the fact that he had most likely come equipped with a wing-suit and inertia dampening system. In any case, he was now zooming toward the compound and awaiting her guidance.

RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Zoe Cromwell - 01-21-2020

Sweet? What kind of people did he usually work with that'd just abandon him? Was that why he was so weird or was his creepy demeanor why he was treated so? Nonetheless she cloaked the ship and paid closer attention to all the scans and information the ship would gather on approach.
There was no alert. So the cloak was sufficient.

— Good luck.

Her wish was genuine as she felt that he'd need it as she opened the bay doors to let him exit. This was plain insanity. Was there anyone in this company who was normal?
There was no more time for her internal rambling though, she had a man on the ground she needed to support while moving the ship as little as possible.

Observing the area she saw a few patrols and people guarding heavier turrets. He sure was expecting to be attacked at some point. One entrance to the fortress like mansion was less guarded than the others and it'd be a good destination. Now he just needed a way to get there.

— can you get down in the garden? You can hide there and move to one of the turrets. From there you should reach the south entrance. There is still patrols so... Be careful.

RE: Maltese Hunting Trip - Reeves - 01-21-2020

Catlike, that was the right word for how he moved and stalked after targets. His descent was quite controlled, in fact he seemed to quite enjoy the fall, opting for a little flair with a spin after he'd first been shot out of the ship. Upon getting dangerously close to the ground, he yanked himself up to kill off the momentum and then let the inertia dampeners do the rest. It was quite a soft landing considering the altitude he'd come from, and he'd put himself in cover behind quite a bit of tall grass. His suit turned a shade of orange to match the current environment.

— Landed, holding here for a moment. For this to go as intended, I need you to find two key locations. The location of the compound's security network and the guard barracks, once you do, designate both and guide me to the network.

His voice had an added smoothness when he whispered, a slight tonal change perhaps. He could see patrols in the distance, but his presence had gone unnoticed for the timebeing.