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Rheinland criminal database - Printable Version

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Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - Sturmwind - 02-27-2011


[Image: 220px-Flag-rheinland.png]

[color=#FFCC00][font=Lucida Console]
---[size=medium]Incoming auto-update---

Quote:Vessel name: S&S-Gemini

Vessel affiliation: Civilian.

Violation committed: Smuggling.

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:


Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):

Time: 27th February 819
Location: Planet Stuttgart.
Circumstances: Shipment of black market intercepted by a third party source, apprehension unsuccessful. Suspect said to be an expert at evading prosecution via the usage of gravitational anomalies.

Notification of smuggler given to the database at 05:38 AM SMT, 27th February 819 A.S.

Administered at 11:42 AM SMT, 26th February 819 A.S.

Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - rwx - 03-02-2011

..::Incomming Transmission::..
..::Encryption: medium::..

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]medium
SOURCE: Battleship Westfalen
TARGET: Rheinland criminal database
COMM ID: Feldwebel Paul Bommel, Reserveflotte
TIMECODE: 022227HHmar819
SUBJECT: more entries

Quote:Vessel name: HSK-8_"KORMORAN"

Vessel affiliation: Liberty Navy

Violation committed:

§ Military equipment such as Firekiss or Hornviper weapons as an addition to any Rheinwehr or Bundespolizei combat vessel obtained without a permission. (500.000 sc)

§ Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 sc)

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:

Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):

Time: 2nd March 819, 20:55 SMT
Location: Westfalen-Hamburg-Lane, Hamburg system
- Violator was asking in system channel for help to reconfigurate his transponder signal (maybe for covering up).
- Violator was ordered to stop. Scans showed mercenary papers. Ship was trying to flee after the ask for permission. After some disruptors, he activated his cloaking device.
amnesty cost: 1.000.000 + 5.000.000 = 6.000.000 sc

Quote:Vessel name: Mr.freeman

Vessel affiliation: none

Violation committed:

§ For the vessels of Gunboat class or Transport class with 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold or less - cargo confiscation and 2.500.000 SC fine. (2.500.000 sc)

§ Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 sc)

§ Denial to provide of law enforcement authorities’ representatives with information concerning your identification, documents on your cargo or your intentions in Rheinland space. (500.000 sc)

§ Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 sc)

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:
Cargo & docking

Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):

Time: 2nd March 819, 21:16 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
- Kusari transporter entered Hamburg orbit and was ordered to stop for a cargo scan. Target refuses, hacked the docking mechanism of planet Hamburg and docked.
- Papers couldn't be ascertained. Cargo scan could be conducted. Contraband was found.
amnesty cost: 2.500.000 + 2.000.000 + 5.000.000 = 9.500.000 sc


Feldwebel Paul Bommel,
Westfalen Battlegroup,
Rheinwehr Reserveflotte.


Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - SpaceTime - 03-08-2011


[color=#000000]Source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin
Submitter: Carl von Manstein
Recipient: Rheinland Criminal Database
Subject: New additions
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

[font=Times New Roman]~ Uploading file ~

[Image: carlvonmansteinii.png]

Vessel name: USS-Enterprise-1701-E

Vessel affiliation: Spa & Cruise

Violations committed: Smuggling Military Vehicles, disobbeying direkt orders, shooting at RM Soldat, hacking in the docking systems of Bonn Station (or having someone inside as the captain of Enterprise said)

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: [|], [||], [|||], [IV], [V], [VI], [VII], [VIII], [IX], [X]

Location: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System
Ship: Luxury Liner
Time: 8.3.819 A.S.

I think the Guncam shots can clearly show what happened. Afterwards, when it's nanos were exhausted it miraculously docked in Bonn Station. I would only like to suggest to restrict the docking rights of the said ship in all the Rheinland planets/bases/stations und also ask for a formal explanation from the USS, since I think Enterprise is part of some kind of company.


Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - neke - 03-10-2011

Incoming transmission

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: char.png]

Comm ID: Oberst Reussner
Source: Elbe

Quote:Vessel name: Tarkan_3

Vessel affiliation: IMG

Violations committed: Breaking the embargo by smuggling diamonds. Not stopping when ordered to.

