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Relocation and Repatriation - Printable Version

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RE: Relocation and Repatriation - Deep Space Engineering - 04-10-2020

[Image: CRu4blZ.png]

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Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Humanitarian

New York, Liberty Space


Once again, I am humbled by your enthusiasm to help these people. We have another 17,420 individuals waiting to be relocated.

I have transferred 15,300,000 to OS&C|Breezemaster, 15,300,000 to OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club, 17,850,000 to OS&C|Reverie, and 43,554,000 to DSE)Globemaster.II, please find the receipt attached below.


[Image: 93f84826b408bc59f3eea8a16f3c6c9b.png]

CEO - Deep Space Engineering

RE: Relocation and Repatriation - HrabCOrp - 04-10-2020

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[Image: cvhptCJ.png]
ID: Thomas Reardon
Location: Planet Exeter, Exeter System
To: Jessica Doe, CEO, Deep Space Engineering

Subject: Home sweet home

Dear Ms. Doe:

I am delighted to inform you that the Axiom has successfully finished her voyage from Pittsburgh to Exeter.

We were forced to use our complement of cloak batteries to avoid some hostiles. But I assure you - we took no financial or physical damage. All 2545 passengers got home safe and sound.

Kind regards,
Thomas Reardon
Captain, OS&C|Axiom

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: 8LEueZr.png]
Technology and Comfort blended into Perfection

RE: Relocation and Repatriation - Lord Helmchen - 04-11-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Planet Exeter Exeter System
To:Jess Doe
Subject: Another Sucsessful Relocation

Greetings Miss Doe

the Red Velvet Club today made another Successfully Tour to Exeter, we Brought another 3000 Souls to there New Lives. we hope they find Happiness on Exeter and Can start new now. I plan another Tour for tomorrow if the Evacuation of Baden Baden gives me some time, and you need some more Help. you will pay me no matter what I say so send it to OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club. and one day I Return it with a Luxury Cruise to a Butiefull spot in Sirius.


Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector and Head of Triton Expeditions Divison

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RE: Relocation and Repatriation - Lord Helmchen - 04-13-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Planet Exeter System Exeter
To:Jess Doe
Subject: Another Sucsessful Relocation

Greetings Miss Doe

as I Promised yesterday I made another Shuttle Service to Exeter and Brought another 3000 Souls to there New Lives as in the Last times you Peapole where wonderful I had hardly so Good Passengers Like yours they are Happy with just the Ride to Exeter I will look that i help you more till everyone is at Hiss or Her destination


Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector and Head of Triton Expeditions Divison

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: mBYdQaD.png]
[Image: yuA0y6q.png]

RE: Relocation and Repatriation - Deep Space Engineering - 04-14-2020

[Image: CRu4blZ.png]

[Image: ufLMR0w.png]

Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Humanitarian

New York, Liberty Space


We are at the end of the first group of people, you all have done an amazing job. We have another 8,875 individuals waiting to be relocated.

I have transferred 30,600,000 to OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club, 12,929,500 to OS&C|Axiom. Please find the receipt attached below.


[Image: 93f84826b408bc59f3eea8a16f3c6c9b.png]

CEO - Deep Space Engineering

RE: Relocation and Repatriation - Lord Helmchen - 04-14-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Planet Exeter System Exeter
To:Jess Doe
Subject: Another Sucsessful Relocation

Greetings Miss Doe

as I Promised I Continued the Fary Passengers to Exeter today I was able to make 2 Tours to Exeter and bring 6000 People to there new homes as always it was a pleasure to Fly with your People I had some kids playing in the main hall and Bringing my Concierge to despair I never saw anything so Cute and It was hard not to burst into laughter when I saw it I will continue the Tours to Exeter tomorrow


Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector and Head of Triton Expeditions Divison

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: mBYdQaD.png]
[Image: yuA0y6q.png]

RE: Relocation and Repatriation - Lionheart523 - 04-16-2020

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[Image: 0TCFHy4.jpg]ID: Cpt. Theobald Franklin

Location: OS&C|Reverie, Planet Exeter, Exeter System

To: Jess Doe, CEO DSE

Subject: Re: Humanitarian Efforts

Greetings Mr. Doe!

Another 3500 Bretonians enjoyed Orbital Spa and Cruise hospitality aboard our ship as well as a smooth and uneventful ride to Planet Exeter. Especially the younger children loved the view from the top deck. You should see their faces while they starred out of the man high windows. I won't forget them for a long time.

Proof of pickup and arrival of our guests are attached below.

Best regards,
Cpt. Theobald Franklin

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Living Dreams!

RE: Relocation and Repatriation - Lord Helmchen - 04-16-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Planet Exeter System Exeter
To:Jess Doe
Subject: Another Sucsessful Relocation

Greetings Miss Doe

we had a well lets call it a Supprising Tour. in the New York System, we had an Encounter with a Rouge and an Outcast. the Impact of a Cruise Disruptor frightened the children but after the Payment of 2 Bottles Gin and the Danger of interception by the Liberty Navy they Fleed into the Badlands. we had Prepared a Show for the Children before and this drove the Fear Away Fast. the rest of our journey was uneventful and another 3000 Souls made it to Exeter. ass always the Prove are Attached.


Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector and Head of Triton Expeditions Divison

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: mBYdQaD.png]
[Image: yuA0y6q.png]

RE: Relocation and Repatriation - Deep Space Engineering - 04-17-2020

[Image: CRu4blZ.png]

[Image: ufLMR0w.png]

Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Humanitarian
TO: Jonathan Seabourne

New York, Liberty Space

Thank you to all of those involved in this.

We have far exceeded the number of families we expected to relocate.

For the moment, we require no more assistance in this.

Final payments will be made shortly.


[Image: 93f84826b408bc59f3eea8a16f3c6c9b.png]

CEO - Deep Space Engineering

RE: Relocation and Repatriation - Deep Space Engineering - 04-18-2020

[Image: CRu4blZ.png]

[Image: ufLMR0w.png]

Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Humanitarian

New York, Liberty Space


Final Payments have been made I apologize for the delay in this.

I have transferred 45,900,000 to OS&C|TE~Red~Velvet~Club, 17,850,000 to OS&C|Reverie. Please find the receipt attached below.


[Image: 93f84826b408bc59f3eea8a16f3c6c9b.png]

CEO - Deep Space Engineering