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RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 04-20-2020

Sun smiles and listens to Loyola as she talks occasionally checking outside the window, she speaks once more in her serene manner "Ah yes, of course I understand that train of thought that because this was designed by human minds and human hands that it is a natural thing. I'm open to that interpretation as I think it is very important for Buddhists to understand all scientific findings and other interpretations concerning the nature of mind and the nature of consciousness. Whether consciousness does or does not exist as a discrete entity for example as I believe you are saying, I think there is much attachment to material things that at times people give ships a personality over time."

Sun states smiling broadly "My Serenity vessel I call her even though it is not alive, for example. " Sun changes the subject after a sharp breath "I know of self-defence but I have not used it, I have felt a blade against my neck and I did not flinch. My fear of my own life is almost non-existent, I admit there's a small part of me that does fear it but there is a larger part that knows that when I pass I shall be reborn in some form or another." Sun nods towards Loyola, as the conference vessel draws closer to Pygar.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 04-26-2020

Enny is raising her eyebrows as monk is making a bolk claim of not being afraid of death. She turned her look away, smirking for a moment. She's tempted to test it, but then she just starts speaking softly and that softness quite frankly wasn't matching what she was saying.

— That's a bold claim to make. I've seen people saying that they were not afraid of dying and then shitting their pants moment after when the charged pistol was against their forehead. I think I am a guest and that would not be appropriate to check if your claims are true or not. On a personal note, I am not sure if I want murdered freeport administrator on my record.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 04-26-2020

Sun has a warm smile at Loyola and her words, a joke or not she is non-plussed. She twiddles her fingers together "Death is not finality to me, or Buddhists. It is merely a end to a story, and another will come after. Buddhism has taught me that death is a tragedy but it something that a profound understanding can unfold and perhaps a enlightenment" Sun finishes her words by auto-piloting the conference at the new mooring point.

She looks back at Loyola staring at her "I am no fool of what you have done or have to do in your position, but it does not scare me and yes murdering such a peaceful Freeport administrator would not wise for you Miss Loyola. However I would forgive you in the next life if you did" Sun says she is very honest and devoted to her religion, perhaps foolishly so but her resolve is absolute.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 04-28-2020

Loyola is just staring into the corner, thinking how weird that situation is. She is very tempted to make that bleeding holy in the monk's forehead right now. But that's a short term entertainment as opposed to talking to her more and see Pygar properly.

— You know, we Outcasts don't kill helpless people. Especially if they are healthy and tend to comply as you do. We usually take them for laboring on our planet, some do plantations, some get a more easy job. It must be better in your option than killing people right? We view it as a very humanist approach. In Liberty they call us slavers, not appreciating us sparing lives and all. So I am curious what take you would have on this situation. And would you prefer to die and let's say work for me instead.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 04-28-2020

The Conference shakes as it enters Atmosphere, but Sun carries on with a warm smile "Oh I have knowledge of you're ways, I'm not completely aware of what the Outcasts do but I do understate it. I prefer a choice in the matter of what you entail, whilst going on the Outcast world would be interesting I would be addicted to Cardamine after awhile. I am sure you can appreciate the choice of free will. As for if I prefer to die? No, if your intent is not to kill me then I would take the choice of working on a plantation or a more easier job. Not because I am afraid of death more that, in that position it is still progress to enlightenment to get a different perspective of things." she says truthfully.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 05-02-2020

Thoguht for a second. This person and her behaviour patterns are certainly interesting. She spoke after rather a long pause.

— Your teachings are not quite presented at Malta. I was thinking if we could organize some events where you could present it to the people. Especially among foreign workers, we could use them having a peace of mind, so they work on both Dons and their path to the enlightenment as you call it.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 05-02-2020

Sun pauses at the question as the Conference touches down on a enclosed landing platform, she rubs her chin and does a friendly and peaceful smile speaking in a fashion as to not offend "As I understand it to visit Malta would mean risk of me being reliant on Cardamine. As a former drug addict, not of Cardamine I shall say I am interested in your proposal but I would like it on a station or a different area. I must say that your offer is unusual but, I suppose Outcasts may want to find enlightenment as much as anyone else" She gives a peaceful smile and rises from the chair.

Sun eyes Loyola's guards briefly before speaking again "And now we go to the Temple, there are rules for inside the Temple of which I shall explain when we get there. Still, considering you have been pleasant company so far I believe you and your guards will abide by those rules." she says with a smile.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 05-04-2020

Proceeding as usual and looking around, making some nods as monk replied. Loyola then just collapses onto the ground, making very loud vocal sounds. Her guards were a little spread to watch the perimeter and there was no one to catch her. For a moment she looked like she caught the bullet, but there was no blood or anything that would support this assumption.

— Ah SHIT!

Enma says, while holding hands at her knee, it seems like it hurts.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 05-05-2020

Sun immediately rushes over after Loyola falls to the round she darts her eyes around briefly before inspecting the wound "Donna Loyola, are you hurt?" she asks immediately concerned about her guest's well-being.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 05-11-2020

After cringing a little, Loyola is stanging up with help of the guard who would offer his hand. The skin at her knee seems to be scratched just a little, now it almost seemed like Enma's reaction to it was excessive, it couldn't hurt that much. Outcast looks around, fixing her hair, checking if her nails are alright too.

— Alright... So tell me about this temple and the rules?

She tries to act like nothing just happened.