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: [*] - [*]

Location: Hamburg/Hudson

Ship: Civilian advanced train "Stork"

Time: 819AS-03-10 14:39 SMT

Additional info: They were ordered to stop. But they proceeded to Hudson where they were destroyed.

Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - rwx - 03-13-2011

..::Incomming Transmission::..
..::Encryption: medium::..

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]medium
SOURCE: Battleship Westfalen
TARGET: Rheinland criminal database
COMM ID: Feldwebel Paul Bommel, Reserveflotte
TIMECODE: 132044HHmar819
SUBJECT: more entries

Quote:Vessel name: strag

Vessel affiliation: Corsairs

Violation committed:

§ Military equipment such as Firekiss or Hornviper weapons as an addition to any Rheinwehr or Bundespolizei combat vessel obtained without a permission. (500.000 sc)

§ Equipment and ships that belong to terrorist groups and criminal organisations such as Red Hessians, Corsairs, Bundschuh, Landwirtrechtbewegung or Unioners. (500.000 sc)

§ Any person suspected for piracy or attempts to piracy or in performing acts of terror is to be put under arrest.(500.000 sc)

§ Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 sc)

§ Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities. (500.000 sc)

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:

Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):

Time: 11th March 819, 19:53 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
- Violator was located in Hamburg Orbit. Scans showed freelancer papers. Ship was attacking my ship with some mix of corsair, rheinland unidentified weapos.
amnesty cost: 2.500.000 + 5.000.000 = 7.500.000 sc

Quote:Vessel name: The_Deterrent

Vessel affiliation: Junker

Violation committed:

§ Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 sc)

§ Junker vessels of the following classes are forbidden to enter and operate in Rheinland and the adjutant border systems (500.000 sc)

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:

Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):

Time: 11th March 819, 21:41 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
- Violator with a "Recycler" ship was found in Rheinland. Ship was ordered to stop and explain the beeing in Rheinland, but could flew.
- Ship was moving to the Alsterfeld.
amnesty cost: 1.000.000 + 5.000.000 = 6.000.000 sc

Quote:Vessel name: Tarkan_3

Vessel affiliation: IMG

Violation committed:

§ Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 sc)

§ Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 sc)

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:

Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):

Time: 11th March 819, ~22°° SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
- Violator was informed, his permission to enter Rheinland was revoked. Violator got an turn-back warning. Target refuses and hacked the docking codes of Altona.
amnesty addition: 1.000.000 sc


Feldwebel Paul Bommel,
Westfalen Battlegroup,
Rheinwehr Reserveflotte.


Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - Doc Holliday - 03-13-2011

Tarkan's ships, all of them, should be banned. If you see them, let us know. Carry on, Gents

Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - rwx - 03-15-2011

..::Incomming Transmission::..

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: renatebommel.gif]
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Kom. Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
RECIPIENT: Rheinland criminal database
SUBJECT: Fwd: munich report 8190314

Freelancer David Owens, captain of ze Vigilance, reports a vehicle smuggler, who managed to escape prosecution on ze field. I forward zis to update ze database.

Quote:Vessel name: Ray.Smith

Vessel affiliation: None

Violation committed:

§ For the vessels of Gunboat class or Transport class with 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold or less - cargo confiscation and 2.500.000 SC fine. (2.500.000 sc)

§ Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 sc)

§ Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 sc)

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:
papers, cargo, escape

Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 13th March 819, 20:19 SMT
Location: jump gate, Munich system
- He caught a small Freelancer Percheron Bretonian class transport owned by Ray.Smith taking Military Vehicles out of Munich and managed to turn zem back into Munich. Ze transport refuses and used ze jumphole to Frankfurt.
amnesty cost: 4.000.000 sc + 5.000.000 sc = 9.000.000 sc

He also reports two bomber mercenaries, who attacked him.

Quote:Vessel name: Crippled:Beaver, Water:Beaver

Vessel affiliation: Freelancer

Violation committed:

§ Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities. (500.000 sc)

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:
spotted, during ze fight

Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: unknown.
Location: Nuremberg-Regensburg-Lane, Munich system
- "Well it was inevitable but expected. We angered the right amount of trade ships with the right amount of tactics and it only proves these traders are getting desperate and our work is accomplishing something.. They sent two bomber mercenaries after me who were only too happy to try to destroy my ship. They tried. We were able to take a chunk or two out of them but they kept evading our fire. The Vigilance was built for taking down cargo ships gunboats and destroyers. It has a bit of a problem with bombers and fighters. I commanded the ship to land before the core went critical. No payment for them, but our ship was out for the remainder of the day."
amnesty cost: 500.000 sc + 5.000.000 sc = 5.500.000 sc (each)

Bommel out.

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]


Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - Anomander - 03-18-2011


To: Rheinland criminal database
From: Anomander
Subject: Thief/Spy
Date: 18.03

Guten Tag Mein Herr

Quote:Vessel name: Gubi

Vessel affiliation: Liberty Police / RFP

Violation committed: Steal of Rheinland Military Equipment, refuse to drop/sell guns

Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: <proof>

Circumstances and notes :
I meet pilot named " gubi " in Hamburg system, nearby planet Hamburg, He fly in Saishi - Renzu Corp Civilian Heavy Fighter, and have Liberty Police ship beeper with Civilian Papers, o his ship there was few pirate guns and Rheinland Military Firekiss and Hornvipers.
I recognized him as a potential spy.
After some converstion, He claim that he have right to use this guns becouse he recive them from Edison?
Ion Storm stop my viesel, so I cannot chcek, do he sell those weapons.

I meet him later in New Berlin system, it seems that he manage to hack somehow the ship computer that now
he got RFP affiliation, but still he fly in Saishi with Pirate and RM guns with Civil Papers.
So I ask him what He goona do, or join Our forces and recive Recriut ID, he refused - and said that He want to be a freelancer.
I informed him that, in that case He must use a Civil Guns, but he start to mumbling about cash, that he need guns ect. finnaly he agree to sell the guns - but he just fool me, he dock and undock with same load.
He dock at several stations (in way New Berlin > Planet Hamburg), in each time tell that He will change guns, after 7th time I lost my patience.

When he undock with same equipment from Hamburg, and saw that he going to enter tradeline to Berning I got my confirmation that He is a Spy, who want sold Our weapons to Liberty.
I kill him, but somehow he manage to escape in pod, and steal some ship and Guns once again becouse I saw him some time later, again Ion Storm stop my ship to put him under arest.

with regards
Matt "Anomander"
Rheinland Military Secondary Fleet


Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - Sturmwind - 03-27-2011


[Image: 220px-Flag-rheinland.png]

[color=#FFCC00][font=Lucida Console]
[size=medium]Notice: The Rheinland Criminal Database is now officially under the administration of the Bundespolizei Rheinland.

Rheinland criminal database (iRP) (AO) - SpaceTime - 03-30-2011


[color=#000000]Source: Classified
Submitter: Carl von Manstein
Recipient: Rheinland Criminal Database
Subject: New additions
Encryption: Medium
Priority: High

[font=Times New Roman]~ Uploading file ~

[Image: carlvonmansteiniii.png]

Vessel name: Samura|-Karume

Vessel affiliation: Samura

Violation committed: Embargo breaking, actively assisting the Republic of Liberty x2

Information regarding the incident:
My unit has been the last two weeks in a classified mission in Hamburg, Bering, Hudson and Texas system. So, we are using undercover ships. Accidentally, we encountered this Kusarian vessel breaking the embargo two times. I am sure it was not his first time that it did that.

First time: +

Second time: +

This time I tried to talk to him and ask him where he is planning to go. Even though he was more than willing to answer in the question I had, when I made the question he silently ignored me and jumped to Texas.

[30.03.2011 12:57:23] -Classified-: hello there
[30.03.2011 12:57:28] Samura|-Karume: Konichiwa
[30.03.2011 12:57:34] -Classified-: Can I ask you a question?
[30.03.2011 12:57:37] Samura|-Karume: Sure
[30.03.2011 12:57:47] Samura|-Karume: How can i help?
[30.03.2011 12:57:49] -Classified-: Where are you heading?

Location: Bering Jump Gate, Hamburg System - Freeport 1, Bering System
Ship: "Ryuujin" Kusari Train
Date: 30.3.819 A.S.